, in Music, denotes a striking or breaking of the time; by which the distinctness of the several times or parts of the measure is interrupted.
Syncopation, or Syncope, is more particularly used for the connecting the last note of one measure or bar with the first of the following measure; so as to make only one note of both.
Syncopation is also used when a note of one part ends on the middle of a note of the other part. This is otherwise called binding.
SYNODICAL Month, is the period or interval of time in which the moon passes from one conjunction with the sun to another. This period is also called a Lunation, since in this period the moon puts on all her phases, or appearances, as to increase and decrease. —Kepler found the quantity of the mean Synodical month to be 29 days, 12 hrs, 44 min. 3 sec. 11 thirds.
SYNTHESIS denotes a method of composition, as opposed to analysis.
In the Synthesis, or synthetic method, we pursue the truth by reasons drawn from principles before established, or assumed, and propositions formerly proved; thus proceeding by a regular chain till we come to the conclusion; and hence called also the direct method, and composition, in opposition to analysis or resolution.
Such is the method in Euclid's Elements, and most demonstrations of the ancient mathematicians, which proceed from definitions and axioms, to prove theorems &c, and from those theorems proved, to demoustrate others. See Analysis.
SYNTHETICAL Method, the method by Synthesis, or composition, or the direct method. See Synthesis.
SYPHON. See Siphon.