on of a collection of the “Councils of the church of Germany,” which had been projected by Schannat, a learned ecclesiastic, who had collected materials for the purpose.
, a celebrated Jesuit, was born
at Cologne in 1694, of a patrician family, and taught the
belles lettres there until he went to Milan, on being appointed professor of Greek and Hebrew. On his return to
his own country, he acquired much celebrity as a preacher
and as a professor of philosophy and divinity. He died in
1763; his principal works were, l.“Summa historic omnis
ab exordio rerum ad annum a Christo nato 1718,
” Luxembourg, De initio metropoleos ecclesiasticae Coloniae, &c. disquisitio,
” Cologne, Bibliotheca scriptorum Coloniensium,
” ibid. Dissertationes decem historico-criticx in sacram scripturam,
” fol. 5. “Inscriptionis Herseliensis Ubio-Romanse
” Cologne, Councils of the church of Germany,
” which had
been projected by Schannat, a learned ecclesiastic, who
had collected materials for the purpose. These, on his
death, were put into the hands of Hartzheim, who after augmenting and reducing them to order, published the first
four volumes. The work was afterwards continued by
Scholl and Neissen.
, a learned ecclesiastic, was born at Blois, of protestant parents,
, a learned ecclesiastic, was born at
Blois, of protestant parents, in 1591. He was instructed
in the belles lettres at Rochelle, and afterwards went to
Leyden, where he attained a critical knowledge of the
Greek, Latin, and Oriental tongues, and applied himself
to philosophy, law, mathematics, and divinity. Returning to France, he went to settle at Paris, where he gained
an acquaintance with cardinal du Perron, and was induced
by him to embrace the Roman catholic religion. Some
time after, he entered into the congregation of the oratory,
lately established, and began to make himself known by
his learning and his works. In 1626 he published some
“Exercita'ions upon the original of Patriarchs and Primates, and the ancient usage of ecclesiastical censures,
dedicated to pope Urban VIII.
” He undertook, in 1628,
the edition of the “Septuagint Bible,
” with the version
made by Nobilius; and put a preface to it, in which he
treats of the authority of the Septuagint; commends the
edition of it that had been made at Rome by order of
Sixtus V. in 1587, which he had followed; and maintains,
that we ought to prefer this version to the present Hebrew
text, because this has been, he says, corrupted by the
Jews. Before this work was ready to appear, he gave the
public, in 1629, a “History,
” written in French, of the
deliverance of the church by the emperor Constantine,
and of the greatness and temporal sovereignty conferred
on the Roman church by the kings of France; but this
performance was not well received at Rome, and Morin
was obliged to promise that he would alter and correct it.
He published, soon after, “Exercitations upon the Samaritan Pentateuch;
” for the sake of establishing which, he
attacks the integrity of the Hebrew text. The Polyglott
being then printing at Paris, Morin took upon himself the
care of the Samaritan Pentateuch; but his endeavours to
exalt this, together with the Greek and Latin versions of
the Bible, at the expence of the Hebrew, made him very
obnoxious to some learned men; and he was attacked by
Hottinger and Buxtorf in particular. This, however, enhanced his merit at the court of Rome; and cardinal Barberini invited him thither, by order of the pope, who received him very graciously, and intended to employ him
in the re-union of the Greek to the Roman church, which
was then in agitation. He was greatly caressed at Rome,
and intimate with Lucas Holstenius, LeoAllatius, and all
the learned there. After having continued nine years at
Rome, he was recalled, by order of cardinal Richelieu, to
France, where he spent the remainder of his life in learned
labours, and died of an apoplexy at Paris, Feb. 28, 1659.
, a learned ecclesiastic of the fifth century, was descended of
, a learned ecclesiastic of the fifth century, was descended of an illustrious family, his father and grandfather having been pretorian prefects in Gaul, and was born at Lyons about 430. He was educated with care, performed his studies under the best masters of that time, and became very skilful in all parts of literature, especially in poetry. He married Papianilla, the daughter of Avitus, who, from the office of pretorian prefect in Gaul, was raised to the imperial throne, after the death of Maximus. But Majorianus, whom Leo had taken into a partnership of the empire, forced Avitus to lay down his crown, and came to besiege the city of Lyons, where Sidonius had shut himself up. The city being taken, he fell into the hands of the enemy but the reputation of his great learning softened the barbarity of his enemies, and in return for their lenient treatment of him, he wrote a poem in honour of Majorianus, who was so highly gratified with it as to erect a statue to Sidonius in the city of Rome. The emperor Anthemius was equally pleased with a panegyric which Sidonius wrote in praise of him, and made him governor of Rome, and a patrician; but he soon quitted his secular employment, and obtained preferment in the church, being in 472 chosen, against his will, as reported, bishop of Clermont. He appears however to have been worthy of the station by learning and charity. His liberality indeed was highly conspicuous, and even before he was bishop, he frequently converted his silver plate to the use of the poor. When Clermont was besieged by the Goths, he encouraged the people to stand upon their defence, and would never consent to the surrender of the city; so that, when it was delivered up, he was forced to fly, but was soon restored. Some time after, he was opposed by two factious priests, who deprived him of the government of his church; but he was again re-instated with honour at the end of a year. He died in peace in 487, after he had been bishop fifteen years.