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.—This word, in its literal sense, signifies a person eminent for bravery and virtue. According to the modern reading in England, it signifies a young prince, from the stews of debauchery and excessive dissipation, invested in an instant with the command of numerous armies, which he directs at pleasure, without ever exposing his own precious person within four miles distance of the least danger. The city of Valenciennes surrendered to the valour of the renowned Dunkirk hero, while it is a notorious fact, that this same prudent commander was never within five miles of the place during the whole time of the siege. The heroism of this illustrious Chief may be more severely tried before he arrives at Paris; an expedition which he appears to have so dearly at heart. His magnanimous uncle, the Duke of Brunswick, threatened in like manner; but neither was that veteran hero up to the atchievement. Paris still holds their heroism in mockery and defiance, notwithstanding the brilliant and unbought advantage obtained by the surrender of Landrecies.

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Entry taken from A Political Dictionary, by Charles Pigott, 1795.

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