, in Hydraulics, a small simple machine, serving first to imbibe or suck in a quantity of water, or other fluid, and then to squirt or expel the same with violence in a small jet.

The Syringe is just a small single sucking pump, without a valve, the water ascending in it on the same principle. It consists, like the pump, of a small cylinder, with an embolus or sucker, moving up and down in it by means of a handle, and fitting it very close within. At the lower end is either a small hole, or a smaller tube fixed to it than the body of the instrument, through which the fluid or the water is drawn up, and squirted out again.

Thus, the embolus being first pushed close down, introduce the lower end of the pipe into the fluid, then draw up, by the handle, the sucker, and the fluid will immediately follow, so as to fill the whole tube of the Syringe, and will remain there, even when the pipe is taken out of the fluid; but by thrusting forward the embolus, it will drive the water before it; and, being partly impeded by the smallness of the hole, or pipe, it will hence be expelled in a smart jet or squirt, and to the greater distance, as the sucker is pushed down with the greater force, or the greater velocity.

This ascent of the water the Ancients, who supposed a plenum, attributed to Nature's abhorrence of a vacuum; but the Moderns, more reasonably, as well as more intelligibly, attribute it to the pressure of the atmosphere on the exterior surface of the fluid. For, by drawing up the embolus, the cavity of the cylinder would become a vacuum, or the air left there extremely rarefied; so that being no longer a counterbalance to the air incumbent on the surface of the fluid, this prevails, and forces the water through the little tube, or hole, up into the body of the Syringe.

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Entry taken from A Mathematical and Philosophical Dictionary, by Charles Hutton, 1796.

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