, in Architecture, a concave moulding, about a quarter of a circle, by some called a Casement, by others an Abacus.

Hollow-Tower, in Fortification, is a rounding made of the remainder of two brisures, to join the curtin to the crillon, where the small shot are played, that they may not be so much exposed to the view of the enemy.

HOLY Thursday, otherwise called Ascension day, being the 39th day after Easter Sunday, and kept in commemoration of Christ's ascension up into heaven.

Holy Rood, or Holy Cross, a feftival kept on the 14th of September, in memory of the exaltation of our Saviour's cross.

Holy Week, is the last week of Lent, called also Passion Week,

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Entry taken from A Mathematical and Philosophical Dictionary, by Charles Hutton, 1796.

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