, grandson also to sir Anthony Fitzherbert, and cousin to Thomas, was born
, grandson also to sir Anthony Fitzherbert, and cousin to Thomas, was born about
1550, and became a student of Exeter college in Oxford.
About 1572, be left his native country, parents, and patrimony, for religion, as a voluntary exile. At first he
settled at Bologna in Italy, 'to obtain the knowledge of the
civil law, and was there in 1580. Not long after he went
to Rome, and in 1587 began to live, as his secretary, in
the family of William Alan, the cardinal of England. He
continued with him till his death, after having distinguished
himself by his knowledge in the laws, and in polite literature. He was unfortunately drowned, 1612, in a journey
he made from Rome. He published the following pieces:
1. “Casao Galataei de bonis moribus,
” Oxoniensis in Anglia Academiae Descriptio,
” De Antiquitate et Continuatione
Catholicse Religionis in Anglia,
” Vitse Cardinalis Alani Epitome,