Jablonski, Paul-Ernest
, the son of Daniel-Ernest, above- mentioned, was a native of Berlin, a Protestant divine, and a professor of theology at Francfort on the Oder, as well as pastor there. He was born in 1693, and in 1714 published a learned dissertation, entitled “Disquisitio de Lingua Lycaonic^,” ad Act. Apost. xiv. 11. It appeared at Berlin in quarto. A oreat expectation of his talents was excited by this publication, which he fully justified in his subsequent life. He published also, 2. “De Memnone Graecorum, 1753,” Francfort, 1753. 3. “Institutiones Histories Ecclesiasticae,” in 2 vols. 8vo. But his most learned and important work was, 4 “Pantheon Ægyptiorum, sive de Diis eorum Commentarius, cum Prolegomenis de Religione et Theologia Egyptiorum,” in three volumes, 8vo, published at Francfort in 1750 and 1752. It is a book of great and extensive erudition. Jablonski died in 1757. 2
Moreri. Dict.