tory of the first ages of the church, and relates the persecutions which it suffered, the succession of popes, the heresies which arose, the councils which condemned
, a learned
ecclesiastical writer of the 17th century, born at Roan in
Normandy, Jan. 19, 1639. After finishing his studies at
Roan, he entered into the order of Dominican friars, and
was professed there in 1655. Soon after he went to Paris,
to go through a course of philosophy and divinity in the
great convent, where he so distinguished himself, that he
was appointed to teach philosophy there, which he did for
twelve years. This however did not so much engage his
attention as to make him neglect preaching, which is the
chief business of the order he professed. His sermons
were elegant and solid: but as he had not that ease and
fluency of speech requisite in a preacher, he soon forsook
the pulpit; and his superiors being of opinion that he
should apply himself wholly to the study of the scriptures
and ecclesiastical history, he followed their advice, and
was created a doctor of the Sorbonne in 1675. Mr. Colbert shewed him many marks of his esteem; and being determined to omit nothing to complete the education of his
son, afterwards archbishop of Roan, he formed an assembly of the most learned persons, whose conferences upon,
ecclesiastical history might be of advantage to him. Father Alexander was invited to this assembly, where he exerted himself with so much genius and ability, that he
gained the particular friendship of young Colbert, who
shewed him the utmost regard as long as he lived. These
conferences gave rise to Alexander’s design of writing an
ecclesiastical history; for, being desired to reduce what
was material in these conferences to writing, he did it with
so much accuracy, that the learned men who composed
this assembly advised him to undertake a complete body of
church-history. This he executed with great assiduity,
collecting and digesting the materials himself, and writing
even the tables with his own hand. His first work is that
wherein he endeavours to prove, against Ai. de Launoi,
that St. Thomas Aquinas is the real author of the Sum,
ascribed to him: it was printed in Paris 1675, in 8vo. The
year following he published the first volume of a large
work in Latin, upon the principal points of ecclesiastical
history: this contains 26 volumes in 8vo. The first volume
treats of the history of the first ages of the church, and
relates the persecutions which it suffered, the succession
of popes, the heresies which arose, the councils which
condemned them, the writers in favour of Christianity,
and the kings and emperors who reigned during the first
century: to this are subjoined dissertations upon such
points as have been the occasion of dispute in history,
chronology, criticism, or doctrine. The history of the
second century, with some dissertations, was published in
two volumes in the year 1677. The third century came
out in 1678; in this he treats largely of public penance,
and examines into the origin and progress of the famous
dispute between pope Stephen and St. Cyprian, concerning the rebaptizing of those who had been baptized by
heretics; and he has added three dissertations, wherein he
has collected what relates to the life, manners, errors, and
Defenders of St. Cyprian. The history of the fourth century is so very extensive, that Alexander has found matter
for three volumes and forty-five dissertations; they were
printed at Paris in 1679. In the three following years he
published his history of the fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth,
ninth, and tenth centuries; and that of the eleventh and
twelfth centuries in 1683; in these volumes are several
Dissertations against Mr. Daille; and in some of them he
treats of the disputes between the princes and popes in.
such a manner, that a decree from Rome was issued out
Against his writings in 1684. However, he published the
same year the history of the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, in which he continued to defend the rights of kings
against the pretensions of that court. He at last completed
his work in 1686, by publishing four volumes, which contained the history of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries.
Jn 1689 he published a work, in the same method, upon
the Old Testament, in six volumes 8vo. In 1678 he published three dissertations: the first concerning the superiority of bishops over presbyters, against Blondel; the
second concerning the celibacy of the clergy, and
reconciling the history of Paphnutius with the canon of the
council of Nice; and the third concerning the Vulgate.
The same year he printed a dissertation concerning sacramental confession, against Mr. Daille“, in 8vo. In 1682
he wrote an apology for his dissertation upon the Vulgate,
against Claudius Frassen. He published likewise about
this time, or some time before, three dissertations in defence of St. Thomas Aquinas; the first against Henschenius and Papebroch, to shew that the office of the holy
sacrament was written by him; the second was in form of
a dialogue between a Dominican and a Franciscan, to con
fute the common opinion that Alexander of Hales was St.
