, or Redoute, in Fortification, a small fort, without any defence but in front, used in trenches, lines of circumvallation, contravallation, and approach, as also for the lodging of corps de garde, and to defend passages.
A Detached Redoubt, is a kind of work resembling a ravelin, with flanks, placed beyond the glacis.—It is made to occupy some spot of ground which might be advantageous to the besiegers; and also to oblige the enemy to open his trenches farther off than he would otherwise do.
REDUCING Scale, or Surveying Scale, is a broad, thin slip of box, or ivory, having several lines and scales of equal parts upon it; used by surveyors for turning chains and links into roods and acres, by inspection. They use it also to reduce maps and draughts from one dimension to another.