, the son of Daniel-Ernest, above- mentioned, was a native of Berlin,
, the son of Daniel-Ernest, above- mentioned, was a native of Berlin, a Protestant divine, and a professor of theology at Francfort on
the Oder, as well as pastor there. He was born in 1693,
and in 1714 published a learned dissertation, entitled
“Disquisitio de Lingua Lycaonic^,
” ad Act. Apost. xiv. 11.
It appeared at Berlin in quarto. A oreat expectation of
his talents was excited by this publication, which he fully
justified in his subsequent life. He published also, 2. “De
Memnone Graecorum, 1753,
” Francfort, Institutiones Histories Ecclesiasticae,
” in 2 vols. 8vo. But
his most learned and important work was, 4 “Pantheon
Ægyptiorum, sive de Diis eorum Commentarius, cum Prolegomenis de Religione et Theologia Egyptiorum,
” in three
volumes, 8vo, published at Francfort in