HIGH-PADS, Hightway-men or Bully-Ruffians,
an Order of Villains, and the boldest of all others. Before they commence, they furnish themselves, with good Horses, Swords, Pistols, &c. and sometimes singly, but mostly in Company, commit their execrable Robberies. They have a Vizor-Mask, and two or three Perukes of different Colours and Make, the better to conceal themselves. When they meet a Prize upon the Road, they have a Watch-Word, among them, which is no sooner pronounced, but every one falls on. It is usually the Rule among them, that the strongest and bold seize first; the Weaker generally bid stand, and fall in afterwards as Occasion requires. The Instructions given them are, to catch the Bridle in the Left-Hand, and to have the Sword or Pistol in the Right, and, if Opposition be made, or they are likely to be overpowered to kill as fast as they can, and then, either with Booty or without, to make off with all Expedition; and if they are pursued by an Hue or Cry, to conceal themselves in some By place, and let it pass by them.