Olearius, Godfrey
, the most considerable of a
family of learned men of thU name, originally of Saxony,
was horn at Leipsic July 23, 1672. He was the son of
John Olearius, professor of Greek and theology in that
university, and the grandson of Godfrey Olearius, a learned
Lutheran divine. From his earliest years he discovered a
thirst for knowledge, and a capacity which enabled him to
rm.ke a distinguished figure during his studies. When his
academic course was completed, in his twenty-first year
he went to Holland, and then to England, attracted by
the reputation of the university of Oxford and the Bodleian
library, to which he gained admittance, and pursued his
learned inquiries there a year. On his return home he was
appointed professor of Greek at Leipsic; and in 1708 succeeded to the theological chair. In 1709 he obtained a
canonry at Meissen; was appointed inspector of the students maintained by the elector, and in 1714 assessor to
the electoral and ducal consistory. He died Nov. 10, 1715,
when only forty-three years of age. He was an able divine and philosopher, and particularly distinguished for a
critical knowledge of the Greek language. Among his
works are, I.-“Dissertatio de miraculo Piscinae Bethesdae,”
Leipsic, 1706, 4to. 2 “Dissert, de adoratione Dei Patris
per Jesum Christum,” ibid. 1709, 4to, against the Socinians. 3. “Introduction to the Roman and German history, from the foundation of Rome to the year 1699,” ibid.
1699, 8vo, in German. 4. A Latin translation of sir Peter
King’s “History of the Apostles’ Creed,” 1708, 8vo.
5. An edition, reckoned the best, of “Philostratus,” Gr.
& Lat. Leipsic, 1709, fol. 6. A translation of Stanley’s
“History of Philosophy,” ibid. 1712, 4to, with valuable
notes and corrections, which were consulted in the reprint
of the original at London in 1743, 4to. 7 “Observationes
sacrae in Evangelium Matthaei,” Leipsic, 1713, 4to. He
left various Mss. 2
O'Leary (Arthur), a Roman Catholic clergyman,
was a native of Ireland, whence, when young, he embarked
for France; studied at the college of St. Malo, in Briianny,
and at length entered into the Franciscan order of
Capuchins. He then acted, for some time, as chaplain to the
English prisoners during the seven years war, for which he
received a small pension from the Frenrh government,
which he retained till the French revolution. Having obtained permission to go to
Ireland, he obtained, by his
talents, the notice and recompence of the Irish government; and took an early opportunity of shewing the superiority of his courage and genius, by principally attacking the heterodox doctrines of
Michael Servetus, revived
at that time hy a Dr. Blair, of the city of
Cork. After
this, in 1782, when there was a disposition to relax the
rigour of the penal laws against the Roman Catholics, and
establish a sort of test-oath, he published a tract entitled
Loyalty asserted, or the Test- Oath vindicated,” in which,
in opposition to most of his brethren, he endeavoured to
prove that the Roman Catholics of
Ireland might, consistently with their religion, swear that the pope possessed
there no temporal authority, which was the chief point on
which the oath hinged; and in other respects he evinced
his loyalty, and his desire to restrain the impetuous bigotry
of his brethren. His other productions were of a various
and miscellaneous nature; and several effusions are supposed to have come from his pen which he did not think it
necessary or perhaps prudent to acknowledge. He was a
man singularly gifted with natural humour, and possessed
great acquirements. He wrote on polemical subjects without acrimony, and on politics with a spirit of conciliation.
Peace indeed seems to have been much his object. Some
years ago, when a considerable number of nocturnal insurgents, of the Romish persuasion, committed great excesses
in the county of
Cork, particularly towards the tithe- proctors of the protestant clergy, he rendered himself extremely useful, by his various literary addresses to the deluded people, in bringing them to a proper sense of their
error and insubordination. This laudable conduct did not
escape the attention of the Irish government; and induced
them, when he quitted
Ireland, to recommend him to men
of power in this country. For many years he resided in
London, as principal of the Roman Catholic chapel in
Soho-square, where he was highly esteemed by people of
his religion. In his private character he was always cheerful, gay, sparkling with wit, and full of anecdote. He
died at an advanced age in
January, 1802, and was interred
in St.
Pancras church-yard.
| His works are, 1. “
Several Addresses to the Catholics
of Ireland.” 2. “
Remarks on Mr. Wesley’s Defence of
the Protestant Association.” 3. “
Defence of his conduct
in the affair of the insurrection in Munster,”
1787. 4. “
Review of the important Controversy between Dr. Carrol and
the rev. Messrs. Wharton and Hopkins.” 5. “
Fast sermon
at St. Patrick’s chapel, Soho, March 8, 1797.” 6.
A Collection of his Miscellaneous Tracts, in 1 vol. 8vo. 7. “
A Defence of the Conduct and Writings of the rev. Arthur
O’Leary, &c. written by himself, in answer to the illgrounded insinuations of the right rev. Dr. Woodward,
bishop of Cloyne,”
1788, 8vo. The bishop, in his controversy with Mr. O’Leary, acknowledges that he represents matters strongly and eloquently, and that, “
Shakspeare like, he is well acquainted with the avenues to the
human heart;” and Mr. Wesley calls him an “
arch and
lively writer.” His style was certainly voluble, bold, and
figurative but deficient in grace, manliness, perspicuity,
and sometimes grammar; but he was distinguished as a
friend to freedom, liberality, and toleration and was
highly complimented on this account by Messrs. Grattan,
Flood, and other members of the Irish parliament, in their
public speeches.
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