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Currently only Chalmers’ Biographical Dictionary is indexed, terms are not stemmed, and diacritical marks are retained.

an anatomical author of France, was born in the beginning of the

, an anatomical author of France, was born in the beginning of the fourteenth century, and studied at Montpellier under Raymond de Moliere. He was physician to the popes Clement VI. and Urban V. In 1363 he published a much esteemed body of surgery, under the title of “Chirurgix tractatus septem cum antidotario,” printed Venet. 1490, and often since; and translated into most of the modern languages, and into English in 1541, fol. It is to this physician we owe the description of the terrible plague which in 1348 destroyed a fourth of the human race. His work displays, besides, a complete knowledge of the practice of surgery from the earliest times, with some judicious improvements of his own invention.