Thomas Aquinas’s master: and that the latter borrowed
” Secunda Secundse“from the former: the third is a
panegyric upon Aquinas. In 1693 he published his
” Theologia dogmatica,“in five books, or
” Positive and
Moral Divinity, according to the order of the catechism
of the council of Trent.“This Latin work, consisting of
ten octavo volumes, was printed at Paris and at Venice in
1698; in 1701 he added another volume; and they were
all printed together at Paris, in two volumes folio, in 1703,
with a collection of Latin letters, which had been printed
separately. In 1703 he published tf A commentary upon
the four Gospels,
” in folio; and in Statuta facultatis artium Thomistiæe collegio
Parisiensi fratrum prsedicatorum instituta,
” Paris, Institutio concionatorum tripartita, seu praecepta et regula ad praedicatores informandos, cum ideis
seu rudimentis concionum per totum annum.
” 3. “Abre‘ge’
de la foy et de la morale de l‘eglise, tiree de l’ecriture
” Paris, Eclaircissement des
prétendues difficultés proposeés a mons. l'archevêque de
Rouen, sur plusieurs points importans de la morale de
Jesus Christ,
” A Letter to a Doctor
of Sorbonne, upon the dispute concerning Probability,
and the Errors of a Thesis in Divinity maintained by the
Jesuits in their college at Lyons, the 26th of August,
printed at Mons, A second letter upon
the same subject,
” An apology for the
Dominican Missionaries in China, or an Answer to a book
of father Tellier the Jesuit, entitled a Defence of the new
Christians; and to an Explanation published by father
Gobien, of the same society, concerning the honours which
the Chinese pay to Confucius and to the dead,
” printed at
Cologn, 1699, 12mo. 8. “Documenta controversiarum
missionariorum apostolicorum imperii Sinici de cultu praejiertim Confueii philosophi et progenitoruin defunctorum
spectantia, ac apologiam Dominica norum missiones Sinicae
ministrorum adversus Hr. Pp. le Tellier et le Gobien societatis Jesu confirmantia.
” 9. “A Treatise on the conformity between the Chinese ceremonies and the Greek
and Roman idolatry, in order to confirm the apology of
the Dominican Missionaries in China,
versatility of our author’s genius: his history of princes, however, is the best of the three; that of popes is said to be superficial, and not very impartial. 8.
, a French advocate, was
born at Montpeliier, and died at Paris, March 7, 1785,
in the eighty-second year of his age. Having no talents
to make a figure at the bar, he became an author by profession, and compiled a great number of works for the
booksellers, some of which had considerable success. The
principal productions of his industry were, 1. Several dictionaries, particularly “L'Agronome,
” 2 vols. 8vo; a good
abridgment of the “Maison Rustique;
” a “Dictionnaire
” and another “Des Conciles,
” both in 8vo,
concise, but not remarkable for perspicuity. 2. “Manuel
de l'homme du monde,
” 8vo; and “L'Encyclopedie de
” 8vo; compilations made with little care. 3. “Synopsis Doctrinæ Sacræ,
” 8vo, a collection of the passages
in the Bible which regard the articles of belief. 4. “Tableau de l'histoire de France,
” 2 vols. 12mo, which was
adopted into some schools, and although negligently written,
and with little attraction, gives the principal facts of the
French history with fidelity and simplicity. 5. “Les
Princes celebres qui ont regné dans le monde,
” 4 vols.
12mo. 6. “L'Histoire des Papes,
” 2 vols. 12mo. 7. “L'Histoire des Singes,
” 2 vols. 12mo. This transition from the
history of princes and popes to that of apes and monkeys,
may be thought a proof of the versatility of our author’s
genius: his history of princes, however, is the best of the
three; that of popes is said to be superficial, and not very
impartial. 8. “Les ornamens de la memoire,
” 12mo, in
which the title is more happy than usual in such works, is a
collection of the beauties of the French poets, and has been
often reprinted and enlarged. 9. “Les Lemons de Thalie,
3 vols. 12mo; these are portraits and characteristic pieces
from the comic poets. 10. “Connoisances des Poetes Françoises,
” 2 vols. 12mo. 11. “Catechisme de l'age mur,
12mo, an abridgment of the proofs of religion by question and answer. 12. “L'Albert moderne,
” 2 vols. 12mo.
