, the first duke of Devonshire, was born Jan. 25, 1640. He made the
, the first duke of Devonshire, was born Jan. 25, 1640. He made the tour of Europe, under the care of Dr. Killigrew, afterwards master of the Savoy. In 1661 he was chosen to represent the county of Derby, and continued a member of the long parliament till its dissolution. Sept. 21, 1663, he was created M. A. of the university of Oxford, by the special command of the chancellor. In 1665 he went a volunteer on board the fleet under the duke of York, and in 1669 accompanied Mr. Montague in his embassy to France. Being accidentally at the opera in Paris, three officers of the French king’s guard, intoxicated with liquor, came upon the stage, and one of them coming up to him with a very insulting question, he gave him a severe blow on the face; upon which they all drew, and pushed hard upon him. He set his back against one of the scenrs, and made a stout defence, receiving several wounds; till a sturdy Swiss, belonging to the ambassador Montague, caught him up in his arms, and threw him over the stage into the pit. In his fall one of his arms caught upon an iron spike, which tore out the flesh. The three assailants were, by the king’s command, sent to prison, and not released but by his intercession. In 1677 he distinguished himself in the house of commons, by a vigorous opposition to the measures of the court. The year following he assiduously promoted an inquiry into the murder of sir Edmundbury Godfrey, and other particulars of the popish plot; and was one of the committee appointed to draw up articles of impeachment against the treasurer Dan by. In the parliament which met in the spring of 1679, he again represented Derby. This year he was chosen one of the king’s new privy-council: but soon finding that his attendance at the board would be wholly ineffectual, he, in conjunction with lord Russel and others, desired leave to withdraw. The county of Derby again elected him their representative in that parliament which met Oct. 21, 1680. The articles of impeachment against the chief justice Scroggs, for his arbitrary and illegal proceedings in the court of king’s bench, were carried up by him to the house of lords. When the king declared his resolution not to consent to a bill of exclusion, lord Cavendish made a motion, that a bill might be brought in for the association of all his majesty’s protestant subjects. He was also one of those who openly named the evil counsellors, and promoted the address to his majesty to remove them from all offices, and from his majesty’s councils and presence for ever. He shewed the same steadiness and zeal in the next parliament, in which also he represented Derbyshire. When parliaments were kid aside, though he was as obnoxious to the court as any, he was not afraid of meeting and conversing with his noble friends; but he condemned a bold overture which was made at one of those meetings, and declared, with great earnestness, that he would never more go with them. At the lord Russel’s trial, when it was almost as criminal to be a witness for him as to be his accomplice, he dared to appear to vindicate him in the face of the court. He afterwards sent him a message by sir James Forbes, that he would come and change clothes with him in the prison, and stay there to represent him, if he thought he could make his escape, but lord Russei was too generous to accept of this proposal. He prosecuted the immediate murderers of his friend Mr. Thynne to condign punishment, and brought the great abettor of it, count Koningsmark, to his trial, who happened to be acquitted by a jury prepossessed, or rather prepared, in favour of him. Lord Cavendish felt great indignation at the discharge of the count, which he thought owing to corruption; and knowing that an appeal to single combat was anciently the last resort in law for convicting a murderer, he obtained the favour of a noble peer to go in his name to count Koningsmark to charge the guilt of blood upon him, and to offer to prove it in the open field; but this method of trial the count thought fit to decline. In Nov. 1684 he became, by the decease of his father, earl of Devonshire. In the reisrn of James he was the same man in greater honour, and in greater zeal and concern for his country. He had been very much affronted within the verge of the court by colonel Culpepper; but restrained his resentment at the time, and pardoned him upon condition he should never more appear at Whitehall, but when, immediately after the defeat of the duke of Mon mouth, the colonel was encouraged to come publicly to court, and was rising to some degree of favour, the earl of Devonshire meeting him in the king’s presencechamber, and receiving from him, as he thought, an insulting look, took him by the nose, led him out of the room, and gave him some di>dainful blows with the head of his cane. For this bold act he v\as prosecuted in the king’s-bench upon an information, and had an exorbitant fine of 30,000l. imposed upon him; and, though a peer, was committed to the king’s-bench prison till he should make payment of it. He was never able to bear any confinement he could break from; and therefore escaped. only to go home to his scat at Chatsworth. Upon the news of his being there, the sheriff of Derbyshire had a precept to apprehend him, and bring him with his posse to town. But he invited the sheriff in, and kept him a, prisoner of honour, till he had compounded for his own liberty, by giving bond to pay the full sum of 3O,000l. This bond was found among the papers of king James, and given up by king William.
