Aubery, Louis
, sieur du Maurier, accompanied his father on his embassy into Holland, from whence he proceeded to Berlin, to Poland, and to Rome. On his return to Paris, he acquired the favour of the queen-mother; but this not being followed by promotion, he relinquished his attendance at court, and retired to his estate to pass the remainder of his days in reading and compilation, and there he died in 1687. His “Memoires pour servir a l’histoire de Hollande,” 2 vols. 12mo, have been and are still quoted by all historians, though the facts related in them greatly displeased the Dutch. His grandson published in 1737, “Memoirs of Hamburgh,” in 12mo, also by him. We are likewise indebted to him for a relation of the execution of Cabrieres and Merindol, Paris, 1645, in 4to. 2