13. “L'Esprit des Journalistes de Trevoux,
” 4 vols. 12mo.
14. “L'Esprit des Journalistes de Hollande,
” 2 vols.
12mo. The former of these is a judicious selection. He
compiled likewise several books for schools, and abridgments of the Greek history, the “Magasin des Adolescens,
” lives of the saints, &c. &c. This copious list, in
which we have not given all his compilations, is no small
testimony to the industry of M. Alletz, who was at least
virtuously, and often usefully employed, and whose character made his death, although at a very advanced period,
be much regretted by his friends and family.
led in the year of our Lord 1554. Newlye set fourth and allowed,” London, 1561, 8vo. 9, “The Pageant of Popes, containing the lyves of all the bishops of Rome from
Bishop Bale’s fame now principally rests on his valuable
collection of British biography, which was first published,
under the title of “lllustrium Majoris Britanniae scriptorum, hoc est, Anglic, Cambriae et Scotia?, Summarium,
Ipswich, 1549, 4to, containing only five centuries of writers. To these he added afterwards four more centuries,
with many additions and improvements on the first edition,
the whole printed in a large folio, at Basil, by Oporinus,
1559. The title is greatly enlarged, and informs us, that
the writers, whose lives are there treated of, are those of
the Greater Britain, namely, England and Scotland that
the work commences from Japhet, one of the sons of Noah,
and is carried down through a series of 3618 years, to the
year of our Lord 1557, at which time the author was an exile
for religion in Germany that it is collected from a great
variety of authors, as Berosus, Gennadius, Bede, Honorius,
Boston of Bury, Fruaientarius, Capgrave, Bostius, BureU
lus, Trithemius, Gesner, and our great antiquary John
Leland that it consists of nine centuries, comprises the
antiquity, origin, annals, places, successes, the more remarkable actions, sayings, and writings of each author; in
all which a due regard is had to chronology the whole
with this particular view, that the actions of the reprobate
as well as the elect ministers of the church may historically
and aptly correspond with the mysteries described in the
Revelation, the stars, angels, horses, trumpets, thunder ings, heads, horns, mountains, vials, and plagues, through
every age of the same church. There are appendixes to
many of the articles, and an account of such actions of the
contemporary popes as are omitted by their flatterers, Cargulanus, Platina, &c. together with the actions of the monks,
particularly those of the mendicant order, who (he says)
are meant by the locusts in the Revelation, ch. ix. ver. 3
and 7. To these Appendixes is added a perpetual succession both of the holy fathers and the antichrists of the
church, with curious instances from the histories of various
nations and countries in order to expose their adulteries,
debaucheries, strifes, seditions, sects, deceits, poisonings,
murders, treasons, and innumerable impostures. The book
is dedicated to Otho Henry, prince palatine of the Rhine,
duke of both the Bavarias, and elector of the Roman empire and the epistle dedicatory is dated from Basil in
September, 1557. Afterwards^ in 1559, appeared a continuation of the workj with the addition of five more centuries (which the editors of the Biog. Brit, call a new edition). His other works are divided by Fuller into two parts,
those he wrote when a papist, and those when a protestant:
but Fuller’s list containing only the subjects of his works,
and not the titles or dates, we shall prefer the following list
from Ames and Herbert; premising, that, according to
Fox, in his Acts and Monuments, Bale wrote some books
under the name of John “Harrison. He was the sou of
Henry Bale, and on that account, perhaps, took the name
of Harrison l.
” The Actes of Englysh Votaries, comprehending their unchast practyses and examples by all ages >
from the world’s beginning to this present year, collected
out of their own legendes and chronicles, 8vo, 1546> 1548,
1551, and 1560. 2. “Yet a course at the Homy she Fox,
by John Harrison, i. e. Bale, Zurich, Declaration of William Tolwyn,
” London, date uncertain, Ames says The Apology of JohanBale agaynste a ranke
Papyst, answering both hym and hys doctours, that neyther their vowes nor yet their pricsthotic are of the gospel,
but of Antichrist;
” with this, “A brefe exposycion upon,
the xxx chapter of Numeri,
” London, 15,50, 8vo. 4. “An
Expostulation or Coinplaynt, agaynste the blasphemy es of
a frantic Papyst of Hamshyrc,
” with metrical versions ef
the 23d and 130th Psalms,“London, 1552, and 1584, 8vo.
