, or Homogeneous, consisting of similar parts, or of the same kind and nature, in contradistinction from heterogeneous, where the parts are of different kinds.——Natural bodies are usually composed of Homogeneous parts, as a diamond, a metal, &c. But artificial bodies, on the contrary, are assemblages of heterogeneous parts, or parts of different kinds; as a building, of stone, wood, &c.
Homogeneal Light, is that whose rays are all of one and the same colour, refrangibility, &c.
Homogeneal Numbers, are those of the same kind and nature.
Homogeneal Surds, are such as have one common radical sign; as √27 and √30, or √a and √b, or 2√3c and √3d.
HOMOGENEUM Adfectionis, a name given by Vieta to the second term of a compound or affected equation, being that which makes it adfected.
Homogeneum Comparationis, in Algebra, a name given by Vieta to the absolute known number or term in a compound or affected equation. This he places on the right-hand side of the equation, and all the other terms on the left.