to her majesty; and by the management of bishop Burnet, preached the funeral sermon on the death of the first duke of Devonshire, Sept. 5, 1707. This sermon gave great
On May 5, 1694, he took the degree of B. D. that of
D. D. July 19, 1699 and in 1700, was appointed minister
of St. Botolph Aldgate in London, without any solicitation
of his own. In 1701, he engaged against Dr. Atterbury,
in the disputes about the rights of convocation, of which
he became a member about this time, as archdeacon of
Huntingdon; to which dignity he was advanced the same
year by Dr. Gardiner, bishop of Lincoln. He now grew
into great esteem by those who were deemed the lowchurch party, and particularly with Tenison the archbishop
of Canterbury. He preached a sermon at Aldgate, January
30, 1703, which exposed him to great clamour, and occasioned many pamphlets to be written against it; and in
1705, when Dr. Wake was advanced to the see of Lincoln,
was appointed to preach his consecration sermon; which
was so much admired by lord chief-justice Holt, that he
declared, “it had more in it to the purpose of the legal and
Christian constitution of this church than any volume of
” About the same time, some booksellers, having undertaken to print a collection of the best writers of
the English history, as far as to the reign of Charles I. in
two folio volumes, prevailed with Dr. Kennet to prepare a
third volume, which should carry the history down to the
then present reign of queen Anne. This, being finished
with a particular preface, was published with the other two,
tinder the title of “A complete History of England, &c.
in the preacher had built a bridge to heaven for men of wit
and parts, but excluded the duller part of mankind from
any chance of passing it.
” This charge was grounded on
the following passage; where, speaking of a late repentance, he says, that “this rarely happens but in men of
distinguished sense and judgment. Ordinary abilities may
Jt>e altogether sunk by a long vicious course of life: the
duller flame is easily extinguished. The meaner sinful
wretches are commonly given up to a reprobate mind, and
die as stupidly as they lived; while the nobler and brighter
parts have an advantage of understanding the worth of their
souls before they resign them. If they are allowed the
benefit of sickness, they commonly awake out of their
dream of sin, and reflect, and look upward. They acknowledge an infinite being they feel their own immortal part
they recollect and relish the holy Scriptures they call for
the elders of the church they think what to answer at a
judgment-seat. Not that God is a respecter of persons,
but the difference is in men; and, the more intelligent
nature is, the more susceptible of the divine grace.
” Of
this sermon a new edition, with “Memoirs of the Family
of Cavendish,
” and notes and illustrations, was published
writing, to be published as soon as possible.” Dr. White Kennel’s celebrated sermon on the death of the first duke of Devonshire, occasioned, amongst many other publications,
On Aug. 3, 1710, appeared the first number of “The
” the ablest vindication of the measures of the
queen and her new ministry. Swift be^an with No. 13,
and ended by writing part of No. 45 when Mrs.Mauley
took it up, and finished the first volume it was afterwards
resumed by Mr. Oldisworth, who completed four volumes
more, and published nineteen numbers of a sixth volume,
when the queen’s death put an end to the work. The
original institntors of that paper seem to have employed
Dr. King as their publisher, or ostensible author, before
they prevailed on their great champion to undertake that
task. It is not clear which part of the first ten numbers
were Dr. King’s; but he appears pretty evidently the
writer of No. H, Oct. 12 No. 12, Oct. 19 and No. 13,
Oct. 26 and this agrees with the account given by the
publisher of his posthumous works, who says he undertook
that paper about the 10th of October. On the 26th of
October, no Examiner at all appeared; and the next number, which was published Nov. 2, was written by Dr. Swift.