” The Image of both Churches, after the most wonderiul and heavenly Revelation of Sainct John the Evangelist,
contayning a very fruitefull exposicion or paraphrase upon
the same,“first, second, and third parts, London, 1550, and
1584, 8vo. 6. A brefe Chronicle concerning the examination and death of the blessed Martir of Christ, Sir Johan
Oldecastle, Lord Cobham,
” 1544 and 1576, 8vo, reprinted
also in 1729. 7. “The vocacyon of Johan Bale to the
Bishoprick of Ossorie in Ireland, his persecucions in the
same, and final deliveraunce,
” London, A Declaration
of Edmonde Bonner’s Articles, concerning the Cleargye
of London Dyocese, whereby that execrable amychriste is
in his righte colours reueled in the year of our Lord 1554.
Newlye set fourth and allowed,
” London, 1561, 8vo. 9,
“The Pageant of Popes, containing the lyves of all the
bishops of Rome from the beginninge of them to the yeare
of grace 1555, London, 4to, 1574. This is a translation
from Bale’s Latin edition, by J. S. i. e. John Stu'dley. 10.
” A new Comedy or Interlude, concerning the Laws of
Nature, Moises, and Christ,“London, 1562, 4to. This
was written in 1532, and first printed in the time of Edward VI. 11.
” A Tragedie or Enterlucle, manifesting the
chief promises of God unto man, by all ages in the olde
lawe, from the fall of Adam to the incarnation,“London,
1577, 4to. 12.
” A Mystereye of Inyquyte contayned
within the heretycall genealogye of Ponce Pantolabus, is
here both dysclosed and confuted,“Geneva, 1545, 16mo.
” The First Examination of the worthy servaunt of God
Mastres Anne Askew,“Marpurg, 1546, 16mo, and the
” Lattre Examinacion“of the same, ibid. 1547. 14.
” A
brife and fay th full declaration of the true Faith in Christ,“1547, IGmo. Mr. Herbert conjectures this to be Bale’s.
The initials only of the author are given. 15.
” The laboryouse journey and serche of Johan Leylande, for En glandes Antiquitees, &c.“London, 1549, 16mo, reprinted
in the Life of Leland (with those of Wood and Hearne)
1772, and followed there by a memoir of Bale. 16.
” The
confession -of the synner after the sacred scriptures, 1549,
8vo. 17. “A Dialogue or Communycacyon to be had at
a table between two chyldren gathered out of the Holy
Scriptures, by John Bale for his two yonge sonnes, Johan
acid Paule,
” London, Bapt.
Mantuanus’s treatise on Death,
” London, The true hystorie of the Christen departynge of the reverend man D. Martyne Luther, &c.
” A
godly Medytacyon of the Christen Soule, from the French
of Margaret queen of Navarre,
” London, probably, Acts of.
the English Votaries,
” and other pieces written against the
Papists, are best known, although censured for their intemperance and partiality. The character, indeed, of few
writers has been more variously represented., Gesner,
in his Bibliotheca, calls him a writer of the greatest diligence, and bishop Godwin gives him the character of a
laborious inquirer into British antiquities. Similar praise
is bestowed on him by Humphrey in his “Vaticinium de
” and by Vogler in his “Introduct. Universal, in
notit. Scriptor.
