, the most considerable of a family of learned men of thU name, originally
, the most considerable of a
family of learned men of thU name, originally of Saxony,
was horn at Leipsic July 23, 1672. He was the son of
John Olearius, professor of Greek and theology in that
university, and the grandson of Godfrey Olearius, a learned
Lutheran divine. From his earliest years he discovered a
thirst for knowledge, and a capacity which enabled him to
rm.ke a distinguished figure during his studies. When his
academic course was completed, in his twenty-first year
he went to Holland, and then to England, attracted by
the reputation of the university of Oxford and the Bodleian
library, to which he gained admittance, and pursued his
learned inquiries there a year. On his return home he was
appointed professor of Greek at Leipsic; and in 1708 succeeded to the theological chair. In 1709 he obtained a
canonry at Meissen; was appointed inspector of the students maintained by the elector, and in 1714 assessor to
the electoral and ducal consistory. He died Nov. 10, 1715,
when only forty-three years of age. He was an able divine and philosopher, and particularly distinguished for a
critical knowledge of the Greek language. Among his
works are, I.-“Dissertatio de miraculo Piscinae Bethesdae,
Leipsic, Dissert, de adoratione Dei Patris
per Jesum Christum,
” ibid. Introduction to the Roman and German history, from the foundation of Rome to the year 1699,
” ibid.
History of the Apostles’ Creed,
” Philostratus,
” Gr.
& Lat. Leipsic, History of Philosophy,
” ibid. Observationes
sacrae in Evangelium Matthaei,
” Leipsic,