, an eminent French philosopher and mathematician, was born at Dijon, and admitted a member of the Academy of Sciences of Paris in 1666. His works however are better known than his life. He was a good mathematician, and the first French philosopher who applied much to experimental physics. The law of the shock or collision of bodies, the theory of the pressure and motion of fluids, the nature of vision, and of the air, particularly engaged his attention. He carried into his philosophical researches, that spirit of scrutiny and investigation so necessary to those who would make any considerable progress in it. He died in 1684.

He communicated a number of curious and valuable papers to the Academy of Sciences, which were printed in the collection of their Memoirs dated 1666, viz, from volume 1 to volume 10. And all his works were collected into 2 volumes in 4to, and printed at Leyden in 1717.

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Entry taken from A Mathematical and Philosophical Dictionary, by Charles Hutton, 1796.

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