” who also excuses his asperity against the
Papists, from what England had suffered from them, and
adds, that even the popish writers cannot help praising his
great biographical work. On the other hand, bishop Montague, Andreas Valerius, and Vossius, while they allow his
merit as a writer, object to his warmth and partiality. Pitts,
his successor in British biography, and a bigotted Papist,
rails against him without mercy, or decency, but may be
forgiven on account of the pains he took to give us a more
correct book, or at least, what could be alleged on the
other side of the question. Even Fuller imputes intemperance of mind to him, and calls him “Biliosus Balseus,
imputing his not being made a bishop, on his return, by
queen Elizabeth, to this cause but it is equally probable,
that he had conceived some prejudices against the hierarchy,
while residing with the Geneva reformers abroad. We
know this was the case with Coverdale, a man of less equivocal character. Wharton, in his “Anglia Sacra,
” and
Nicolson, in his “Historical Library,
” censure those
errors which in Bale were either unavoidable, or wilful, in
dates, titles of books,- and needlessly multiplying the latter. After all these objections, it will not appear surprising that Bale’s work was speedily inserted among the
prohibited books, in the Index Expurgatorius. Such a
writer was naturally to be forbidden, as an enemy to the
see of Rome. From one accusation, the late Dr. Pegge has
amply defended him in his “Anonymiana
” It was said
that after he had transcribed the titles of the volumes of
English writers which fell into his hands, he either burnt
them or tore them to pieces. This calumny was first pub^
lished by Struvius in his “Acta Literaria,
” upon the authority of Barthius. Upon the whole, with every deduction that can be made from his great work, it must ever be
considered as the foundation of English biography, and as
such, men of all parties have been glad to consult it, although with the caution necessary in all works written in
times of great animosity of sentiment, and political and
religious controversy.
n ardent lover of truth, and a retailer of visionary fancies; an admirer of papal power, and a hater of popes; art offender against the laws, with a strong reliance
, a celebrated sculptor and engraver of Florence, was born in 1500, and intended to be
trained to music but, at fifteen years of age, bound himself, contrary to his father’s inclinations, apprentice to a
jeweller and goldsmith, under whom he made such a progress, as presently to rival the most skilful in the business.
He had also a turn for other arts: and in particular an
early taste for drawing and designing, which he afterwards
cultivated. Nor did he neglect music, but must have excelled in some degree in it; for, assisting at a concert before
Clement VII. that pope took him into his service, in the
double capacity of goldsmith and musician. He applied
himself also to seal-engraving; learned to make curious damaskeenings of steel and silver on Turkish daggers, &c. and
was very ingenious in medals and rings. But Cellini excelled in arms, as well as in arts; and Clement VII. valued him
as much for his bravery as for his skill in his profession.
When the duke of Bourbon laid siege to Rome, and the city
was taken and plundered, the pope committed the castle of
St. Angelo to Cellini; who defended it like a man bred to
arms, and did not suffer it to surrender but by c?.pitulation.
Meanwhile, Cellini was one of those great wits, wh'o
may truly be said to have bordered upon madness; he was
of a desultory, capricious, unequal humour, which involved him perpetually in adventures that often threatened to prove fatal to him. He travelled among the cities
of Italy, but chiefly resided at Rome where he was sometimes in favour with the great, and sometimes out. He
consorted with all the first artists in their several ways, with
Michael Angelo, Julio Romano, &c. Finding himself at
length upon ill terms in Italy, he formed a resolution of
going to France; and, passing from Rome through Florence, Bologna, and Venice, he arrived at Padua, where
he was most kindly received by, and made some stay with,
the famous Pietro Bembo. From Padua he travelled
through Swisserland, visited Geneva in his way to Lyons,
and, after resting a few days in this last city, arrived safe
at Paris. He met with a gracious reception from Francis I.
who would have taken him into his service; but, conceiving a dislike to France from a sudden illness he fell into
there, he returned to Italy. He was scarcely arrived,
when, being accused of having robbed the castle of St.
Angelo of a great treasure at the time that Rome was
sacked by the Spaniards, he was arrested and sent prisoner thither. When set at liberty, after many hardships
and difficulties, he entered into the service of the French
king, and set out with the cardinal of Ferrara for Paris:
where when they arrived, being highly disgusted at the
cardinal’s proposing what he thought an inconsiderable
salary, he abruptly undertook a pilgrimage to Jerusalem.
He was, however, pursued and brought back to the king,
who settled a handsome salary upon him, assigned him a
house to work in at Paris, and granted him shortly after a
naturalization. But here, getting as usual into scrapes
and quarrels, and particularly having offended madame
d'Estampes, the king’s mistress, he was exposed to endless
troubles and persecutions; with which at length being
wearied out, he obtained the king’s permission to return
to Italy, and went to Florence; where he was kindly received by Cosmo de Medici, the grand duke, and engaged
himself in his service. Here again, disgusted with some
of the duke’s servants (for he could not accommodate himself to, or agree with, any body), he took a trip to Venice,
where he was greatly caressed by Titian, Sansovino, and
other ingenious artists; but, after a short stay, returned to
Florence, and resumed his business. He died in 1570.
