, a very learned man of the 17th century, was born at Logrogno,
, a very learned man of the
17th century, was born at Logrogno, a city of Spain,
March 24, 1630, and took the degree of D. D. in the university of Salamanca in 1668, and read lectures in that
faculty for many years. He was censor and secretary of
the supreme council of the inquisition in Spain, chief interpreter of the scriptures in the university of Salamanca,
and had been more than once abbot of the college of St.
Vincent, when he was honoured with a cardinal’s hat by
Innocent XI. in 1686. He died at Rome Aug. 19, 1699.
His life was very exemplary; and the dignity to which he
was raised was so far from making any change in him, that
he shewed an instance very uncommon, by retracting in
an express piece the doctrine of probability, which he had
before maintained, as soon as he found it was inconsistent
with the purity of the Christian morality. His first work
was entitled “Ludi Salmanticenses sive Theologia Florulenta,
” printed in A commentary upon Aristotle’s ten books of Ethics.
” In A treatise upon Virtues and Vices, or Disputations on Aristotle’s Moral Philosophy.
” He then appfied himself to the study of St. Anselm’s works, upon
whose principles in divinity he published “The Theology
of St. Anselm,
” 3 vols. fol. 1690. In 1683 he published
a large work against the declaration of the assembly of the
French clergy made in 1682, concerning the ecclesiastical
and civil power, under the title of “A defence of the see
of St. Peter.
” The work for which he is chiefly celebrated
is his “Collection of the Councils of Spain
” with an introductory history. This was published in 1693-4, in 4 vols.
fol.; and in 1753 in 6 vols. fol. He published a Prodromus of this work in 1686, 8vo. It is variously spoken of;
Du Pin is inclined to depreciate its merit. Abstracts from
it may be seen in the Acta Eruditorum of Leipsic, far the
month of February, 1688, and some farther particulars in
the General Dictionary.
by the most eminent churchmen of his age, and particularly by Egbert bishop of York, who was himself a very learned man. To him Beda wrote an epistle, which illustrates
Nor were these lessons thrown away. Beda became so
exemplary for his great diligence and application, and his
extensive and various learning, that his fame reached the
continent, and particularly Rome, where pope Sergius
made earnest applications to the abbot Ceolfrid, that Beda
might be sent to him; but Beda, enamoured of his studies,
remained in his monastery, exerting his pious labours only
in the Northumbrian kingdom, although tradition, and
nothing but tradition, insinuates that he at one time resided at the university of Cambridge, a place which in his
day probably had no existence, or certainly none that deserved the name of university. Remaining thus in his own
country, and improving his knowledge by all the learning
his age afforded, animated at the same time with a wish to
contribute to the improvement of his brethren and countrymen, he concentrated his attentions to that point in which
he could be most useful. The collections he made for his
“Ecclesiastical History
” were the labour of many years, a
labour scarcely conceivable by modern writers in the amplitude and facilities they possess for acquiring information.
This history was in some respects a new work, for although,
as he owns, there were civil histories from which he could
borrow some documents, yet ecclesiastical affairs entered
so little into their plan, that he was obliged to seek for
materials adapted to his object, in the lives of particular
persons, which frequently included contemporary history:
in the annals of their convents, and in such chronicles as
were written before his time. He also availed himself of
the high character in which he stood with many of the prelates, who procured for him such information as they possessed or could command. They foresaw, probably, what
has happened, that this would form a lasting record of
ecclesiastical affairs, and making allowance for the legendary matter it contains, without a mixture of which it
is in vain to look back to the times of Beda, few works
have supported their credit so long, or been so generally
known, and consulted by the learned world. He published
this history in the year 731, when as he informs us, he was
fifty-nine years of age, but before this he had written many
other books on various subjects, a catalogue of which he
subjoined to this history. By these he obtained such reputation as to be consulted by the most eminent churchmen
of his age, and particularly by Egbert bishop of York, who
was himself a very learned man. To him Beda wrote an
epistle, which illustrates the state of the church at that
time. It was one of the last, and indeed probably the very
last of Beda’s writings, and in it he expresses himself with
much freedom, both in the advice he gave to Egbert, and
with respect to the inconveniencies which he wisely foresaw would arise from the multiplication of religious houses,
to the prejudice both of church and state.
rned men. Berauld’s son, Francis, born at Orleans, embraced the principles of Calvin he was esteemed a very learned man and a good Greek and Latin poet. He was particularly
, was born at Orleans in 1475, and died in 1550. According to the custom of that age, he Latinized his name into Beraldus
Aurelius, and it is under that name that his friend Nicolas Bourbon celebrates him in one of his Latin poems.
Berauld, according to Moreri, was preceptor to cardinal
Coligni, his brother the admiral, and to Chatillon. Erasmus, in many parts of his works, acknowledges the kind
hospitality of Berauld, when, in 1500, he was travelling
by the way of Orleans into Italy, and highly praises the
elegance of his style. In 1522, Erasmus dedicated to him
his work “De conscribendis epistolis.
” Berauld published various works in Latin, of which the principal are,
1. “Oratio de pace restituta et de fcedere sancito apud
” Paris, Metaphrasis in oeconomicon Aristotelis,
” Paris, 4to, without date. In Greek and Latin Dictionary,
” that of Crafton, with additions, a preface, and notes. 3. “Syderalis /ibyssus,
Paris, Dialogus quo rationes explicantur quibus dicendi ex tempore facultas parari potest, &c.
” Lyons,
De jurisprudentia vetere ac novitia oratio,
Lyons, Enarratio in psalmos LXXI. et
” Paris, 1529, 4to. Berauld was greatly respected by Stephen Poucher, bishop of Paris, and afterwards
archbishop of Sens, a celebrated patron of learning and
learned men. Berauld’s son, Francis, born at Orleans,
embraced the principles of Calvin he was esteemed a very
learned man and a good Greek and Latin poet. He was
particularly eminent for his knowledge of Greek, which he
taught at Montbelliard, Lausanne, Geneva, Montargis, of
which last college he was principal in 1571, and at Rochelle. Henry Stephens employed him to translate part
of Appian, and preferred his translation to that of Coslius
Secundus Curio.
y, so called from the place of his nativity, who was a Carmelite monk in the fourteenth century, and a very learned man, and doctor and professor of divinity at Oxford.
, in Latin Beverlacius, archbishop of York in the eighth century, was born of a noble
family among the English Saxons, at Harpham, a small
town in Northumberland. He was first a monk, and afterwards abbot of the monastery of St. Hilda. He was instructed in the learned languages by Theodore, archbishop
of Canterbury, and was justly esteemed one of the best
scholars of his time. Alfred of Beverly, who wrote his
life, pretends that he studied at Oxford, and took there
the degree of master of arts; but bishop Godwin assures
us this cannot be true, because such distinction of degrees
was not then known at Oxford, nor any where else. Our
abbot’s merit recommended him to the favour of Alfred,
king of Northumberland, who, in the year 685, advanced
him to the see of Hagustald, or Hexham, and, upon the
death of archbishop Bosa in 687, translated him to that of
York. This prelate was tutor to the famous Bede, and
lived in the strictest friendship with Acca, and other AngloSaxon doctors, several of whom he put upon writing comments on the scriptures. He likewise founded, in 704, a
college at Beverly for secular priests. After he had governed the see of York thirty-four years, being tired with
the tumults and confusions of the church, he divested himself of the episcopal character, and retired to Beverly;
and four years after died May 7, 721. The day of his
death was appointed a festival by a synod held at London
in 1416. Bede, and other monkish writers, ascribe several miracles to him. Between three and four hundred years
after his death, his body was taken up by Alfric, archbishop of York, and placed in a shrine richly adorned with
silver, gold, and precious stones. Bromton relates, that
William the conqueror, when he ravaged Northumberland
with a numerous army, spared Beverly alone, out of a religious veneration for St. John of that place. This prelate
wrote some pieces, 1. “Pro Luca exponendo;
” an essay
towards an exposition of St. Luke, addressed to Bede.
2. “Homiliee in Evangelia.
” 3. Epistolae ad Hildara Abbatissam.“4.
” Epistolse ad Herebaldum, Andenum, et
Bertinum.“- -Pits mentions another John of Beverly, so
called from the place of his nativity, who was a Carmelite
monk in the fourteenth century, and a very learned man,
and doctor and professor of divinity at Oxford. He flourished about 1390, in the reign of Richard II. and wrote,
” Questiones in magistrum sententiarum“in four
books. 2.
