, a Greek author, of whom little is known, unless by his “Epistles,”
, a Greek author, of whom little is known,
unless by his “Epistles,
” which afford much amusing information respecting the domestic manners of the Greek
courtesans, fishermen, and parasites. Dr. Jortin is of
opinion that he drew them up for the use of his scholars,
to teach them to speak and write Greek with purity and
fidelity; but this opinion the English translators have very
amply refuted. The best edition of these letters is that of
Bergler, Gr. and Lat. with learned notes, Leipsic, 1709,
1715, 12mo, the latter a very rare edition. There is
another, Utrecht, 1791, 8vo, and reprinted, with some
additions by M. Wagner, Leipsic, 1798, 2 vols. 8vo.
M. Bast, a French scholar, has lately found some unpublished letters, and very important variations, among the
manuscripts in the imperial library of Paris, and has some
intention of publishing them in a new edition of Alciphron.
An excellent translation of the Epistles was published,
London, 1791, 8vo. The first and second books, and the
eloquent preface, by Mr. Monro, now rector of Easton, in
Essex; and the third, with the notes, by the rev. William
Beloe, the able translator of Herodotus.
, or Antonius Liberalis, a Greek author, who made a collection of fi Metamorphoses" taken
, or Antonius Liberalis, a Greek author, who made a collection of fi Metamorphoses" taken from Nicander and other authors. Some think he was the same with Antonius Liberalis, who lived in the first century, whom Suetonius enumerates among the most celebrated rhetoricians, and who is also mentioned by St. Jerome. They appear, however, to be different, as the one wrote in Latin, and the other in Greek.
twenty which he had promised the public; but this is contrary to the express testimony of Stepbanus, a Greek author, who quotes the 16th and 17th books of Dionysius’
, a historian and critic of antiquity, was born at Halicarnassus, a town in Caria;
which is also memorable for having before produced Herodotus. He came to Rome soon after Augustus had put an
end to the civil wars, which was about 30 years before
Christ; and continued there, as he himself relates, twentytwo years, learning the Latin tongue, and making all necessary provision for the design he had conceived of writing the Roman history. To this purpose he read over, as
he tells us, all the commentaries and annals of those Romans who had written with any reputation about the antiquities and transactions of their state; of such as old Cato,
Fabius Maximus, Valerius Antias, Licinius Macer, and
others; but owns, after all, that the conferences he had
with the great and learned men at Rome upon this subject,
were almost as serviceable to him as any thing he had read.
His history is entitled “Of the Roman antiquities,
” and
was comprised in twenty books, of which only the first
eleven are now extant. They conclude with the time
when the consuls resumed the chief authority of the republic, after the government of the decemviri; which happened 312 years after the foundation of Rome. The entire work extended to the beginning of the first Punic war,
ending where Polybius begins his history, which is about
200 years later. Some have imagined that Dionysius never
ended his work, but was prevented by death from composing any more than eleven books out of the twenty
which he had promised the public; but this is contrary to
the express testimony of Stepbanus, a Greek author, who
quotes the 16th and 17th books of Dionysius’ s Roman
antiquities; and Photius, in his Bibliotheca, says, that
he had read all the twenty, and had seen the compendium
or abridgment which Dionysius made of his own history
into five books, but which is now lost. The reputation of
this historian stands very high on many accounts, notwithstanding the severe attacks made on him by Mr. Hooke, in
his “Observations, &c.
” on Middleton and Chapman, &c.
, a Greek author, was born at Samosata, the capital of Comagene;
, a Greek author, was born at Samosata, the capital of Comagene; the time of his birth is uncertain, though generally fixed in the reign of the emperor Trajan; but Mr. Moyle, who has taken some pains to adjust the age of Lucian, fixes the fortieth year of his age to the 164th year of Christ, and the fourth of Marcus Antoninus; and consequently, his birth to the 124th year of Christ, and the eighth of Adrian. His birth was mean; and his father, not being able to give him any learning, resolved to breed him a sculptor, and in that view put him apprentice to his brother-in-law; but, taking a dislike to the business, he applied himself to the study of polite learning and philosophy; being encouraged by a dream, which he relates in the beginning of his works, and which evidently was the product of his inclination to letters. He tells us also himself, that he studied the law, and practised some time as an advocate; but disliking the wrangling oratory of the bar, he threw off his gown, and took up that of a rhetorician. In this character he settled first at Antioch; and passing thence into Ionia in Greece, he travelled into Gaul and Italy, and returned at length into his own country by the way of Macedonia. He lived four and twenty years after the death of Trajan, and even to the time of Marcus Aurelius, who made him register of Alexandria in Egypt. He tells us himself, that when he entered upon this office, he was in extreme old age, and had one leg in Charon’s boat. Suidas asserts that he was torn to pieces by dogs. He died, however, in the year 214, aged 90.
, a Greek author, and a Platonic philosopher, wrote commentaries
, a Greek author, and a Platonic philosopher, wrote commentaries upon Plato’s “Politics,
which are lost; but his name is still known, by his treatise
entitled “Stratageticus,
” on the duty and virtues of the
general of an army, which has been translated into Latin,
Italian, French, and Spanish. The first edition in Greek
was published, with a Latin translation, by Nicolas Rigault,
at Paris, 1599, 4to but the reprint of this in 1600, 4 to,
with the notes of Æmilius Forms, is preferred. There is
also a good edition by Schwebelius, Nuremberg, 1762, fol.
The time when our author flourished is not precisely fixed,
only it is certain that he lived under the Roman emperors.
His book may determine the point, if Q. Veranius, to whom
it is dedicated, be the same person of that name who is
mentioned by Tacitus, who lived under the emperors Claudius and Nero, and died in the reign of the latter, being
then Legatus Britannia? but this is not certain.