genteel Beggars, who will not accept of Victuals, but of Money or Cloaths. The Male Mumper often appears with an Apron before him, and a Cap on his Head, pretending to be a decayed Tradesman, who having been a long Time sick, hath spent all his remaining Stock, ans is so weak he cannot work. At other times he appears like a decayed Gentleman, who, especially since the fatal South Sea Scheme, has been undine, and reduced to the Necessity of imploring good People's Charity.
The Female Mumper will confidently knock at the Door of a House, and desire to speak with the Mistress, and after apologizing for her Boldness, she acquaints her how urgent her Necessity is: That she has a Husband and two small Children lying at the Point of Death: That she was a Gentlewoman born; but marrying against her Friends Consent, was by them disowned, and so by her Husbands Sickness, is reduced to this miserable Condition. Sometimes she appears big with Child, and begs Cloaths or Linnen to make Clouts of. The Word Mumper is now generally used to denote all sorts of Beggars.