” Disputationes ordinariae" in one book.
er after, and died October 29, 1666, within two naonths after this accident happened. He was, though a very learned man, yet a plain and practical preacher, and one
, an eminent nonconformist divine in the seventeenth century, was the sou of a citizen of London, and born there in February 1600. July 4, 1616, he was admitted of Pembroke-hall 5 in the university of Cambridge. In 1619, he took, the degree of bachelor of arts and in 1632, that of bachelor of divinity. He shewed himself very early no friend, to the Arminian party, which was the reason that he could not obtain a fellowship in that society, even when he seemed to be entitled to it from his standing, as well as from his learning and unblemished character. At last, however, he so far conquered all prejudices, that he was elected Tanquam Socius of that hall, which entitled him to wear the cap, and take pupils, but he had no share in the government of the house. Dr. Felton, the pious and learned bishop of Ely, had so great a regard to his diligence in study, and unaffected zeal for religion, that he made him his chaplain, and paid him, during his residence in his family, uncommon marks of respect. His lordship gave him likewise, as a farther mark of his favour, the vicarage of St. Mary’s in Swaffham- Prior, in Cambridgeshire, in which capacity he did much good, though he diid not reside on his cure by reason of its small distance from the episcopal place. But after the death of the bishop in 1626, Mr. Calamy being chosen one of- th$; lecturers of St. Edmund’s-Bury, in Suffolk, he resigned his vicarage, and applied himself wholly to the discharge of his function at Bury. He continued there ten years, and, as some writers say, was during the greatest part of that time a strict conformist. Others, and indeed himself, say the contrary. The truth seems to be, that he was unwilling to oppose ceremonies, or to create a disturbance in the church about them, so long as this might, in, his opinion, be avoided with a safe conscience; but when bishop Wren’s articles, and the reading of the book of sports, came to be insisted on, he thought himself obliged to alter his conduct, and not only avoid conforming for the future, but also to apologize publicly for his former behaviour. He caine now to be considered as an active nonconformist, and being in great favour with the earl of Essex, he presented him to the living of Rochford in Essex, a rectory of considerable value, and yet it proved a fatal present to Mr. Calamy; for, removing from one of the best and wholesomest airs in England, that of St. Edmund’sbury, into the hundreds of Essex, he contracted such an illness as broke his constitution, and left behind it a dizziness in his head, which he complained of as long as he Jived. Upon the death of Dr. Stoughton, he was chosen minister of St. Mary Aldermanbury, which brought him tip to London, 1639. The controversy concerning churchgovernment was tlu n at its greatest height, in which Mr. Calainy had a very large share. In the month of July 1639, he was incorporated of the university of Oxford, which, however, did not take him off from the party in which he was engaged. In 1640 he was concerned in writing that famous book, called Smectymnuus, which himself says, gave the first deadly blow to episcopacy, and therefore we find frequent references to it in all the defences and apologies for nonconformity which have been since published. In 1641 he was appointed by the house of lords a member of the sub-committee for religion, which consisted of very eminent divines, whose conduct, however, has been differently censured. He made a great figure in the assembly of divines, though he is not mentioned in Fuller’s catalogue, and distinguised himself both by his learning and moderation. He likewise preached several times before the house of commons, for which his memory has been very severely treated. He was at the same time one of the Cornhill lecturers, and no man had a greater interest in the city of London, in consequence of his ministerial abilities. He preached constantly in his own parish church for twenty years to a numerous audience, composed of the most eminent citizens, and even persons of great quality. He steadily and strenuously opposed the sectaries, and gave many pregnant instances of his dislike to those violences which were committed afterwards, on the king’s being brought from the Isle of Wight, He opposed the beheading of his sovereign king Charles I. with constancy ^ncl courage. Under the usurpation of Cromwell he was passive, and lived as privately as he could; yet he gave no reason to suspect that he was at all a well-wisher to that government. When the times afforded a favourable opportunity, he neglected not promoting the return of king Charles II. and actually preached before the house of commons on the day they voted that great question, which, however, has not hindered some from suggesting their suspicions of his loyally. After this step was taken, he, Mr. Ash, and other eminent divines were sent over to compliment the king in Holland, by whom they were extremely well received. When his majesty was restored, Mr. Calainy retained still a considerable share in his favour, and in June 1660, was appointed one of his chaplains in ordinary, and was offered the bishopric, of Coventry and Litchfield, which he refused. When the convocation came to be chosen, he and Mr. Baxter were elected, May 2, 1661, for London; but the bishop of that diocese having the power of chusing two out of four, or four out of six, elected within a certain circuit, Dr. Sheldon, who was then bishop, was so kind as to excuse both of them; which, perhaps, was owing to the share they had in the Savoy conference. After the miscarrying of that design, Mr. Calamy made use of all his interest to procure the passing of an act agreeable to the king’s declaration at Breda: but when this was frustrated, and the act of uniformity passed, he took a resolution of submitting to ejection, and accordingly preached his farewel sermon at Aldermanbury, August 17, 1662. He made, however, a last effort three days afterwards, by presenting a petition to his majesty to continue in the exercise of his ministerial office. This petition was signed by many of the London clergy, and Dr. Man ton and Dr. Bates assisted at the presenting it, when Mr; Calamy made a long and moving speech; but neither it nor the petition had any good effect, though the king expressed himself in favour of toleration. He remained, however, in his parish, and came constantly to church, though another was in the pulpit, which proved an occasion of much t;rouble to him for on December 28, 1662, the expected preacher not coming in time, some of the principal persons in the parish prevailed upon Mr. Calamy to supply his place, which, with some importunity, he did; but delivered himself with such freedom, that he was soon after, by the lord mayor’s warrant, committed to Newgate for his sermon. But the case itself being thought hard, and some doubt arising how far the commitment was legal, his majesty in a few days discharged him. He lived to see London in ashes, the sight of which broke his heart. He was driven through the ruins in a coach to Enfield, and was so shocked at the dismal appearance, that he could never wear off the impression, but kept his chamber ever after, and died October 29, 1666, within two naonths after this accident happened. He was, though a very learned man, yet a plain and practical preacher, and one who was not afraid to speak his sentiments freely of and to the greatest; men . He was twice married. By his first wife he had a son and daughter; and by his second seven children, some of whom we shall have occasion to mention in succeeding articles.
was made chaplain to James I. and doctor of divinity, and principal of Al ban -hall. He was reputed a very learned man for his time, an able preacher, and good disputant.
, second son of the preceding,
was born in 1590 at Chiswick in Middlesex, where his
father and mother lived and died. He was educated at
Oxford, first in Magdalen college, where he completed his
degrees in arts in 1610, and next year was chosen fellow
of All Souls. Entering into orders, he was made chaplain to James I. and doctor of divinity, and principal of
Al ban -hall. He was reputed a very learned man for his
time, an able preacher, and good disputant. “His compositions were much valued by the greatest men then in the
church; and the sermons which he published in his lifetime, as also those published after his death, in all thirteen, were then looked upon as choice pieces, very serviceable to the church and commonwealth. He died of
the plague at Oxford, July 25, 1625, and was buried in
St. Mary’s church-yard, where a monument was afterwards
erected to his memory. Of his works, six of his
” Sermons“were published, Lond. 1623, 8vo; one Lond. 1624,
4to; and six after his death, Oxford, 1629, 4to. He wrote
also on
” The Authority, Universality, and Visibility of
the Church," Lond. 1625, 4to, and 1638, 12mo, and left
some Mss. behind him.
ter of this bishop has been represented in an advantageous light by several writers. Bale styles him a very learned man: eloquent, and well acquainted with the English
The character of this bishop has been represented in an
advantageous light by several writers. Bale styles him a
very learned man: eloquent, and well acquainted with the
English and Latin languages; and Godwin says, that he
was a man of great gravity, learning, and holiness of life.
“He was,
” says Wood, “furnished with all kind of learning, almost beyond all his contemporaries and not only
Adorned the pulpit with his sermons, but also the commonwealth of learning with his writings.
” “Of him,
” says sir
John Harrington, “I can say much; and I should do him
great wrong, if I should say nothing: for he was indeed a
reverend man, very well learned, exceeding industrious;
and, which was in those days counted a great praise to him,
and a chief cause of his preferment, he wrote that great
dictionary that yet bears his name. His life in Oxford
was very commendable, and in some sort saint-like; for,
if it is saint-like to live unreproveable, to bear a cross
patiently, to forgive great injuries freely, this man’s example
is sampleless in this age .
” He married a wife at Oxford,
by whom he had two daughters: but he was not happy with
her, she proving unfaithful to his bed. “The whole university,
” sir John Harrington tells us, “in reverence to the
man, and indignity of the matter, offered to separate her
from him by public authority, and so to set him free, being
the innocent party: but he would by no means agree
thereto, alleging he knew his own infirmity, that he might
not live unmarried; and to divorce and marry again, he
would not charge his conduct with so great a scandal.
” The
character of this woman makes us doubt the story that
she burnt the notes which her husband had, for eight years,
been collecting for his dictionary, lest he should kill himself with study. Such a proof of affection, however perplexing to a student, was not likely from such a wife as
Mrs. Cooper.
nd are able to give a good account of them. Mr. Leibnitz, whilst he acknowledges that Des Cartes was a very learned man, and had read more than his followers imagine,
We shall now subjoin sme additional testimonies to his
character. M. Baillet, in his account of his life,c. highly
commends him for his contempt of wealth and fame, his
love of truth, his modesty, disinterestedness, moderation,
piety, and submission to the authority of the church. Dr.
