, lord of Cantalupo, was born in 1507, at Naples. In his youth he was
, lord of Cantalupo, was born
in 1507, at Naples. In his youth he was solicited by Sannazario and Poderico to undertake the task of writing the
history of Naples, “Istoria del Regno di Napoli,
” &c.
published in a folio, printed at Aquila in 1531. On this
he bestowed 53 years of persevering investigation. This
first edition, scarce even in Italy, reaches from the year
1250 to 1489; that is, from the death of Frederic II. to the
war of Milan, under Ferdinand I. Costanzo enlivened by
the culture of Latin poetry the dryness of history, and
succeeded both in one and the other. He is said to have
improved the art of writing sonnets by graces of his own
invention. His Italian poetry was published in 1709, 1723,
1728, &c. He died about 1590, at a very advanced age.
A second edition of his history appeared at Venice, 1710,
4to and a third also in 4to, at Naples, 1735, with a life
of Constanzo by Bernardino Tafuri.