, second son of Gerard, and brother to the preceding, was born in 1657. (Saxius
, second son of Gerard, and brother to the preceding, was born in 1657. (Saxius says 1653, which is the year of the preceding), at Nieukoop, and studied with his brother for eight years, philosophy and divinity under Limborch, to which he joined the knowledge of Greek, Latin, Hebrew, Italian, French, and English. He was minister at Schoonhoven, at Dokkum, and at Rotterdam, where he died at the age of twenty-six, but Saxius says thirty, in 1683. He translated Dr. HeyJyn’s Quinqu articular History, or History of the Five Articles. In 1678, he published in German, without his name, and with only the letters V. T. V. a history of events in Europe for the years 1674 and 1675, and sixtyfive sermons.
, the youngest son of Gerard, and brother to the two preceding, was born at Nieukoop,
, the youngest son of Gerard, and
brother to the two preceding, was born at Nieukoop,
July 6, 1660, 'and having gone through his divinity course,
was chosen minister at Warmont in 1682, whence he was,
the following year, invited to Hoorn. He was afterwards
called to the Arminian church at the Hague, and some
time after that, to Amsterdam, where he died Jan. 13,
1708. He wrote in German a life of St. Paul, 1695, 4to;
a funeral oration on Mary queen of England, and a treatise
against Leidekker. In 1702 he published a collection of
letters, “Clarorum virorum Epistolae centum ineditae de
vario eruditionis genere, ex museo Joan. Brandt, G. F.
Gerardi filii,
” comprising some from Nich. Heinsius,
Grotius, Guy Patin, Huet, Rabelais, &c. He wrote also
some poems.
, son of Gerard, one of the magistrates of Alost, in Flanders, was
, son of Gerard, one of the magistrates of Alost, in Flanders, was born in that city in 1531.
Having passed through the usual school education “at
Ghent, under Simon, a celebrated master, and at Paris
and Bruges, at which last place he taught school himself
with much credit, he was sent to Rome, where he taught
the mathematics for some years; then taming his mind to
the study of medicine, he went to Boulogne, and having
completed his studies, and taken his degree of doctor, he
travelled, for his further improvement, over a great part
of France. At Paris, he was introduced to the acquaintance of Adrian Turnebus and Peter Ramus. Returning to
Alost, he was made physician and principal magistrate of
the city. As he had become a convert to Lutheranism, he
readily accepted the invitation of John Albert, duke of
Mecklenburgh, to settle at Rostock, where he might with
safety profess his religion. He was here appointed professor in mathematics, and soon became popular also as a
physician. After residing here 25 years, he was seized
with an apoplexy, of which he died, December 31, 1593, His
writings were, 1.
” De Pritno Motu,“1580, 8vo. 2.
” Institutiones -Spherae,“8vo. 5.
” Propositiones de morbo.
Gallico,“Rostock, 1569, 4to. 4.
” Theses de hydrope
triplici,“ibid. 1587. 5.
” De scorbuto propositiones,“ib,
” 1589, 1591, 8vo, reprinted with Eugalenus’s “Liber
Observationum de Scorbuto,
” Leipsic, 1614. 6. “Epistolae
de variis rebus et argumentis medi^cis,
” printed with
“Smetii Miscellanea,
” Francf.
, a man of great parts and learning, was the son of Gerard John Vossius, and born of his second wife at Leyden,
, a man of great parts and learning,
was the son of Gerard John Vossius, and born of his second wife at Leyden, in 1618. The particulars of his life
will be comprised in a short compass: he had no master
but his father in any thing; and his whole life was spent in
studying. His merit having recommended him to the
notice of Christina of Sweden, the queen submitted to correspond with him by letters, and employed him in some
literary commissions. He even made several journeys into
Sweden by her order, and had the honour of teaching her
majesty the Greek language: but, being there in 1662
with M. Huet and Bochart, she refused to see him, because she had heard that he intended to write against
Salmasius, for whom she had at that time a particular
regard. In 1663, he received a handsome present of
money from Lewis XIV. of France, and at the same time
the following obliging letter from Mons. Colbert. “Sir,
Though the king be not your sovereign, he is willing
nevertheless to be your benefactor; and has commanded
me to send you the bill of exchange, hereunto annexed,
as a mark of his esteem, and as a pledge of his protection.
Every one knows, that you worthily follow the example of
the famous Vossius your father; and that, having received
from him a name which hath rendered him illustrious by
his writings, you will preserve the glory of it by yours.
These things being known to his majesty, it is with pleasure that he makes this acknowledgment of your merit,
&c. After the death of his father, he was offered the
history-professorship, but refused it; preferring a studious
retirement to any honours. In 1670 he came over to England, and was that year created doctor of laws at Oxford;
“after he had been,
” says Wood, “with great humanity
and friendship entertained by some of the chief heads of
colleges, as his father had been before in 1629.
” In 1673,
Charles II. made him canon of Windsor, assigning him
lodgings in the castle, where he died Feb. the 10th, 1638.
He left behind him the best private library, as it was then
supposed, in the world; which, to the shame and reproach
of England, was suffered to be purchased and carried
away by the university of Leyden.