, professor of history in the university of Utrecht, was born Dec. 20, 1589,
, professor of history in the university of Utrecht, was born Dec. 20, 1589, at Aix-laChapelle, whither his father John Meles (Latinized by his son into Æmilius) had fled on account of his attachment to
the Protestant religion. He studied first at Aix-la-Chapelle, and afterwards at Juliers under Kunius, and at Dort
under Adrian Marcellus, and Gerard Vossius. At Leyden,
he attended the lectures of Baudius, and spent four years
in visiting the foreign universities. On his return, in
1615, he succeeded Vossius as rector of the college at
Dort. At Utrecht he was, some years after, appointed
professor of history; the subjects of the lectures which he
gave for above twenty-six years, were taken from Tacitus.
He was a firm supporter of the Cartesian philosophy, and
refused to have any hand in the proceedings of the university of Utrecht against Des Cartes. He died Nov. 10, 1660.
His only publication was a “Collection of Latin Orations
and Poems,