His life was translated into English by Dr. Nugent, and
published in 1771, 2 vols. 8vo, with this title: “The Life
of Benevenuto Cellini, a Florentine artist; containing a
variety of curious and interesting particulars relative to
painting, sculpture, and architecture, and the history of
his own time.
” The original, written in the Tuscan language, lay in manuscript above a century and a half.
Though it was read with the greatest pleasure by the
learned of Italy, no man was hardy enough, during this
long period, to introduce to the world a book, in which
the successors of St. Peter were handled so roughly;
a narrative, where artists and sovereign princes, cardinals and courtezans, ministers of state and mechanics,
are treated with equal impartiality. At length, in 1730,
an enterprising Neapolitan, encouraged by Dr. Antonio
Cocchi, one of the politest scholars in Europe, published
it in one vol. 4to, but it soon was prohibited, and became
scarce. According to his own account, Cellini was at once
a man of pleasure and a slave to superstition; a despiser
of vulgar notions, and a believer in magical incantations;
a fighter of duels, and a composer of divine sonnets; an
ardent lover of truth, and a retailer of visionary fancies;
an admirer of papal power, and a hater of popes; art
offender against the laws, with a strong reliance on divine
providence. Such heterogeneous mixtures, however, generally form an amusing book, and Cellini’s life is amusing and interesting in a very high degree. It must not,
however, be omitted, that Cellini published two treatises
on the subject of his art, “Duo trattati, uno intorno alle
oito principal! arti dell* oreficiera, Paltro in materia dell*
arte della scoltura,
” &c.
in 1G89. He reconciled the disputes of the clergy with Rome, and had a great share in the elections of popes Alexander VIII. Innocent XII. and of Clement XI. When
, cardinal, abbot of St. Germaindes-Prés, son of the preceding, was born in 1C28, and
raised to the see of Laon in 1653, after having received
the doctor’s hood of Sorbonne. The king made choice of
him, not long after, as mediator between the pope’s nuncio
and the four bishops of Aleth, of Beauvois, of Pamiers,
and of Angers, and he had so far the art of conciliating the
most opposite tempers, as to effect a short-lived peace to
the church of France. He went afterwards to Bavaria, by
the appointment of Louis XIV. to negociate the marriage
of the dauphin with the electoral princess, and to transact
other affairs of importance; and afterwards he went to
Rome, where he asserted the rights of France during the
disputes about the regale, and was charged with all the
business of the court, after the death of the duke his brother, in 1G89. He reconciled the disputes of the clergy
with Rome, and had a great share in the elections of popes
Alexander VIII. Innocent XII. and of Clement XI. When
Philip V. set out to take possession of the throne of Spain,
the cardinal d‘Estrées received orders to attend him, to be
one of the ministry of that prince. He returned to France
in 1703, and died in his abbey the 18th of December 1714,
at the age of eighty-seven. The cardinal d’Estrées was
well-versed in the affairs both of church and state. With
31 comprehensive genius, he possessed agreeable and polite manners, an amiable talent in conversation, a great
equality of temper, a love for literature, and was charitable
to the poor. If he was not always successful in his negociations, it was neither the fault of his understanding nor
of his prudence. He wrote, 1. “L'Europe vivante et
” Brussels (for Paris), Replique, au nom de M. Desgrouais, a la lettre de l'abbé
Desfontaines, inserée dans le 6 e vol. des Jugemens de M.
Burlon de La Busbaquerie,
” Avignon,
g from him in opinion ill, because he had allowed himself the liberty of differing from the judgment of popes, councils, universities and doctors of the church.” Luther
In the beginning of 1524, Clement VII. sent a legate
into Germany to the diet which was to be held at Nuremberg. This pope had succeeded Adrian, who died in Oct.
1523, and had, a little before his death, canonized Benno,
who Was bishop of Meissen in the time of Gregory VII.
and one of the most zealous defenders of the holy se.
