Brucæus, Henry
, son of Gerard, one of the magistrates of Alost, in Flanders, was born in that city in 1531. Having passed through the usual school education “at Ghent, under Simon, a celebrated master, and at Paris and Bruges, at which last place he taught school himself with much credit, he was sent to Rome, where he taught the mathematics for some years; then taming his mind to the study of medicine, he went to Boulogne, and having completed his studies, and taken his degree of doctor, he travelled, for his further improvement, over a great part of France. At Paris, he was introduced to the acquaintance of Adrian Turnebus and Peter Ramus. Returning to Alost, he was made physician and principal magistrate of the city. As he had become a convert to Lutheranism, he readily accepted the invitation of John Albert, duke of Mecklenburgh, to settle at Rostock, where he might with safety profess his religion. He was here appointed professor in mathematics, and soon became popular also as a physician. After residing here 25 years, he was seized with an apoplexy, of which he died, December 31, 1593, His writings were, 1.” De Pritno Motu,“1580, 8vo. 2.” Institutiones -Spherae,“8vo. 5.” Propositiones de morbo. Gallico,“Rostock, 1569, 4to. 4.” Theses de hydrope triplici,“ibid. 1587. 5.” De scorbuto propositiones,“ib,” 1589, 1591, 8vo, reprinted with Eugalenus’s “Liber | Observationum de Scorbuto,” Leipsic, 1614. 6. “Epistolae de variis rebus et argumentis medi^cis,” printed with “Smetii Miscellanea,” Francf. 1611, and including his theses on the dropsy. 1
Moreri. —Foppen Bibl Belg. Mangel and —Haller, Freheri Theatrum.—Melchior Adam in vitis medioorum.