, something relating to the moon.
Lunar Cycle, or Cycle of the Moon. See Cycle.
Lunar Method for the Longitude, a method of keeping or finding the Longitude by means of the moon's motions, particularly by her observed distances from the sun and stars; for which, see the article LONGITUDE.
Lunar Month, is either Periodical, Synodical, or Illuminative. Which see; also Month.
Lunar Year, consists of 354 days, or 12 synodical months, of 29 1/2 days each. See Year.
In the early ages, the lunar year was used by all nations; the variety of course being more frequent and conspicuous in this planet, and consequently better known to men, than those of any other. The Romans regulated their year, in part, by the moon, even till the time of Julius Cæsar. The Jews too had their lunar month and year.
Lunar Dial, Eclipse, Horoscope, and Rainbow. See the several substantives.