Luther, imagining that this was done directly to oppose
him, drew up a piece with this title, “Against the new
Idol and Devil set up at Meissen;
” in which he treats the
memory of Gregory with great freedom, and does not spare
even Adrian. Clement VII.'s legate, therefore, represented to the diet at Nuremberg the necessity of enforcing the
execution of the edict of Worms, which had been strangely
neglected by the princes of the empire; but, notwithstanding the legate’s solicitations, which were very pressing, the
decrees of that diet were thought so ineffectual, that they
were condemned at Rome, and rejected by the emperor.
It was in this year that the dispute between Luther and
Erasmus began about free-will. Erasmus had been much
courted by the papists to write against Luther; but had
hitherto avoided the task, by saying, “that Luther was
too great a man for him to write against, and that he had
learned more from one short page of Luther, than from all
the large books of Thomas Aquinas.
” Besides, Erasmus
was all along of opinion, that writing would not be found
an effectual way to end the differences, and establish the
peace of the church. Tired out, however, at length with
the importunities of the pope and the catholic princes, and
desirous at the same time to clear himself from the suspicion
of favouring a cause which he would not seem to favour,
he resolved to write against Luther, though, as he tells
Melancthon, it was with some reluctance; and he chose
free-will for the subject. His book was entitled “A diatriba, or Conference about Free-will,
” and was wriuen
with much moderation, and without personal reflections.
He tells Luther in the preface, “that he ought not to take
his differing from him in opinion ill, because he had allowed
himself the liberty of differing from the judgment of popes,
councils, universities and doctors of the church.
” Luther
was some time before he answered Erasmus’s book, but
at last published a treatise “De servo arbitrio, or, Of the
Servitude of Man’s Will;
” and though Melancthon had
promised Krasmus, that Luther should answer him with
civility and moderation, yet Luther had so little regard to
Melancthon’s promise, that he never wrote any thing more
severe. He accused Erasmus of being carelrsn about religion, and little solicitous what became of it, provided the
world continued in peace; and that his notions were rather
philosophical than Christian. Erasmus immediately
replied to Luther,- in a piece called “Hyperaspistes
”. in
the first part of which he answers his arguments, and in the
second his personal reflections.
e had, as we have noticed, been hitherto a believer in transubstantiation, influenced by the decrees of popes and councils, the rhetorical expressions of the fathers,
The greatest part of 1545 Dr. Ridley spent in retirement at Herne. He had, as we have noticed, been hitherto a believer in transubstantiation, influenced by the decrees of popes and councils, the rhetorical expressions of the fathers, and the letter of scripture; but it is supposed that a perusal of the controversy between Luther and the Zuinglians, with the writings of Ratramnus or Bertram, which had fallen into his hands, induced him to examine more closely into the scriptures, and opinions of the fathers; the result of which was, that this doctrine had no foundation. Cranmer also, to whom he communicated his discoveries, joined with him in the same opinion, as did Latimer. In the close of 1545, Cranmer gave him the eighth stall in St. Peter’s, Westminster. When Edward ascended the throne in 1547, Dr. Ridley was considered as a celebrated preacher, and in his sermons before the king, as well as on other occasions, exposed, with boldness and argument, the errors of popery. About this time, the fellows of Pembroke-hall presented him to the living of Soharo, in the diocese of Norwich; but the presentation being disputed by the bishop, Ridley was admitted to the living by command of the king. On Sept. 4 following, he was promoted to the bishopric of Rochester, vacant by the translation of Dr. Holbeach to the bishopric of Lincoln. He was consecrated Sept. 25, in the chapel belonging to Dr. May, dean of St. Paul’s, in the usual form, by chrism, or holy unction, and imposition of hands; and after an ath renouncing the usurped jurisdiction of the Roman pontiff, was vested, according to the ancient rites, with the robes and insignia appropriated to his dignity. Yet Dr. Brookes, in the subsequent reign, would not allow Ridley to have been a bishop, and only degraded him from his priest’s orders, which is not easy to be accounted for; because if the pretence was that his abjuration of the pope invalidated his consecration, the same objection might be made to Bonner, Tonstall, Gardiner, &c.