Barrow, in his “Opuscula,
” tells us, that he was undoubtedly a very good and ingenious man, and a real philosopher, and one who seems to have b fought those assistances
to that part of philosophy which relates to matter and motion, which, perhaps, no other had done; that is, a great
skill in mathematics, a mind habituated both by nature and
custom to profound meditation, a judgment exempt from
all prejudices and popular errors, and furnished with a considerable number of certain and select experiments, a great
jtleal of leisure, entirely disengaged by his own choice from
the readme: of useless books, and the avocations of life, with
an incomparable acuteness of wit, and an excellent talent
of thinking clearly and distinctly, and expressing his,
thoughts with the utmost perspicuity. Dr. Halley (see Wotton’s Reflections upon Ancient and Modern Learning)
says, “As to dioptrics, though some of the ancients mention refraction as a natural effect of transparent media, yet
Des Cartes was the first who, in this age, has discovered
the laws of refraction, and brought dioptrics into a science.
Wotton (ubi supra) though he degrades him in comparison
with lord Bacon, whom he soon succeeded, and censures
him for too precipitately drawing conclusions without a
sufficient number of previous experiments, observes nevertheless, that “to a vast genius he joined an exquisite
skill in geometry, so that he wrought upon intelligible
principles in an intelligible manner, though he very often
failed in one part of his end, namely, a right explication
of the phenomena of nature; yet, by marrying geometry
and physics together, he put the world in hopes of a masculine offspring in process of time, though the first productions should prove abortive.
” Dr. Keil, in the introduction to his “Examination of Burnet’s Theory of the
” animadverting on Wotton’s reflections, &c. tells
us, that Des Cartes was so far from applying geometry and
observations to natural philosophy, that his whole system
is but one continued blunder on account of his negligence
in that point; which he could easily prove by shewing,
that his theory of the vortices, upon which the whole system is grounded, is absolutely false; and that sir Isaac
Newton has shewn, that the periodical times of all bodies,
which swim in a vortex, must be directly as the squares of
their distances from the centre of the vortex. But it is
evident, from observations, that the planets, in turning
round the sun, observe quite another law; for the squares
of their periodical times are always as the cubes of their
distances; and, therefore, since they do not observe that
Jaw, which they necessarily must, if they swim in a vortex,
it is a demonstration that there are no vortices, in which
the planets are carried round the sun: with more to the
same purpose. Mr. Baker, considering the natural philosophy of Des Cartes, observes, that “though it would be
very unjust to charge Des Cartes with the denial of a God,
who is supposed by him to have created matter,and to
have impressed the first motion upon it, yet he is blameable,
that after the first motion is impressed, and the wheels set
a-going, he leaves his vast machine to the laws of mechanism, and supposes that all things may be thereby produced without any further extraordinary assistance from
the first impressor. The supposition is impious; and, as
he states it, destructive of itself; for, not to deny him his
laws of motion, most of which have been evidently shewn
to be false, and consequently so must all be that is built
upon them, his notion of matter is inconsistent with any
motion at all; for, as space and matter are with him the
same, upon this supposition there can be no motion in a
” Dr. Keil condemns Des Cartes for encouraging
the presumptuous pride of the modern philosophers; who
think they understand all the works of nature, and are able
to give a good account of them. Mr. Leibnitz, whilst he
acknowledges that Des Cartes was a very learned man, and
had read more than his followers imagine, and that he was
one of those who has added most to the discoveries of their
predecessors, observes, that those who rest entirely in
him, are much mistaken in their conduct; and this, he
says, is true, even with regard to geometry itself. He also
remarks, that Des Cartes endeavoured to correct some
errors with regard to natural philosophy, but that his presumption and contemptuous manner of writing, together
with the obscurity of his style, and his confusion, and severe treatment of others, are very disagreeable. Rapin,
in his “Reflexions de Physique,
” after observing that Des
Cartes’ s principles of motion, figure, and extension, are
almost the very same with those of Democritus and Epicurus, tells us, that father Mersenne mentioned in an
assembly of learned men, that Des Cartes, who had gained
great reputation by his geometry, was preparing a system
of natural philosophy, in which he admitted a vacuum;
but the notion was ridiculed by Roberval and some others;
upon which Mersenne wrote to him, that a vacuum was
not then in fashion at Paris, which induced Des Cartes to
change his scheme, in complaisance to the natural philosophers whom he studied to please, and admit the plenum
of Leucippus; “so that,
” says father Rapin, “the exclusion of a vacuum became one of his principles, merely from
political considerations.
” Rapin produces no authority
for this story; and it should be recollected, that he was a
very zealous Aristotelian, extremely prejudiced against
any new systems of philosophy.
Des Cartes, it is said, imagined it possible to prolong
life very considerably beyond the common period, and
thought he had discovered the method of doing it. In
conversation with sir Kenelm Digby, Des Cartes assured
him that, having already considered that matter, he would
not venture to promise to render a man immortal; but that
he was very sure it was possible to lengthen out his life to
the period of the patriarchs. It seems evident to me, says
he, in a letter written to M. de Zuylichem from Egmond,
in 1638, when he had attained the age of forty-two years,
that if we only guarded against certain errors, which we
are accustomed to commit in the course of our diet, we
might, without any other invention, attain to an old age,
much longer and more happy than now we do. However,
twelve years after this declaration was made, our philosopher died. Des Cartes was never married, but had one
natural daughter, named Francina, who died at five years
of age. Of his works there have been several editions;
particularly a Latin edition, A rust. 1701—1715, 9 vols.
4to. That published at Paris comprehends 15 volumes in
12mo, and their contents are as follow; viz. “Lettres de
M. Des Cartes, ou Ton a joint le Latin de plusieurs lettres,
qui n‘avoient ete imprhnees qu’en Francois, aver une traduction Francois de celles, qui n‘avoient jusqu’a present
paru qu'en Latin,
” Les Meditations metaphysiques touchant la premiere philosophic,
” Discours de la methode, pour bien conJuire sa
raison, et chercher la verite dans les sciences. Plus la
dioptrique, les meteores, la mechanique, et la musique,
Les Principes de la Philosophic,
” Les Passions de l‘Ame. Le Monde, ou traite
de la lumiere. Edition augmented d’un discours sur le
mouvement local et sur la fie v re, sur* les principes du mema
” L'Homme de Rene Des Cartes,
et la formation du fetus; avec les remarques de Louis de
la Forge,
, a very learned man, was born of a noble family at Nortwick in
, a very learned man, was born of a
noble family at Nortwick in Holland, 1545. He lost his
parents when very young, and was sent to several schools;
and to one at Paris among the rest, where he made a great
progress in Greek and Latin. When he had finished his
education, he returned to his own country, and married;
and though he was scarcely grown up, he applied himself
to affairs of state, and was soon made a curator of the
banks and ditches, which post he held above twenty years,
and then resigned it. But Dousa was not only a scholar
and a statesman, but likewise a soldier; and he behaved
himself so well in that capacity at the siege of Leyden in
1574, that the prince of Orange thought he could commit
the government of the town to none so properly as to him.
In 1575 the university was founded there, and Dousa made
first curator of it; for which place he was well fitted, as
well on account of his learning as by his other deserts.
His learning was indeed prodigious and he had such a
memory, that he could at once give an answer to any
thing that was asked him, relating to ancient or modern
history, or, in short, to any branch of literature. He was,
says Melchior Adam, and, after him, Thuanus, a kind of
living library; the Varro of Holland, and the oracle of the
university of Leyden. His genius lay principally towards
poetry, and his various productions in verse were numerous: he even composed the annals of his own country,
which he had collected from the public archives, in verse,
which was published at Leyden 1601, 4to, and reprinted
in 1617 with a commentary by Grotius. He wrote also
critical notes upon Horace, Sallust, Plautus, Petronius,
Catullus, Tibullus, &c. His moral qualities are said to
have been no less meritorious than his intellectual and
literary; for he was modest, humane, benevolentj and
affable. He was admitted into the supreme assembly of the
nation, where he kept his seat, and discharged his office
worthily, for the last thirteen years of his life. He died
Oct. 12, 1604, and his funeral oration was made by Daniel
Heinsius. Of his works, we have seen, 1. “Couiin. in
Catullum, Tibullum, et Horatium,
” Antwerp, Libri tres Prascidaneorum in Petronium Arbitrmn,
Leyden, Epodon ex puris lambis,
” Ant.
