, son of the preceding, became eminent in the science of jurisprudence, in the prosecution
, son of the preceding, became eminent in the science of jurisprudence, in the prosecution of which he studied at the universities of Copenhagen, Leyden, Oxford, Paris, Leipsic, and at London.
On his return home he was appointed professor of history
and civil law, and held the offices of assessor of the consistory, secretary, antiquary, and keeper of the royal archives.
He died Nov. 5, 1690. He published, 1. “De Holgero
” De Longobardis,
” De equestris ordinis Danebrogici a Christiano V. instaurati origine,
” fol. 4: “De causis mortis a Danis gentilibus contemptae.
” 5. “Antiquit. Danic. libri tres,