, an eminent doctor and minister of Bremen, son of Cornelius de Hase,
, an eminent doctor and minister
of Bremen, son of Cornelius de Hase, minister and professor of divinity at Bremen, and Sarah Wolter, a lady
distinguished by her learning, and her knowledge of Hebrew, was born November 30, 1682, and was appointed
professor of belles-lettres at Hanau, but recalled to Bremen the following year, to be minister and professor of
Hebrew, and admitted D. D. at Francfort upon Oder in
1712, though absent; and member of the royal society at
Berlin in 1718. In 1723 he was made professor of divinity
at, Bremen, and died there April 25, 1731. He left a
volume of “Dissertations,
” which are much esteemed; and
assisted M. Lampe in a journal begun under the title of
“Bibliotheca Historico-Philologico-Theoiogica,
” and continued under that of “Musieum Historico-PhilologicoTheologicum.
” His brother James was also a man of
considerable erudition. He published many classical
tracts, which were well received by the learned. He died
in 1723.