Plautinae Explicationes,
” Leyden, Poemata,
” ibid. Odarum
Britannicarum liber, ad Elizabetham reginam, et Jani
Dousae filii Britannicorum carminum silva,
” Leyden,
dict, he went to Niort, where he died in 1680, having lost his sight about six months before. He was a very learned man, and a good preacher. He left several fine
He married in 1625, the only daughter of a rich merchant of Paris, by whom he had sixteen children. The first seven were sons the rest intermixed, six sons and three daughters. Laurence, the eldest of all, was at first minister at Rochelle but being obliged to leave that church by an edict, he went to Niort, where he died in 1680, having lost his sight about six months before. He was a very learned man, and a good preacher. He left several fine sermons, and likewise a collection of Christian sonnets, which are extremely elegant, and highly esteemed by those who have a taste for sacred poetry. They had gone through six editions in 1693. Henry, the second son, was also a minister, and published sermons. The third son was the famous Charles Drelincourt, professor of physic at Leyden, to whom we shall devote a separate article. Anthony, a fourth son, was a physician at Orbes, in Switzerland; and afterwards appointed physician extraordinary by the magistrates of Berlin. A fifth son died at Geneva, while he was studying divinity there. Peter Drelincourt, a sixth, was a priest of the church of England, and dean of Armagh.
, a very learned man of the fifteenth century, was a native of Spezia,
, a very learned man of the fifteenth century, was a native of Spezia, a sea-port in the Genoese territory. The most curious inquirers into the history of literature have not yet been able to ascertain the precise period of his birth. From many passages, however, which occur in his works, it appears, that he was indebted for instruction in the Latin and Greek languages to Guarino Veronese, whom he frequently mentions in terms of affectionate esteem. Facio was one of the numerous assemblage of scholars that rendered illustrious the court of Alphonsus, king of Naples, by whom he was treated with distinguished honour. He had been sent by the Genoese to Alphonsus on a political erraod, in which he failed; but the interviews he had gave the king so favourable an opinion of him, that he invited him into his service, and made him his secretary, an office which he filled for many years. During his residence at Naples, the jealousy of rival ship betrayed him into a violent quarrel with Laurentius Valla, against whom he composed four invectives, and as he happened to die soon after Valla, the circumstance occasioned the following lines:
, or Tanaquil Faber, a very learned man, father of madame Dacier, was born at Caen
, or Tanaquil Faber, a very
learned man, father of madame Dacier, was born at Caen
in Normandy in 1615. His father determined to educate
him to learning, at the desire of one of his brothers, who
was an ecclesiastic, and who promised to take him into his
Jiouse under his own care. He had a genius for music,
and early became accomplished in it but his uncle proved
too severe a preceptor in languages he therefore studied
Latin with a tutor at home, and acquired the knowledge of
Greek by his own efforts. The Jesuits at the college of
La Fleche were desirous to detain him among them, and
his father would have persuaded him to take orders, but he
resisted both. Having continued some years in Normandy,
he went to Paris; where, by his abilities, learning, and
address, he gained the friendship of persons of the highest
distinction. M. de Noyers recommended him to cardinal
Ue Richelieu, who settled on him a pension of 2000 livres,
to inspect all the works printed at the Louvre. The cardinal designed to have made him principal of the college
which he was about to erect at Richelieu, and to settle on
him a farther stipend: but he died, and Mazarine, who
succeeded, not giving the same encouragement to learning,
the Louvre press became almost useless, and Faber’s pension was very ill paid. His hopes being thus at an end, he
quitted his employment; yet continued some years at
Pans, -pursuing his studies, and publishing various works.
Some years after he declared himself a protestant, and
became a professor in the university of Saumur; which
place he accepted, preferably to the professorship of Greek
at Nimeguen, to which he was invited at the same time.
His great merit and character soon drew to him from all
parts of the kingdom, and even from foreign countries,
numbers of scholars, some of whom boarded at his house.
He had afterwards a contest with the university and consistory of Saumur, on account of having, unguardedly and
absurdly, asserted in one of his works, that he could pardon Sappho’s passion for those of her own sex, since it
had inspired her with so beautiful an ode upon that subject.
Upon this dispute he would have resigned his place, if he
could have procured one elsewhere: and at last, in 1672,
he was invited upon advantageous terms to the university of
Heidelberg, to which he was preparing to remove, when
he was seized with a fever, of which he died Sept. 12,
1672. He left a son of his own name, author of a small
tract “De futilitate Poetices,
” printed he had
almost persuaded Faber to reconcile himself to the church
of Rome,
” from which he had formerly deserted; “and
that Faber signified to him his resolution to do so, in a
letter written a few months before his death, which prevented him from executing his design.
” Voltaire,' if he
may be credited, which requires no small degree of caution, says he was a philosopher rather than a Hugonot, and
despised the Calvinists though he lived among them.
Causes, have compassion on me." Dr. Fiddes was an ingenious, but not a very learned man. He had so happy a memory, that he retained
History of the Reformation.” He returned to England in 1536, and died at London, May 8, 1533. He was a very learned man, as we are assured by Godwin, who calls him
In 1530 he was employed with Stephen Gardiner at
Cambridge, to obtain the university’s determination in the
matter of Henry VIIL's divorce. In 1531 he was promoted
to the archdeaconry of Leicester, and in 1533 to that of
Dorset It was he that apprized the clergy of their having
fallen into a prawunire, and advised them to make their
submission to the king, by acknowledging him supreme
head of the church, and making him a present of 1 -00,0001.
In 1535 he was promoted to the bishopric of HerefordHe was the principal pillar of the reformation, as to the
politic and prudential part of it; being of more activity,
and no less ability, than Cranmer himself: but he acted
more secretly than Cranmer, and therefore did not bring
himself into danger of suffering on that account. A few
months after his consecration he was sent ambassador to
the protestaut princes in Germany, then assembled at
Smalcald; whom he exhorted to unite, in point of doctrine, with the church of England. He spent the winter
at Wirtemberg, and held several conferences with some of
the German divines, endeavouring to conclude a treaty
with them upon many articles of religion: but nothing was
effected. Burnet has given a particular account of this
negociation in his “History of the Reformation.
” He returned to England in vir egregie doctus.
” Wood also
styles him an eminent scholar of his time; and Lloyd represents him as a tine preacher, but adds, that “his inclination to politics brake through all the ignoble restraints
of pedantique studies, to an eminency, more by observation and travel, than by reading and study, that made him
the wonder of the university, and the darling of the court.
” When he was called,“says he,
” to the pulpit or chair,
he came off not ill, so prudential were his parts in divinity;
when advanced to any office of trust in the university, he
came off very well, so incomparable were his parts for
h new and very beautiful types; and his editions are no less accurate than beautiful. He was himself a very learned man, and perfectly versed in the languages of such
, a celebrated printer of Lyons,
in France, was a German, and born at Suabia, near Augsburg, in 1493. He performed the duties of his profession
with so much honour as to receive the approbation of the
most learned men. Conrad Gesner has even “dedicated
one of his books, namely, the twelfth of his pandects, to
him and takes occasion to bestow the following praises on
” You, most humane Gryphius, who are far from
meriting the last place among the excellent printers of this
age, came first into my mind: and especially on this account, because you have not only gained greater fame than
any foreigner in France, by a vast number of most excellent works, printed with the greatest beauty and accuracy,
but because, though a German, you seem to be a countryman, by youV coming to reside amon<r us.“Baillet says,
that Julius Scaliger dedicated also to him his work
” De
Causis Linguae Latinae:“but this seems a mistake. Scaliger wrote a kind letter to Gryphius, which is printed at
the head of the work: but the dedication is to Silvius Scaliger, his eldest son, to whom he also addressed his
” Ars
Poetica." Gryphius is allowed to have restored the art of
printing at Lyons, which was before exceedingly corrupted;
and the great number of books printed by him are valued
by the connoisseurs. He printed many books in HebreV,
Greek, and Latin, with new and very beautiful types;
and his editions are no less accurate than beautiful. He
was himself a very learned man, and perfectly versed in
the languages of such books as he undertook to print.
Vulteius, of Reims, an epigrammatist, has observed, that
Robert Stephens was a very good corrector, Colinaeus a
very good printer, but that Gryphius was both an able
printer and corrector.
