, a native of Holstein, was born July 3, 1651, and educated partly
, a native of Holstein, was
born July 3, 1651, and educated partly at home and
partly at Lubeck. He made such progress in the Greek
and oriental languages, that he was in 1683 appointed to
the professorship of the Greek language at the university
of Kiel, to which was added that of the Hebrew and oriental languages; but he died before he had completed his
fortieth year, May 29, 1691. His principal works are,
1. “Dissertatio de Linguis Orientalibus,
” Leipsic, Henrici Opitii synasmus restitutus,
” ibid. Biblia parva Gneca, in quibus dicta
insigniora omnia ex Versione Septuagintavirali secundum
ordmem librorum biblicorum observatum in biblis parvis
Opitianis, cum cura exhibentur,
” Kilon, Mich. Pselli de operatione
” 5. “Janua Hebraismi aperta,
” Kilon,