Bartholomew d'Herbelot, Urban Chevreau, Henry Justel, Adrian Baillet, James Aubery, Benjamin Aubery Sieur du Maurier, Lewis Aubery, John Aubery, Claudius Aubery, John
, son of the above, was born at
Metz, July 29, 1659: he began his studies in that city,
and went to Hanau for the prosecution of them. He afterwards applied himself to the civil law at Marpurg, Geneva,
and Paris, in the last of which cities he was admitted an
advocate. Upon his return to Metz, in 1679, he followed
the bar, where he began to raise himself a considerable
reputation. After the revocation of the edict of Nantes in
1685, the protestants of Metz deputed him to court, in
order to represent that they ought not to be comprehended in this revocation. But all that he could obtain
was, that this city should be treated with more lenity and
favour. He followed his father to Berlin, where the elector of Brandenbourg appointed him judge and director of
the French in that city. In 1695, that prince gave him,
new marks of his confidence and favour, by sending him to
Swisserland in order to negociate some affairs of importance. The marquis of Baden Dourlach, who was then at
Basil, having had an opportunity of seeing him, entertained
so great an esteem for him, that he chose him for his
counsellor, and desired the elector of Brandenbourg to
give Ancillon leave that he should serve him for some time.
Our author did not return to Berlin till the end of the
year 1699, and was then appointed inspector of all the
courts of justice which the French had in Prussia, and
counsellor of the embassy. The elector, being crowned
king of Prussia, made him likewise his historiographer and
superintendant of the French school, which had been
founded at Berlin, according to the scheme which he had
formed. He died in that city the 5th of July, 1715, being
fifty-six years of age. His works are, 1. “L‘Irrevocabilité de l’Edit de Nantes prouvé par les principes du droit
& de la politique,
” Amsterdam, Reflexions politiques, par lesquelles on fait voir que la persecution des reformez est contre les veritable interets de
la France,
” Cologne, Nouveaux Interets des
” 3. “La France interessée a rétablir l'Edit de
” Amsterdam, Histoire de
l'Etablissement des François Refugiez dans les Etats de
son altesse electorate de Brandebourg,
” Berlin, Melange Critique,
” mentioned
before in his father’s article. 6. “Dissertation sur
l‘usage de mettre la premiere pierre au fondement des
edifices publics, addressée au prince electoral de Brandebourg, à l’occasion de la premiere pierre, qu‘il a posée lul
même au fondement du temple qu’on construit pour les
François Refugiez dans le quartier de Berlin nommé Friderichstadt,
” Berlin, Le dernier triomphe de Frederic Guillaume
le Grand, electeur de Brandebourg, ou discours sur la
Statue Equestre érigée sur le Pont Neuf du Berlin,
” Berlin, Histoire de la vie de Soliman II.
empereur des Turcs,
” Rotterdam, 1706, 8vo; a work not
very correct, but the preliminary matter is valuable, and
contains, among other particulars, some curious information respecting Thuanus, taken from the “Bibliotheque
Politique Heraldique Choisie,
” 1705, 8vo. 9. “Traité
des Eunuques, par C. Dollincan,
” Memoires concernant les vies
et les ouvrages de plusieurs modernes celebres dans la
Republique des Lettres,
” Amst. Histoire de la vie de M. Ltscheid,
” Berlin,
, sieur du Maurier, accompanied his father on his embassy into Holland,
, sieur du Maurier, accompanied
his father on his embassy into Holland, from whence he
proceeded to Berlin, to Poland, and to Rome. On his return to Paris, he acquired the favour of the queen-mother;
but this not being followed by promotion, he relinquished
his attendance at court, and retired to his estate to pass
the remainder of his days in reading and compilation, and
there he died in 1687. His “Memoires pour servir a
l'histoire de Hollande,
” 2 vols. 12mo, have been and are
still quoted by all historians, though the facts related in
them greatly displeased the Dutch. His grandson published in 1737, “Memoirs of Hamburgh,
” in 12mo, also
by him. We are likewise indebted to him for a relation
of the execution of Cabrieres and Merindol, Paris, 1645,
in 4to.