, a very learned man, born at the Hague, was a fine poet and orator;
, a very learned man, born at the
Hague, was a fine poet and orator; and to be compared,
says Gronovius, in his “Orat. funeb. J. Golii,
” with the
Roman Atticus for his probity, tranquillity of life, and absolute disregard of honours and public employments. He
went to Rome, and spent six years in the palace of cardinal
Cesi. He wrote there' a panegyric on pope Clement VIII.
which was so graciously received, that he was offered the
post of librarian to the Vatican, or a very good benefice;
and preferring the latter, was made a canon in the cathedral at Antwerp. Lipsius had a great esteem for him, as
appears from his letters. He was Grotius’s friend also,
and published verses to congratulate him on his deliverance
from confinement. He was uncle by the mother’s side to
James Golius, the learned professor at Leyden, who gained
so vast a reputation by his profound knowledge in the Oriental languages: but Golius, who was a zealous protestant,
could never forgive his having converted his brother Peter
to popery. Hemelar applied himself much more to the
study of polite literature and to the science of medals, than
to theology. “He published,
” says Gronovius, " extremely useful commentaries upon the medals of the Roman emperors, from the time of Julius Caesar down to
Justinian, taken from the cabinets of Charles Arschot and
Nicholas Rocoxius; wherein he concisely and accurately
explains by marks, figures, &c. whatever is exquisite, elegant, and suitable or agreeable to the history of those times,
and the genius of the monarchs, whether the medals in
question be of gold, silver, or brass, whether cast or struck
in that immortal city. It is a kind of storehouse of medals;
and nevertheless in this work, from which any other person would have expected prodigious reputation, our author
has been so modest as to conceal his name.' 7 This work
of Hemelar’s, which is in Latin, is not easily to be met
with, yet it has been twice printed iirst at Antwerp, in
1615, at the en.I of a work of James De Bie and secondly,
in 1627, 4to which Clement has described as a very rare
edition Bayle mentions a third edition of 1654, folio, but
the work which he mistakes for a third edition, was only a
collection of engravings of Roman coins described by Gevartius, in which are some from Hemelar’s work. The
other works of this canon are some Latin poems and orations. He died in 1640. He is sometimes called Hamelar.
one, however, was printed in 1650. He died in June 1649. Guy Patin says, that “he was looked upon as a very learned man, both in the civil law and in polite literature,
, French, Didier Herault,
a counsellor of the parliament of Paris, has given good proofs
of uncommon learning by very different works. His “Adversaria
” appeared in Scaligerana
” may be credited, he repented having published.
His notes on Tertullian’s “Apology,
” on “Minutius Fe&lix,
” and on “Arnobius,
” have been esteemed. He also
wrote notes on Martial’s “Epigrams.
” He disguised himself under the name of David Leidhresserus, to write a political dissertation on the independence of kings, some time
after the death of Henry IV. He had a controversy with
Salmasius “de jure Attico ac Romano;
” but did not live
to finish what he had written on that subject. What he
he had done, however, was printed in 1650. He died in
June 1649. Guy Patin says, that “he was looked upon
as a very learned man, both in the civil law and in polite
literature, and wrote with great facility on any subject he
pitched on.
” Daille, speaking of such protestant writers
as condemned the execution of Charles I. king of England,
quotes the “Pacifique Royal en deuil,
” by Heranlt. This
author, son to our Desiderius Heraldus, was a minister in
Normandy, when he was called to the service of the Walloon-church of London under Charles I. but was so zealous
a royalist, that he was forced to fly to France, to escape
the fury of the commonwealth’s-men. He returned to
England after the restoration, and resumed his ancient employment in the Walloon-church at London: some time
after which he obtained a canonry in the cathedral of Canterbury, and enjoyed it till his death.
and was interred in St. Paul’s church, London, leaving behind him, as Wood says, (t the character of a very learned man, and one plentifully endowed with all those
He was, first, bishop of Oxford, and Sept. 28, 1628, translated to Durham, which he held only two years, dying Feb.
6, 1631, aged seventy-five, and was interred in St. Paul’s
church, London, leaving behind him, as Wood says, (t the character of a very learned man, and one plentifully endowed with all those virtues which were most proper for a bishop.“ Hozier (Peter D'), a man famous in his time, and
even celebrated by Boileau, for his skill in genealogies,
was born of a good family at Marseilles, in 1592, and bred
to military service; but very early applied himself with
great zeal to that study for which he became so eminent.
By his probity as well as talents, he obtained the confidence
of Louis XIII. and XIV. and enjoyed the benefit of their
favour in several lucrative and honourable posts. After
rising through several appointments, such as judge of arms
in 1641, and certifier of titles in 1643, he was admitted in,
1654 to the council of state. He died at Paris in 1660.
Hozier was author of a History of Britany, in folio, and of
many genealogical tables. His son, Charles, was born
Feb. 24, 1640, at Paris. His father had given him some instructions in genealogy, which he made use of to draw up,
under the direction of M. de Caumartin,
” the Peerage of
Champagne,“Chalons, 1673, folio, in form of an Atlas.
He received the cross of St. Maurice from the duke of
Savoy in 1631, and had also the office of judge of the arms
of the French nobility, and was rewarded with a pension
of 4000 livres. He died in 1732. This gentleman’s
nephew succeeded him in his office, and died in 1767.
He compiled the
” L'Armorial, ou Registres de la Noblesse de France," 10 vols. folio. Such works, of late
years, have been of very little use in France.
, a very learned man, was born at Dantzic, in Prussia, 1571. He
, a very learned man, was born at Dantzic, in Prussia, 1571. He received the first rudiments of learning under James Fabricius, so distinguished by his zeal against Papists, Anabaptists, and other heretics; and in 1589, was sent to the university of Wirtemberg, where he studied philosophy and divinity. Two years after, he removed to the university of Leipsic; whence, after half a year’s stay, he went in 1592, to that of Heidelberg. Here he took a master’s degree, and was so highly esteemed by the governors of the university, that he was first made a tutor and afterwards Hebrew professor there. In 1597, the senate of Dantzic, pleased with the reputation and merit of their countryman, sent him a formal and honourable invitation, by letter, to come and take upon him part of the management of their academy, which he at first refused, but on a second invitation, in 1601, consented, after having first received the degree of D. D. at Heidelberg. As soon as he was settled at Dantzic, he proposed to lead the youth through the very penetralia of philosophy, by a newer and more compendious method than had hitherto been found out, according to which they might, within the compass of three years, finish a complete course. For this purpose he pursued the scheme he had begun at Heidelberg, and drew up a great number of books and systems upon all sorts of subjects; logic, rhetoric, ceconomics, ethics, politics, physics, metaphysics, geography, astronomy, &c. and in this industrious manner he went on till 1609, when, fairly worn out with constant attention to the business of teaching, he died at the early age of thirty-eight. His works were published at Geneva in 1614, 2 vols. fol. The most valuable are his systematic treatises on rhetonc; but they were all for some time used in teaching, and afterwards pillaged by other compilers, without acknowledgment.
ers of that glorious army of martyrs, who introduced the reformation in England. He was not esteemed a very learned man, for he cultivated only useful learning; and
Fox has preserved a conference, afterwards put into
writing, which was held at this time between Ridley and
Latimer, and which sets our author’s temper in a strong
light. The two bishops are represented sitting in their
prison, ruminating upon the solemn preparations then
making for their trial, of which, probably, they were now
first informed. “The time,
” said Ridley, “is now come;
we are now called npon, either to deny our faith, or to
suffer death in its defence. You, Mr. Latimer, are an old
soldier of Christ, and have frequently withstood the fear of
death; whereas I am raw in the service, and unexperienced.
” With this preface he introduces a request that
Latimer, whom he calls “his father,
” would hear him
propose such arguments as he thinks it most likely his adversaries would urge against him, and assist him in providing proper answers to them. To this Latimer, in his
usual strain of good humour, replied that “he fancied the
good bishop was treating him as he remembered Mr. Bilney used formerly to do; who, when he wanted to teach
him, would always do it under colour of being taught himself. But in the present case,
” said he, “my lord, I am
determined to give them very little trouble: I shall just
offer them a plain account of my faith, and shall say very
little more; for I know any thing more will be to no
purpose: they talk of a free disputation, but I am well
assured their grand argument will be, as it once was their
forefathers, * We have a law, and by our law ye ought to
die.' Bishop Ridley having afterwards desired his prayers,
that he might trust wholly upon God
” Of my prayers,“replied the old bishop,
” you may be well assured nor
do J doubt but I shall have yours in return, and indeed
prayer and patience should he our great resources. For
myself, had I the learning of St. Paul, I should think it
ill laid out upon an elaborate defence; yet our case, my
lord, admits of comfort. Our enemies can do no more
than God permits; and God is faithful, who will not suffer us to be tempted above our strength. Be at a point
with them; stand to that, and let them say and do what
they please. To use many words would be vain; yet it is
requisite to give a reasonable account of your faith, if they
will quietly hear you. For other things, in a wicked judgment-hall, a man may keep silence after the example of
Christ,“&c. Agreeably to this fortitude, Latimer conducted himself throughout the dispute, answering their
questions as far as civility required; and in these answers
it is observable he managed the argument much better than
either Ridley or Cranmer; who, when they were pressed
in defence of transubstantiation, with some passages from
the fathers, instead of disavowing an insufficient authority,
weakly defended a good cause by evasions and distinctions,
after the manner of schoolmen. Whereas, when the same
proofs were multiplied upon Latimer, he told them plainly
” such proofs had no weight with him; that the fathers, no doubt, were often deceived; and that he never
depended upon them but when they depended upon Scripture.“” Then you are not of St. Chrysostom’s faith,“replied they,
” nor of St. Austin’s?“” I have told you,“says Latimer,
” I am not, except they bring Scripture
for what they say.“The dispute being ended, sentence
was passed upon him; and he and Ridley were burnt at
Oxford, on Oct. 16, 1555. When they were brought to
the fire, on a spot of ground on the north side of Baliolcollege, and, after a suitable sermon, were told by an
officer that they might now make ready for the stake, they
supported each other’s constancy by mutual exhortations.
