, one of a family of that name, of foreign extraction, but settled
, one of a family of
that name, of foreign extraction, but settled in England, is
said by Wood to have been the son of John Thorius, a physician, who called himself “Balliolenus Flandrus,
” a native of Bailleul in Flanders. It is more probable, however,
that his father’s name was Francis, whom Foppen calls
“Balliolenus, Flander,
” who published, in Joannis
Straselii Comment, in aurea Carmina Pythagorx,
” 8vo.
He published also, according to the same biographer, a
poem on peace, translated into Latin from the French, and
wrote some epigrams and satires. According to Wood,
John Thorius was born at London in 1568, and in 1586
became a member of Christ church, Oxford, but whether
he took a degree, Wood says, “appears not, though in
one of his books he writes himself ‘ a graduate of Oxenford.’
” When he died is uncertain. He published “A
Spanish Dictionary,
” Lond. Spanish Grammar.
” He
translated from the Spanish “The Councellor; a Treatise
of Councils and Councellors of Princes,
” Lond. a graduate of Oxenford,
” but “graduate in Oxford.
It is dedicated to the right hon. John Fortescue, master
of her majesty’s wardrobe. He also translated from the
Spanish of Valdes, “The Serjeant Major: or, a Dialogue
of the office of a Serjeant major,
” Lond.