, a native of Bolene in the comtat Venaissin, was born in 1590,
, a native of Bolene in the comtat Venaissin, was born in 1590, and entered the order of the
Jesuits at the age of sixteen. After having taught the
languages for seven years, he studied divinity, which he
afterwards taught, with philosophy, for twelve years, and
was successively rector of the colleges of Avignon, Aries,
Grenoble, and Lyons. He died at Aries, Octobers, 1659.
He wrote, 1. “Eloges historiques des Cardinaux Francais
et etrangers, mis en parallele,
” Paris, L'Anti-Theophile paroissial,
” Lyons, Theophilus Parochialis,
” and Benoit Puys, the curate of St. Nizier
at Lyons, gave a translation of it in 1649, in which he professed to have undertaken this labour as an answer to those
who declaimed against performing and attending mass in
parishes; and when Albi’s Anti-Theophile appeared,
answered him in a work entitled “Reponse Chretienne.
On this Albi wrote, 3, “Apologie pour l'Anti-Theophile
” Lyons, History of Tunquin, and the
progress of the Gospel there from 1627 to 1646,
” Lyons,