Latimer, when tied to the stake, called to his companion,
” Be of good cheer, brother; we shall this day kindle such
a torch in England, as I trust in God shall never be extinguished." The executioners had been so merciful (for that clemency may more naturally be ascribed to them than to the religious zealots) as to tie bags of gunpowder about
these prelates, in order to put a speedy period to their
tortures. The explosion killed Latimer immediately; but
Ridley continued alive during some time, in the midst of
the flames. Such was the life of Hugh Latimer, one of
the leaders of that glorious army of martyrs, who introduced the reformation in England. He was not esteemed
a very learned man, for he cultivated only useful learning;
and that, he thought, lay in a very narrow compass. He
never engaged in worldly affairs, thinking that a clergyman ought to employ himself in his profession only; and
his talents, temper, and disposition, were admirably
adapted to render the most important services to the reformation.
, or Launoius, a very learned man and voluminous writer, was born about 1601,
, or Launoius, a very learned man
and voluminous writer, was born about 1601, and took a
doctor of divinity’s degree in 1636. He made a journey
to Rome, for the sake of enlarging his ideas and knowledge; and there procured the esteem and friendship of
Leo Allatius and Holsten. Upon his return to Paris, he
shut himself up, entering upon an extensive course of
reading, and making collections upon all subjects. He
held at his house every Monday a meeting where the
learned conversed on many topics, but particularly on the
discipline of the church, and the rights of the Gallican
church; and they cordially agreed in condemning such
legends as the apostolate of St. Dionysius the Areopagite
into France, the voyage of Lazarus and Mary Magdalen
into Provence, and a multitude of other traditions.
Launoi was such an enemy to legendary saints, that Voltaire
records a curate of St. Eustachius, as saying, “I always
make the most profound obeisance to Mr. Launoi, for fear
he should take from me my St. Eustachius.
” He died at
cardinal d‘Estr^es’s hotel, March 10, 1678, aged 75, and
was buried at the convent of the Minimes de la Place
Ro’iale, to whom he left two hundred crowns in gold, all
the rituals which he had collected, and half his books; bequeathing the remainder to the seminary at Laon. Few
men were so industrious and so disinterested, as M. de
Launoi, who persisted in refusing all the benefices which
were offered him, and lived in a plain, frugal manner,
contented with his books and his private fortune, though
the latter was but moderate. He was an enemy to vice
and ambition, charitable, benevolent, a kind friend, ever
consistent in his conduct, and submitted to be excluded
from the faculty of theology at Paris, rather than sign the
censure of M. Arnauld, though he differed in opinion from
that celebrated doctor on the subject of Grace.
structura Latini sermonis libri sex.” Linacer dying when she was but six years old, Ludovicus Vives, a very learned man of Valencia in Spain, became her next tutor;
, queen of England, and eldest daughter of
Henry VIII. by his first wife, Catharine of Arragon, was
born at Greenwich in Kent, Feb. 18, 1517. Her mother
was very careful of her education, and provided her with
tutors to teach her what was fitting. Her first preceptor
was the famous Linacer, who drew up for her use “The
rudiments of Grammar,
” and afterwards, “De emendata
structura Latini sermonis libri sex.
” Linacer dying when
she was but six years old, Ludovicus Vives, a very learned
man of Valencia in Spain, became her next tutor; and
composed for her, “De ratione studii puerilis.
” Under
the direction of these excellent men, she became so great
a mistress of Latin, that Erasmus commends her for her
epistles in that language.
, a very learned man, of the same family as the preceding, was born
, a very learned man, of the
same family as the preceding, was born in 1611. He devoted himself to literature and criticism, but particularly
to the learning of the ancients; as their music, the structure of their galleys, &c. In 1652 he published a collection of seven Greek authors, who had written upon ancient
music, to which he added a Latin version by himself. It
was entitled “Antiques Musicae auctores septem Greece et
Latine, Marcus Meibomius restituit ac Nods explicavit.
Amst. The first volume contains: I. Aristoxeni Harmonicorum Elementorum, libri iii. II. Euclidis Introductio
Harmonica. III. Nichomachi Geraseni, Pythagorici, Harmon. Manuale. IV. Alypii Introductio Musica. V. Gaudentii Philosophi Introductio Harmonica. VI. Bacchii
Senioris Introductio Artis Musicae. The second volume:
Aristidis Quintiliani de Musica, libri iii. Martiani Capellse
de Musica, liber ix. This, says Dr. Burney, is the most
solid and celebrated of his critical works, in which all subsequent writers on the subject of ancient music place implicit faith. It is from these commentaries on the Greek
writers in music, particularly Alypius, that we are able to
fancy we can decipher the musical characters used by the
ancient Greeks in their notation; which, before his time,
had been so altered, corrupted, disfigured, and confounded,
by the ignorance or negligence of the transcribers of
ancient Mss., that they were rendered wholly unintelligible.
ce, towards the end of Dioclesian’s persecution in the year 302 or 303. Epiphanius says “that he was a very learned man, and a strenuous assertor of the truth.” St.
, a father of the church, bishop of Olympus, or Patara, in Lycia, and afterwards of Tyre in Palestine, suffered martyrdom at Chalcis, a city of Greece,
towards the end of Dioclesian’s persecution in the year 302
or 303. Epiphanius says “that he was a very learned
man, and a strenuous assertor of the truth.
” St. Jerome
has ranked him in his catalogue of church writers; but
Eusebius has not mentioned him; which silence is attributed by some, though merely upon conjecture, to Methodius’s having written very sharply against Origen, who
was favoured by Eusebius. Methodius composed in a
clear and elaborate style several works i a large one “Against
Porphyry the philosopher;
” “A Treatise on the Resurrection,
” against Origen; another on “Pythonissa,
” against
the same a book entitled “The banquet of Virgins
” one
on “Free-will
” “Commentaries upon Genesis and the
” and several other pieces extant in St. Jerome’s
time. Father Combesis collected several considerable fragments of this author, cited by Epiphanius, Photius, and
others, and printed them with notes of his own at Paris, in
1644, together with the works of Amphilochius and Andreas Cretensis, in folio. But afterwards Possinus, a Jesuit,
found “The Banquet of Virgins
” entire, in a manuscript
belonging to the Vatican library; and sent it, with a Latin
version of his own, into France, where it was printed in
1657, folio, revised and corrected by another manuscript
in the library of cardinal Mazarin. We cannot doubt
that this is the true and genuine work of Methodius; as
it not only carries all the marks of antiquity in it, but
contains word for word all the passages that Photius had
cited out of it. It is written in the way of dialogue, after
the manner of “Plato’s Banquet of Socrates;
” with this
difference, that the speakers here are women, who indeed
talk very learnedly and very elegantly.
, professor of divinity at Stetin, and a very learned man, was born at Cuslin in Pomerania, in 1597.
, professor of divinity at Stetin,
and a very learned man, was born at Cuslin in Pomerania,
in 1597. He began his studies in the college of his own
country; and, in 1614, removed to Stetin, where he studied
theology under professor Cramer. In 1616, he maintained a dispute “de Deo uno & trino,
” which gained him
great reputation; and went the year after to the university
of Konintrsberg, where he disputed again “de veritate.
” He received, in 1621, the degree of
master of philosophy at the university of Gripswald, after
having maintained a thesis “de meteoris;
” and, some
time after, went to Leipsic to finish his studies. He was
made professor of rhetoric in the royal college at Stetin in
1624, rector of the senate school in 1627, and rector of
the royal college, and professor of theology, in 1649. The
same year he received his doctor of divinity’s degree, in
the university of Gripswald, and which he was, we are
told, led to ask; because, in a dispute he had with John
Bergius, first preacher at the court of the elector of Brandenburg, upon the differences between the Lutherans and
Calvinists, the latter arrogantly boasted of his being an
old doctor in divinity; to which Micrelius could only answer, “that he had received the degree of master in philosophy before Bergius.
” He had obtained by his solicitations in 1642, when he was made professor of rhetoric, that
there might be also professors of law, physic, and mathematics, in the royal college; and that a certain number of
students might be maintained there at the public charge.
He made a journey to Sweden in 1653, and had the honour
to pay his respects to queen Christina, who gave him very
obliging marks of her liberality, and who had before defrayed
the charges of his doctor’s degree. He died Dec. 3, 1658.
He was a very learned man, and an eminent encourager of literature, as
He was a very learned man, and an eminent encourager
of literature, as appears by his founding Emmanuel college, Cambridge, which, by the additional assistance of
other benefactors, arose gradually to its present flourishing state. Fuller tells us that the founder “coming to
court, the queen told him,
” Sir Walter, I hear you have
erected a puritan foundation." No madam,‘ sayth he,
c far be it from me to countenance any thing contrary to
your established laws; but I have set an acorn, which
when it becomes an oak, God alone knows what will be
the fruit thereof.’ ' He had so much of the puritan about
him, however, as to make the chapel stand north and
south, instead of east and west.
