, a Polish prince, devoted himself chiefly to the sciences, and,
, a Polish
prince, devoted himself chiefly to the sciences, and, for
the sake of improvement, frequently visited Germany and
France. When the troubles broke out in Poland he resigned his senatorial dignity, left the country, and took up
his residence at Leipsic, where he distinguished himself
not only as a friend and protector of science, but as a
man of great literary acquirements. He founded a society
which was named after himself, and assigned a liberal sum
for the purpose of distributing premiums to the authors of
the best answers to questions proposed on various literary subjects. This society still exists, holds its meetings
at Leipsic, and occasionally presents the world with the
fruit of its labours. The prince died in 1777, at the age
of sixty-five. His works are, “The Lives of Twelve Generals,
” written in the Polish language “A Treatise on
the Sclavonic Poetry
” and some pieces of a similar nature.