, of Popes, in the county of Hertford, esq. born about 1595, was
, of Popes, in the county of Hertford, esq. born about 1595, was sent in the unfortunate
expedition against Cadiz in 1625, as captain of a band of
volunteers, sir Edward Cecil being both admiral of the
fleet, and also lieutenant-general and lord marshal of the
land-forces. On Sept. 3, they joined the fleet at Plymouth,
where sir Samuel Argol, who had been employed with 28
sail against the Dunkirkers, came up with the admiral, and
brought nine of their ships as prizes. Here they waited so
long for the arrival of the king (who knighted several of the officers), that they did not weather the Lizard till
Oct. 9; and were 13 days reaching Cadiz, occasioned by
a tempest, which Mr. Tooke, who appears to have been a
considerable actor in the expedition, has well described in
a poem, of which it may be observed, en passant, that the
versification is perfectly in the vitiated taste of the times in
which it was written; but the thoughts are just and manly,
the poetry strong and nervous, and the imagery every
where correspondent and true. In a mixture of prose and
verse, Mr. Tooke proceeds to describe the various distresses
of the fleet, both in their fruitless attack and unsuccessful
search of the plate-fleet. “Loud complaints,
” says Hume,
“were made against the court, for entrusting so important
a command to a man like Cecil, whom, though he possessed great experience, the people, judging by the event,
esteemed of very slender capacity.
” Nor did their misfortunes cease with their voyage. A severe mortality attended the ships after their arrival at Plymouth. “For my
own peculiar,
” says Mr. Tooke, “though outwardly I held
up, and fair awhile after, yet this forbearance wrought so
little quittance, that several diseases (hence contracted)
laid at length such peremptory fetters of a warm bed and a
cautious diet over me, that I was compelled to retire, and
verse myself out of that profession which I had formerly
been versed in for several years together.
The manor of Popes had been in this family from 1483. Mr. Thomas Tooke sold
The manor of Popes had been in this family from 1483.
Mr. Thomas Tooke sold it in 1664 to Stephen Ewre and
Joshua Lomax; and they the next year to Daniel Siiottorden, of Eltham in Kent, esq. He sold it to col. Thomas
Taylor; and Taylor to sir David Mitchel, who gave it to
his lady for life, and afterwards to his nephew John Mitchel, esq. who was not many years ago the possessor. They
were likewise lords of the manor of Wormley in Hertfordshire, and patrons of the rectory. For, we find by the
records, that Henry VIII. at the dissolution of the monastery of Ecclesia Sanctse Crucis de Waltham, or Waltham
Holy Cross, granted the manor of Wormley, and the advowson of the rectory, to Edward North and his heirs, at
the rent of 1l. 13s. per ann. He sold it to Elizabeth Woodcliffe, from whom it came to William Woodcliffe of London. This William, by Elizabeth his wife, daughter of
Fisher of Longworth, left a daughter Angelot, married to
Walter Tooke, of Popes, in Hatfield, esq. This Angelot,
as appears by her epitaph on the north side of the chancel of Wormley church, was a second daughter, in right of
whom her husband presented to the living alternis vicibus.
It appears by Mr. Purvey’s epitaph, who married lord
Denny’s sister, that he also was patron alternis vicibus.
Hence it has been conjectured, that Mr. Purvey’s father,
John, married the elder sister; and they were sharers, in
right of their wives, both of the manor and advowson, till
it fell entirely to Tooke, upon the elder sister’s death.
The Purveys presented twice, and the Tookes four times;
and the first presentation was Purvey’s, as probably marrying the elder sister. Ralph Tooke succeeded his father
Walter, and, dying without issue, was buried at Essingdon, and divided the estate between his brothers George
and John. George sold his part to Richard Woollaston,
esq. who was gun-founder to Oliver Cromwell. He left a
jon John; and John, a son Richard, who conveyed it to
“William Fellows, esq. whose eldest son Coulston Fellows,
csq. succeeded to it. This- Ralph Tooke died December 22, 1635, aged seventy-seven years. He married Jane,
the daughter of Edward Byth, of Smallfield in the county
of Surrey, esq. She died Dec. 8, 1641. George Tooke,
our author, who had the other moiety, called Wormleybury, died possessed of it in 1675, aged eighty years. His
device was a hedge-hog; and under it his family motto,
” Militia mea multiplex.“On which in his old age he
” A key to the Hedge-hog combatant and my