, 1623. His father, Stephen Pascal, was president of the Court of Aids in his province, and was also a very learned man, an able mathematician, and a friend of Des
, a French mathematician and philosopher, and one of the greatest geniuses and best writers
that country has produced, was born at Clermont in Auvergne, June 19, 1623. His father, Stephen Pascal, was
president of the Court of Aids in his province, and was
also a very learned man, an able mathematician, and a
friend of Des Cartes. Having an extraordinary tenderness
for this child, his only son, he quitted his office and
settled at Paris in 1631, that he might be quite at leisure
to attend to his son’s education, of which he was the sole
superintendant, young Pascal never having had any other
roaster. From his infancy Blaise gave proofs of a very
extraordinary capacity. He was extremely inquisitive;
desiring to know the reason of every thing; and when,
good reasons were not given him, he would seek for better;
nor would he ever yield his assent but upon such as appeared to him well grounded. What is told of his manner
of learning the mathematics, as well as the progress he
quickly made in that science, seems almost miraculous,
liis father, perceiving in him an extraordinary inclination
to reasoning, was afraid lest the knowledge of the mathematics might hinder his learning the languages, so necessary as a foundation to all sound learning. He therefore
kept him as much as he could from all notions of geometry,
locked up all his books of that kind, and refrained even
from speaking of it in his presence. He could not however prevent his son from musing on that science; and
one day in particular he surprised him at work with charcoal upon his chamber floor, and in the midst of figures.
The father asked him what he was doing: “I am searching,
” says Pascal, “for such a thing;
” which was just the
same as the 32d proposition of the 1st book of Euclid. He
asked him then how he came to think of this: “It was,
says Blaise, “because I found out such another thing;
” and
so, going backward, and using the names of bar and round,
he came at length to the definitions and axioms he had
formed to himself. Of this singular progress we are
assured by his sister, madame Perier, and several other
persons, the credit of whose testimony cannot reasonably
be questioned.
, advocate to the parliament of Paris, brother of the preceding, and also a very learned man, was born in 1544, at Troyes. He was well acquainted
, advocate to the parliament of Paris, brother of the preceding, and also a very learned man,
was born in 1544, at Troyes. He was well acquainted with
the belles lettres, and law, and discovered, as we have just
observed, the ms. of the fables of Phaedrus, which he sent
to his brother, and which was published in 1596, in 12mo.
Francis, with the assistance of his brother, applied himself
particularly to revise and explain the “Body of Canon
” which was printed according to their corrections,
1687, 2 vols. folio; an edition which is reckoned the best.
His other works are, “Codex Canonum,
” Salic Law,
” with notes. The “Roman
” compared with those of Moses, Observationes ad Codicem,
” Antiqui Rhetores
Latini, Rutilius Lupus, Aquila Romanus, Julius Rufinianus, Curius Fortunatianus, MariusVictorinus,
” &c. Paris,
, a French Dominican, and a very learned man, was born at Boulogne in 1661. He was well
, a French Dominican, and a very
learned man, was born at Boulogne in 1661. He was well
acquainted with the Greek, Arabic, and Hebrew languages and was critically skilled in the Holy Scriptures.
Father Pezron, having attempted to establish the chronology
of the Septuagint against that of the Hebrew text, found a
powerful adversary in Le Quien who published a book in
1690, and afterwards another, against his “Amiquité des
Terns rétablie,
” a well-written work. Quien called his
book “Antiquite des Terns detruite.
” He applied himself assiduously to the study of the eastern churches, and
that of England and wrote against Courayer upon the validity of the ordinations of the English bishops. In all this he
was influenced by his zeal for popery, and to promote the
glory of his church but he executed a work also for which
both protestantism and learning were obliged to him, and
on which account chiefly he is here noticed, an excellent
edition in Greek and Latin of the works of Joannes Damascenus, 1712, 2 vols. folio. This did him great honour; and
the notes and dissertations, which accompany his edition,
shew him to have been one of the most learned men of his
age. His excessive zeal for the credit of the Roman church
made him publish another work in 4to, called “Panoplia
contra schisma Graecorum
” in which he endeavours to
refute all those imputations of pride, ambition, avarice,
and usurpation, that have so justly been brought against it.
He projected, and had very far advanced, a very large
work, which was to have exhibited an historical account of
all the patriarchs and inferior prelates that have filled the
sees in Africa and the East; and the first volume was
printed at the Louvre, with this title, “Oriens Christianus in Africa,
” when the author died at Paris in 17 S3.
reacher at the catli-edral church; and there continued till 1626, when he died of the plague. He was a very learned man, and the first who composed a body of Roman
, in German Roszfelit, an able antiquary, was born at Eisenac in Thuringia about 1550. He
was educated in the university of Jena; in 1579, became
sub-rector of a school at Ratisbon; and, afterwards was
chosen minister of a Lutheran church at Wickerstadt, in
the duchy of Weimar. In 1592, he was invited to Naumburg in Saxony, to be preacher at the catli-edral church;
and there continued till 1626, when he died of the plague.
He was a very learned man, and the first who composed a
body of Roman antiquities, entitled “Antiquitatum Romanarum libri decem,
” printed at Basil in Bibliographia Antiqnaria.
” It went
through several editions; the latter of which have large
additions by Dempster. That of Amsterdam, 1635, in 4to,
is printed with an Elzevir letter, upon a good paper, and
has the following title: ' Joannis Rosini Antiquitatum Romanarum corpus absolutissimum. Cum notis doctissimis
ac locupletissimis Thomae Dempsteri J. C. Huic postremae
editioni accuratissimae accesserunt Pauli Manutii libri If.
de Legibus & de Senatu, cum Andreoe Schotti Klectis. I.
De Priscis Romanis Gentibus ac Familiis. 2. De Tribubus
Rom. xxxv. Rusticis atque Urbanis. 3. De ludis festisque
Romanis ex Kalendario Vetere. Cum Indrce locupletissimo, & anneis figuris accuratissimis.“His other works are,
” Exempla pietatis illustris, seu vitae trium Saxonirc Ducum electorum, Frederici II. Sapient 'is Joannis Constantly
et Joannis Frederici Magnanimi“Jena, 1602, 4to a continuation of
” Drechsleri Chronicon,“Leipsic, 1594, 8vo;
” Anti-Turcica Lutberi," in German, a collection of some
writings of Luther of the prophetic kind, against the TurksLeipsic, 1596, 8vo.
He was indisputably a very learned man; and, had his moderation and probity been equal
He was indisputably a very learned man; and, had his
moderation and probity been equal to his learning, might
justly have been accounted an ornament to the republic of
letters: his application to study, his memory, the multitude
of his books, and his quickness of parts, are surprising.
Ferrarius tells us that he studied day and night; that, during the last fourteen years of his life, he kept himself shut
tip in a little room, and that his conversation with those
who went to visit him ran only upon learning; that, like
another Ezra, he might have restored the holy scripture, if
it had been lost, for that he could repeat it almost by heart;
and that the number of his books exceeded the number of
his years. He left behind him also several manuscripts,
which, as Morhoff tells us, “remained in the hands of
Picruccius, professor at Padua, and are not yet published,
to the no small indignation of the learned world.
” He was
nevertheless a man of a malignant and contentious spirit,
and lived in continual hostility with the learned of his time,
nor did he spare the best writers of ancient Rome, even
Cicero himself, whose language he censured for improprieties and barbarisms. Niceron enumerates upwards of an
hundred different publications by Scioppius, all of which
are now fallen into oblivion, or only occasionally consulted.
They are mostly polemical, on subjects of criticism, religious opinions, the Jesuits, Protestants, &c. many of them
under the fictitious names of Nicodemus Macer, Oporinus
Grubinius, Aspasius Crosippus, Holofernes Krigsoederus,
and other barbarous assumptions.
pper Palatinate, Jan. 1, 1600, of a good family. His father Wigand Spanheim, doctor of divinity, was a very learned man, and ecclesiastical counsellor to the elec
, professor of divinity at Leyden, was born at Amberg in the Upper Palatinate, Jan. 1,
1600, of a good family. His father Wigand Spanheim,
doctor of divinity, was a very learned man, and ecclesiastical counsellor to the elector-palatine; he died in 1620,
holding in his hand a letter from his son, which had made
him weep for joy. Frederic was educated with great care
under the inspection of this affectionate parent; and, having studied in the college of Amberg till 1613, was sent
the next year to the university of Heidelberg, which was
then in a very flourishing condition. He there made such
progress both in languages and philosophy, as to justify
the most sanguine hopes of his future success. After paying a visit to his father in 1619, he went to Geneva to study
divinity. In 1621, after his father’s death, he went into
Dauphine, and lived three years with the governor of Ambrun, as tutor in his family. He then returned to Geneva,
and went afterwards to Paris, where he met with a kind
relation, Samuel Durant, who was minister of Charenton,
and dissuaded Spanheim from accepting the professorship
of philosophy at Lausanne, which the magistrates of Berne
then offered him.
