, a learned and zealous Lutheran, was born at Leipsic in 1668, studied
, a learned and zealous
Lutheran, was born at Leipsic in 1668, studied at
Wirtemberg and Jena, and exercised his functions as a minister in various parts of Germany. He was the author of
many very singular works in Latin and German, of which
Moreri gives a list of 152, but the greater part of these are
dissertations, or theses, on various subjects of divinity, sacred criticism, and ecclesiastical history. He was lastly
superintendant of the churches at Lubec, and died in that
city, March 25, 1729. The most distinguished among hU
Latin works are, “Selecta ex Historia Litteraria,
” Lubecce, Meletemata Annebergensia,
” Lubecae,