, a kind of moveable parapet, or screen, of about 6 feet high, set upon trucks or little wheels, and guided by a long pole; so that in a siege it may be driven before the pioneers, and serve as blinds, or screens, to shelter them from the enemy's small shot. Mantelets are made of different materials, so as to render them musket proof; as of strong boards nailed together, and covered with tin; or of thick leather, or of layers of rope, &c, firmly bound together.

There are also other sorts of Mantelets, covered on the top, used by the miners in approaching the walls or works of an enemy. The double Mantelets form an | angle, and stand square, making two fronts. It appears from Vegetius, that Mantelets were in use among the Ancients, under the name of Vineæ.

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Entry taken from A Mathematical and Philosophical Dictionary, by Charles Hutton, 1796.

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