In April 1625, he paid a visit of four months to England, and was at Oxford; but the plague having broke out
there, he returned to Paris, and was present at the death
of his relation Durant, who, having a great kindness for
him, left him his whole library. He had learned Latin and
Greek in his own country, French at Geneva, English at
Oxford; and the time which he now spent at Paris, was
employed in acquiring the oriental tongues. In 1627, he
disputed at Geneva for a professorship of philosophy, and
was successful; and about the same time married a lady,
originally of Poitou, who reckoned among her ancestors the
f;unous Budtrus. He was admitted a minister some time
after; and, in 1631, succeeded to the chair of divinity,
which Turretin had left vacant. He acquitted himself of
liis functions with such ability, as to receive the most liberal offers from several universities: but that of Leyden prevailed, after the utmost endeavours had been used to keep
him at Geneva. He left Geneva in 1642; and taking a
doctor of divinity’s degree at Basil, that he might conform
to the custom of the country to which he was going, he arrived at Leyden in October that year. He not only supported, but even increased the reputation he had brought
with him but he lived to enjoy it only a short time, dying
April 30, 1649. His great labours shortened his days.
His academical lectures and disputations, his preaching (for he was minister of the Walloon church at Leyden), the
books he wrote, and many domestic cares, did not hinder
him from keeping up a great literary correspondence. Besides this, he was obliged to pay many visits he visited
the queen of Bohemia, and the prince of Orange and was
in great esteem at those two courts. Queen Christina did
him the honour to write to him, assuring him of her esteem,
and of the pleasure she took in reading his works. It was
at her request that he wrote some memoirs of Louisa Juliana, electress palatine. He was also the author of some
other historical as well as theological works the principal
of which are his “Dubia evangelica discussa et vindicata,
Genev. Exercitationes de Grafla universali,
” Leyden, Epistolae ad Davidem Bu
chananum super controversies quibusdam, quse in ecclesiis
Anglicanis agitantur,
” ibid. Vitas selectorupi aliquot virorum.
” He was a correspondent of, and highly
esteemed by archbishop Usher.
four senior fellows at least. He was M. D. and LL. D. and public professor of the university. He was a very learned man, but more fond of the study of divinity, than
, a learned physician
of Ireland, was born at Ardbraccan in the county of Meath.
in 1622, in tfie house of his uncle, the celebrated archbishop Usher, but then bishop of Meath. He was educated in the college of Dublin, of which he became a fellow, but was ejected by the usurping powers for his loyalty.
At the restoration he was reinstated, and advanced to the
place of senior fellow by nomination, together with Joshua
Cowley, Richard Lingard, William Vincent, and Patrick
Sheridan, masters of arts, in order to give a legal form to
the college, all the senior fellows being dead, and it being
requisite by the statutes, that all elections should be made
by the provost and four senior fellows at least. He was
M. D. and LL. D. and public professor of the university.
He was a very learned man, but more fond of the study
of divinity, than that of his own profession, in which,
however, he had great knowledge. He died in 1669, aged
forty-six, and was buried in the college chapel, where a
monument was erected to his memory. His writings are,
J. “Aphorismi de frclicitate,
” Dublin, De morte dissertatio,
” ibid. Animi medela, seu de bearitudine et miseria,
ibid. Adriani Heerboordii disputation um
de concwrsu examen,
” ibid. De electione
et reprobatione,
” ibid. Manuductio ad vitam probam.
” 6. “De Obstinatione,
opus posthumum, pietatem Christiano-Stoicam Scholastico
more suadens.
” This was published in
He had a brother, named Cornelius Tollius, who was also a very learned man. He was born at Utrecht, and in the beginning
He had a brother, named Cornelius Tollius, who was
also a very learned man. He was born at Utrecht, and in
the beginning of his life was an amanuensis to Isaac Vossius: he was afterwards professor of eloquence and the
Greek tongue at Harderwic, and secretary to the curators
of the academy. He published an “Appendix to Pierius
Valerian us’s treatise De Infelicitate Literatorum,
” Amst.
” which last
is a scarce and valuable work. Alexander Tollius was
also brother to the two persons above mentioned, and is
known in the literary world by an edition of “Appian,
, in his native language called Vander Beken, a very learned man, who flourished not long after the restoration
, in his native language called
Vander Beken, a very learned man, who flourished not
long after the restoration of letters, was born at Ghent, in
Flanders, in 1525, and educated at Louvain, Thence he
went to Bologna, in order to study the civil law and antiquities; where he so distinguished himself by his skill in
polite literature, and particularly in poetry, that he became
known all over Italy, and acquainted with all the learned of
Rome, Venice, and Padua. He was not only a man of
learning, but of business also; and hence, after returning
to his own country, was thought a fit person to be employed
in several embassies. He took holy orders, and at length
was raised to the bishopric of Antwerp. Hence he was
translated to the metropolitical church of Mechlin, where
he died in 15;<5, at seventy years of age. He* founded a
college of Jesuits at Louvain, the place of his education, to
which he left his library, coins, &c. Besides an octavo
volume of “Latin poems,
” printed by Plantin, at Antwerp,
in Commentaries upon Suetonius and
” the former printed in Commentaries.
” Fabricius, speaking of explications and emendations of Horace, says, that he and Lambinus were men of great learning and critical talents, and had carefully consulted the
best manuscripts, but it is thought that Torrentius had intrusted the collation to some person who had not his own
, or Adrien de Valois, brother of Henry, and a very learned man also, was born at Paris in 1607, and educated
, or Adrien de Valois, brother of
Henry, and a very learned man also, was born at Paris in
1607, and educated in the college of Clermont there, under the Jesuits. He followed the example of his brother,
and had the same counsellors in his studies, the fathers
Sirmond and Petavius. History was his principal object;
and he spent many years in searching into the most authentic records, manuscript as well as printed. His long
perseverance in these pursuits enabled him to give the public an elaborate Latin work, entitled “Gesta Francorum,
seu de rebis Francicis,
” in 3 vols. folio; the first of which
came out in 1646, the two others in 1658. This history
begins with the year 254; and ends with 752. It is written with care and elegance, and may serve for an excellent commentary upon the ancient historians of France,
who wrote rudely and barbarously: but some have considered it as a critical work filled with rude erudition, rather
than a history. Colbert asked him one day concerning his
Latin history of France, and pressed him to continue it;
but he answered the minister, that he might as well take
away his life, as put him upon a work so full of difficulties, and so much beyond what his age could bear; for he
was then in years. He is the author of several other Latin
works; as “Notitia Galliarum, ordine alphabetico digesta,
” Ammianus Marcellinus;
” to which, besides additional notes of his brother
and Lindenbrog, he added notes and emendations of his
own. He wrote also a Panegyric upon the king, and a life
of his brother. There is also a “Valesiana.
, a very learned man, whom some have confounded with John Gerard
, a very learned man, whom some
have confounded with John Gerard Vossius, was born in
the diocese of Liege, some say at Berchloon, and others
at Hasselt, but he does not appear to have been related to
the family of Gerard. He was an ecclesiastic of the church
of Rome, employed in some considerable offices under the
popes, and died at Liege in 1609. He published a Latin
commentary upon “Cicero in Somnium Scipionis,
” at
generality of readers might comprehend it with little difficulty. About this year, 1710, Menkenius, a very learned man in Germany, wrote to Dr. Hudson, the keeper
In 1709 he published a volume of “Sermons and Essays
oh several subjects;
” one of which is to prove that our
blessed Saviour had several brethren and sisters properly
o called, that is, the children of his reputed father Joseph, and of his true mother, the Virgin Mary. Dr.
Clarke, he says, wrote to him to suppress this piece, not
on account of its being false, but that the common opinion
might go undisturbed but, he adds, <: that such sort of
motives were of no weight with him, compared with the
discovery and propagation of truth. In 1710 he published
“Praelectiones Physico-Mathematicae sive Pbilosophia
clarissimi Newtoni Mathematica illustrata
” which, together with the “Prajlectiones Astronomicae
” before mentioned, were afterwards translated and published tn English; and it may be said, with no small honour to the memory of Mr. Whiston, that he was one of the first, if not
the very first, who explained the Newtonian philosophy in
a popular way, and so that the generality of readers might
comprehend it with little difficulty. About this year, 1710,
Menkenius, a very learned man in Germany, wrote to Dr.
Hudson, the keeper of the Bodleian library at Oxford, for
an account of Mr. Whiston; whose writings then made, as
he said, a great noise in Germany. He had some time
embraced the Arian heresy, and was forming projects to
support and propagate it and, among other things, had
translated the “Apostolical Constitutions
” into English,
which favoured that doctrine, and which he asserted to be
genuine. His friends began to be alarmed for him; they
represented to him the dangers he would bring upon himself and family, for he had been married many years, by
proceeding in this design; but all they could say availed
nothing: and the consequence was, that, Oct. 30, 1710,
he was deprived of his professorship, and expelled the
university of Cambridge, after having been formally convened and interrogated for some days before.