, an eminent satirist, was born at Sienna in the seventeenth century,
, an eminent satirist, was born at
Sienna in the seventeenth century, and going to Rome,
became so distinguished for his talents that he was made a
bishop. His Latin <l Satires“were published under the
name of Quintus Sectanus, and are said to rank among the
purest imitations of Horace’s style and manner. He
would have deserved to have been considered as the first of
moral satirists, had he confined himself to the vices and
follies of his time, but much of his ridicule is bestowed on
the celebrated Gravina, who, with all his failings, ought to
have been exempted from an attack of this kind. Sergardi
died in 1727. The editions of his satires are: 1.
” Sectani
Satyrse xix. in Phylodemum, cum notis variorum.“-Colon.
1698, 8vo. 2.
” Satyra? numero auctae, mendis purgatae,
&c.cum notis anonymi: concinnante P. Antoniano.“Amst.
Elzevir (Naples), 1700, 2 vols. 8vo. 3.
” Sergardii Lud.
antehac Q. Sectani, Satyrs, et alia opera." Luc. 1783, 4
vols. 8vo.