gh, esq. of Perry-hall. This gentleman, for whom his son ever preserved a reverential affection, was born April 2, 1681, and in his eleventh year, went with his uncle
, the Camden of the eighteenth century, and one of the most illustrious antiquaries England has produced, was the only son of Harry Gough, esq. of Perry-hall. This gentleman, for whom his son ever preserved a reverential affection, was born April 2, 1681, and in his eleventh year, went with his uncle sir Richard Gough, to China, where he kept his accounts. In 1707, he commanded the ship Streatham, of which his younger brother Richard was purser in 1709. He continued to command this ship till 1715, when he retired with a decent competency, and was elected a director of the East India company about 1731. In this situation, his knowledge of the company’s affairs, the result of his many voyages in their service, and his zeal for their interests, joined to habitual activity and integrity, gave him great weight. He became also a representative in parliament in 1734, for the borough of Bramber, for which he sat until his death. His political career was marked by independence of spirit. Although attached to, and in the confidence of, sir Robert Walpole, he refused several offices from that minister, and yet supported him to the last. He died in 1751, and was buried in the rector’s vault in St. Andrew’s church, Holborn. In 1717, he purchased of the lady of sir Richard Shelley, one moiety of the Middlemore estate in Warwickshire (the other moiety of which he before possessed), which afterwards descended to his son and heir Richard, together with the property at Enfield, which he purchased in 1723. In 1719 he married Elizabeth, daughter of Morgan Hynde, esq. of London, an eminent brewer.
, a celebrated English admiral, the second son of William earl of Albemarle, was born April 2, 1725. He entered the sea-service while he was young,
, a celebrated English admiral,
the second son of William earl of Albemarle, was born
April 2, 1725. He entered the sea-service while he was
young, accompanied commodore Anson round the world,
and by the zeal which he manifested in his profession, was
raised to the first honours which it had to bestow. The
most important occurrence in his life took place in 1778,
when he had the command of the channel fleet, to which
he had been appointed at the personal and urgent solicitation of the king, and which he readily accepted, though he
could not help observing, that “his forty years’ services
were not marked by any favour from the crown, except
that of its confidence in the time of danger.
” On the 12th
of July he fell in with the French fleet, under count d'Orvilliers, off Ushant: an engagement ensued, which, though
partial, was very warm while it lasted. It was necessary
to take a short time to repair the damages: which being
done, the admiral made proper signals for the van and
rear division to take their respective stations. This order
was obeyed with great alacrity by sir Robert Harland of
the van, but admiral sir Hugh Palliser of the rear took no
notice of the signal, and refused to join his commander,
till night prevented a renewal of the battle. The French,
taking advantage of the darkness, escaped to their own.
coast. Admiral Keppel, willing to excuse sir Hugh Palliser, at least to screen him from public resentment, wrote
home such a letter as seemed even to imply great impropriety of behaviour in the commander himself. The conduct, however, of the rear-admiral was attacked in the
public papers: he demanded of his commander a formal
disavowal of the charges brought against him, which Keppel indignantly refused. He immediately exhibited articles of accusation against the commander-in-chief, for misconduct and neglect of duty, although he had a second
time sailed with him, and had never uttered a syllable to
his prejudice. The lords of the admiralty instantly fixed
a day for the trial of admiral Keppel, who was most
honourfcbly acquitted, and received the thanks of both houses of
parliament for his services. Palliser was next tried, and
escaped with a censure only, but the resentment of the
public was so great, that he was obliged to resign several
offices which he held under government, and to vacate his
seat in parliament. The acquittal of Keppel was celebrated with the most magnificent illuminations, and other
marks of rejoicing which had never been known at that
time in this country; and the houses of lord Sandwich,
first lord of the admiralty, and sir Hugh Palliser, were
with difficulty saved from destruction; the windows and
much of the furniture being demolished by the fury of the
populace. In 1782, admiral Keppel was raised to a peerage, with the titles of viscount Keppel baron Elden: he
was afterwards, at two different periods, appointed first
lord of the admiralty. He died Oct. 3, 1786, unmarried,
and of course his titles became extinct He was a thorough
seaman, and a man of great integrity and humanity.
, born April 2, 1658, obtained great wealth in the profession of a
, born April 2, 1658, obtained great
wealth in the profession of a wholesale druggist and being
appointed to superintend the materia medica in the king’s
gardens, drew up a catalogue of all the articles in that collection, with some that were preserved in cabinets, under
the title of “Histoire generale des Drogues,
” folio, which,
besides passing through some editions in the original, was
translated into English in 1725, 4to. He died Nov. 18,
1699, in his forty-first year, and the very day that the
king sent him an order for a pension. His work was republished by his son in 1735, in two volumes, 4to, but the
engravings in this edition are not thought so good as in
the first.