, brother to the preceding,
and his successor in the direction of the botanic garden at
Bologna, in 1657 published the catalogue “Hortus Bononiae studiosorum consitus,
” ibid. 1654, 1657, 4-to; and a
little before his death, “Phytologia, hoc est, de plantis
partis primae tomus primus, &c.
” ibid. fol. 1666. This
contains the names, synonyms, and etymologies of the
plants, with a botanical lexicon, and index in three languages. It has been often consulted for the synonyms,
but the etymologies are thought to be sometimes fanciful.
The second volume, which was to include trees, never
appeared. The Ambrosini were skilful botanists, but living
before the science was so well understood as it has been
since the time of Linnæus, their works are deficient in
order and precision. Bassi dedicated a genus of plants to
their memory, under the name of Ambrosinia, a genus of
the polyandria order, of which there is but one species, a
native of Turkey.