, an ingenious canon, and grand vicar of Angers, under Messrs. Fouquet,
, an ingenious canon, and grand
vicar of Angers, under Messrs. Fouquet, Miron, de Reuil,
and Arnaud, was born at Angers in 1572, or 1582, and
obtained his preferments in consequence of his superior
knowledge of ecclesiastical laws and customs. He was the
author of an excellent treatise “des Excommunications,
et des Monitoires,
” 1672, 4to, and other valuable works.
Eveillon also wrote “De Processionibus Ecclesiasticis,
8vo “De recta psallendi ratione,
” 4 to, &c. So great
was his charity to the poor, that he denied himself almost
every convenience of life for their sakes. Being blamed
one day for having no hangings to his room, he replied,
“When I come into my house in winter, I do not hear the
walls complain of cold; but the poor, who are shivering at
my door, tell me they want clothing.
” He died at Angers