Our author’s warm zeal for the church, and his contempt
for the whigs (“his eyes,
” says Dr. Johnson, “were open to all the operations of whiggism
”), carried him naturally
on the side of Sacheverell; and he had a hand, in his dry
sarcastic way, in many political essays of that period. He
published, with this view, “A friendly Letter from honest
Tom Boggy, to the Rev. Mr. Goddard, canon of Windsor,
occasioned by a sermon preached at St. George’s chapel,
dedicated to her grace the duchess of Marlborough,
” A second Letter to Mr. Goddard, occasioned by the
late Panegyric given him by the Review, Thursday, July
13, 1710.
” These were succeeded by “A Vindication
of the Rev. Dr. Henry Sacheverell, from the false, scandalous, and malicious aspersions, cast upon him in a late
infamous pamphlet entitled ‘The Modern Fanatic;’ intended chiefly to expose the iniquity of the faction in general, without taking any particular notice of their poor
mad fool, Bisset, in particular in a dialogue between
a tory and a whig.
” This masterly composition had
scarcely appeared in the world before it was followed by
“Mr. Bisset’s Recantation in a letter to the Rev. Dr.
” a singular banter on that enthusiast, whom
our author once more thought proper to lash, in “An Answer to a second scandalous book that Mr. Bisset is now
writing, to be published as soon as possible.
” Dr. White
Kennel’s celebrated sermon on the death of the first duke
of Devonshire, occasioned, amongst many other publications, a jeu d'esprit of Dr. King-, under the title of “An
Answer to Clemens Alexandrinus’s Sermon upon * Quis
Dives salvetur?‘ ’ What rich man can be saved' proving
it easy for a camel to get through the eye of a needle.
” In
account of the Heathen Gods and Heroes, necessary for
the understanding of the ancient Poets;
” a work still in
great esteem, and of which there have been several editions. About the same time he translated “Political considerations upon Refined Politics, and the Master-strokes
of State, as practised by the Ancients and Moderns, written by Gabriel Naude, and inscribed to the cardinal Bagni.
” At the same period also he employed himself on
“Rufinus, or an historical essay on the Favourite Ministry
under Theodosius and his son Arcadius with a poem
annexed, called ' Rufinus, or the Favourite.
” These were
written early in I
have settled Dr. King,
” says that great writer, “in the
Gazette; it will be worth two hundred pounds a year to
him. To-morrow I am to carry him to dine with the secretary.
” And in another letter, he tells the archbishop
of Dublin, “I have got poor Dr. King, who was some time
in Ireland, to be gazetteer; which will be worth two hundred and fifty pounds per annum to him, if he be diligent
and sober, for which I am engaged. I mention this because I think he was under your grace’s protection in Ireland.
” From what Swift te,lls the archbishop, and a hint
which he has in another place dropped, it should seem,
that our author’s finances were in such a state as to render
the salary of gazetteer no contemptible object to him. The
office, however, was bestowed on Dr. King in a manner
the most agreeable to his natural temper; as he had not
even the labour of soliciting for it. On the last day of
December, 1711, Dr. Swift, Dr. Freind, Mr. Prior, and
some other of Mr. secretary St. John’s friends, came to
visit him; and brought with them the key of the
Gazetteer’s office, and another key for the use of the paper-office,
which had just before been made the receptacle of a curious
collection of mummery, far different from the other contents of that invaluable repository. On the first of January
our author had the honour of dining with the secretary;
and of thanking him for his remembrance of him at a time
when he had almost forgotten himself. He entered on his
office the same day; but the extraordinary trouble he met
with in discharging its duties proved greater than he could
long endure. Mr. Barber, who printed the gazette, obliged
him to attend till three or four o'clock, on the mornings
when that paper was published, to correct the errors of
the press; a confinement which his versatility would never
have brooked, if his health would have allowed it, which at
this time began gradually to decline. And this, joined to
his natural indisposition to the fatigue of any kind of business, furnished a sufficient pretence for resigning his office
about Midsummer 1712. On quitting his employment he
retired to the house of a friend, in the garden-grounds
between Lambeth and Vauxhall, where he enjoyed himself principally in his library; or, amidst select parties, in
a sometimes too liberal indulgence of the bottle. He still
continued, however, to visit his friends in the metropolis,
particularly his relation the earl of Clarendon, who resided
in Somerset-house.