, a professor of the belles lettres, was born at Rotterdam in 1658,
, a professor of the
belles lettres, was born at Rotterdam in 1658, and died at
Amsterdam in 1724. In the evening of Nov. 13, there
suddenly arose so thick a mist, that he lost his way, and
fell into a canal. He was soon taken out; but the coldness
of the water, and the fright from the fall, brought on so
strong an oppression upon the breast, that he died in eight
days after. There are of Ims, 1. “Latin Poems.
” 2. “Flemish Poems.
” 3. “A Flemish and Latin Dictionary.
4. “Notes upon C. Nepos and Terence.
” 5. “An edition
of Phaedrus,
” for the prince of Nassau, 4to, in imitation
of the Delphin editions. 6. A fine edition of “Janus
Broukhusius’s Poems.