MANFREDI (Eustachio)

, a celebrated astronomer and mathematician, born at Bologna in 1674. His genius was always above his age. He was a tolerable poct, and wrote ingenious verses while he was but a child. And while very young he formed in his father's house an academy of youth of his own age, who became the Academy of Sciences, or the Institute, there. He became Professor of Mathematics at Bologna in 1698, and Superintendant of the waters there in 1704. The same year he was placed at the head of the College of Montalte, founded at Bologna for young men intended for the church. In 1711 he obtained the office of Astronomer to the Institute of Bologna. He became member of the Academy of Sciences of Paris in 1726, and of the Royal Society of London in 1729; and died the 15th of February 1739.—His works are:

1. Ephemerides Motuum Cœleslium ab anno 1715 ad annum 1750; 4 volumes in 4to.—The first volume is an excellent introduction to astronomy; and the other three contain numerous calculations. His two sisters were greatly assisting to him in composing this work.

2. De Transitu Mercurii per Solem, anno 1723. Bologna 1724, in 4to.

3. De Annuis Inerrantium Stellarum Aberrationibus, Bologna 1729, in 4to.—Besides a number of papers in the Memoirs of the Academy of Sciences, and in other places.

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Entry taken from A Mathematical and Philosophical Dictionary, by Charles Hutton, 1796.

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MAIGNAN (Emanuel)
* MANFREDI (Eustachio)