, F. S. A. Of this gentleman we have litde information. He was author of a
, F. S. A. Of this gentleman we
have litde information. He was author of a “Journey
from Malaga to Gibraltar/ 1 1776, 2 vols. 8vo, with piatts
$<ld separately reprinted in 2 vols. 8vo, 1778, with the
plates inserted. The many coins engraved in this work
were from the collection of the celebrated Spanish medallist
Fiores, whose cabinet Mr. Carter had purchased on his
death, a?>d disposed of the duplicates to Dr. Hunter.
Mr. Carter died August 1, 178'i, when he had just completed (and had actually printed the first sheet of)
” An
historical and critical account of early printed Spanish
books;“in which, to use his own words, his intent was
” 10 write an historical and critical account of the
mOft early printed volumes in the Spanish language,
wnith had fallen into my possession during thirty years
dil gently collecting them, both in Spain, France, and
England." Of the lives of the authors he proposed to give
a summary account, with occasional specimens of the style
and manner of their writings, and strictures on the state
and progress of learning and poetry, from the days of
John II. king of Castile down to the present age: to appearance an humble and easy task, but which will be found
in the execution to require no small labour, judgment,
and experience, and be evidently of great advantage to
those who wish to enrich their libraries with the best Spanish works, and be informed of the reputation, merit, and
rank, each author holds in the literary world. We have
to lament that this was never finished. A specimen of it
may be seen in our authority.