As, an Upright-man, signifies the chief or Principal of a Crew. The vilest stoutest Rogue in the Pack, is generally chosen to this Post, and he has the sole Right to the fist Night's Lodging with the Dells, who afterwards are used in common among the whole Fraternity. He carries a short Truncheon in his Hand, which he calls his Filchman, and has a larger Share than ordinary of whatsoever is gotten in the Society. He often travels in Company with 30 or 40 Males and Females, Abram-Men, and others, over whom he presides arbitrarily; and sometimes the Women and Children, who are unable to travel, or fatigued, are by Turns carry'd in Panniers bu an Ass or two, or by some poor Jades which they procure for that Purpose. Go Upright, said by Taylors and and Shoemakers, to their Servants, when any Money is given to make them drink, and signifies, Bring it all out in Drink, tho' the Donor intended less, and expects Change, or some Return of Money.