a protestant dissenting minister, was born at Leeds in Yorkshire,
a protestant dissenting minister, was
born at Leeds in Yorkshire, in January, 1659-60. After
early instruction under the care of his parents, he received
the first part of his education for the ministry at the private
academy of the rev. Mr. Frankland, near Kendal, in Westmoreland, and completed it under the tuition of the rev.
Mr. Edward Veal, who kept a private academy at Stepney,
near London. Having continued in these seminaries five
years, and availed himself of the opportunities which he
enjoyed in the latter situation of attending on the preaching
of many able divines, both conformists and non-conformists,
he entered on the exercise of his ministry about the year
1680. In 1683, finding that he could not discharge the
duties of his function in England without molestation, he
accepted an invitation to be joint pastor with Mr. (afterwards Dr.) Daniel Williams, in Dublin; and had afterwards
for his coadjutor the rev. Mr. Thomas Emlyn, so well known
for his writings and his sufferings. This connection subsisted for more than ten years with mutual friendship and
uninterrupted harmony; but it was at length dissolved in
consequence of Mr. Emlyn’s sentiments concerning the
doctrine of the Trinity. On this occasion the zeal of Mr.
Boyse for the orthodox led him to take some steps that were
thought injurious to his former colleague, and inconsistent
with the friendship that had subsisted between them;
though he disapproved the prosecution which Mr. Emlyn
suffered, and behaved towards him with a greater degree of
kindness than any of the other dissenting ministers of Dublin. The latter years of Mr. Boyse^s life were embittered
by bodily disorders and straitened circumstances. His
funeral sermon was preached in December, 1728; but the
precise time of his death is not known. He was considered
as a pious, learned, and useful divine; assiduous in the exercise of his ministry, and in his conduct generally esteemed. He had a principal concern in promoting the act
of toleration in Ireland. His works were published in 1728,
in 2 vols. fol. The first contains 71 sermons, 6 dissertations on the doctrine of justification, and a paraphrase on
those passages of the New Testament which chiefly relate to
that doctrine. One of his sermons, originally printed separately, on “the Office of a Christian Bishop,
” was ordered to be burnt by the Irish parliament in Nov. 1711.
The second volume contains several pieces, of which the
principal is a“Vindication of the true Deity of our blessed
” in answer to Mr. Emlyn’s “Humble inquiry into
the Scripture account of Jesus Christ, &c.
” As Mr.
Boyse’s answer was published at the time when Mr. Emlyn
was under prosecution for his sentiments, his conduct did
not escape censure from the friends of Emlyn, who did not
think it candid, liberal, or ingenuous.
, a protestant dissenting minister, was born in London, Oct 18,
, a protestant dissenting minister,
was born in London, Oct 18, 1719. His mother was the
daughter, by a second wife, of the celebrated Matthew
Henry. He was educated first at Chester, from whence
he went to Dr. Doddridge’s academy at Northampton in
1736, and commenced preacher in the summer of 1740,
his first settlement being at Welford, in Northamptonshire.
He appears to have afterwards removed to London, but
quitted the presbyterian sect, was baptized by immersion,
and joined the general baptists. He preached likewise at
Colchester, but how long cannot be ascertained. In 1743,
he was chosen minister of a meeting in White’s alley,
Moorfields. In 1745, this congregation removed to Barbican, and in 1780 to Worship-street, Shoreditch, where
it remained until his death April 15, 1797. Before this
event his infirmities had unfitted him for. public service;
yet at one period he must have enjoyed great popularity,
as he was chosen to succeed Dr. James Foster, in the Old
Jewry lecture. Besides several single sermons, preached
on particular occasions, he published 1. “Discourses on
several subjects,
” A Vindication of Lord
Shaftesbury’s writings,
” Notes on Lord Bolingbroke’s Philosophical Writings,
” Observations on Natural Religion and Christianity, candidly
proposed in a Review of the Discourses lately published
by the lord bishop of London,
” 1757. 5. “Œconomy of the
” Discourses on the Parables and
Miracles of Christ,
” Catechetical Exercises,
” Preface to notes on the Bible,
” Notes on the Bible,
” 3 vols. 8vo.