By this lady, who died May 27, 1774, he had an only son, the subject of this article, who was born Oct. 21, 1735, in a large house in Winchester-street, on
By this lady, who died May 27, 1774, he had an only
son, the subject of this article, who was born Oct. 21, 1735,
in a large house in Winchester-street, on the site of the
monastery of the Austin friars. He received the first rudiments of Latin and Greek under the tuition of one Barnewitz, a Courlander; and afterwards, on his death, was
committed to the care of the rev. Roger Pickering, a dissenting minister, a man unfortunate in life, but an accomplished scholar, who. died in 1755*; when Mr. Gough
finished his Greek studies under Mr. Samuel Dyer, the
friend of Dr. Johnson and of the contemporary literati.
Under these instructors, Mr. Gough has not left us to
question his proficiency, nor that early ambition to know
and to communicate, which forms the instructive editor and
author. At the very early age of eleven he commenced a
task which would have reflected credit on any period of
life, and he completed it with a perseverance of which
there is probably no other instance in our literary annals.
This was “The History of the Bible, translated from the
” (of an Amsterdam edition of by II. G.
” printed at London in 1747. Of this curious
volume, consisting of 160 sheets in folio, his mother,
delighted at such a display of laudable application, bore
the expence of printing twenty-five copies, as presents
to a few friends; and when completed at the press,
it was marked, by way of colophon, “Done at twelve years
and a half old,
” after which, in the copy now before us,
follows, “A short Chronology of the Holy Scripture,
” in
, younger brother of the preceding, was born Oct. 21, 1674, at Postling in Kent, the vicarage of his
, younger brother of the preceding,
was born Oct. 21, 1674, at Postling in Kent, the vicarage
of his father, who bred this son also to the church. He
was sent to Corpus Christ! college, Oxford, in 1690, where
he soon distinguished himself by his uncommon abilities,
and extraordinary advances in classical literature. He took
the degree of M. A. in 1696, and commenced author the
same year, by the publication of his “Romas Antiquae
Notitia, or, The Antiquities of Rome; in two parts; 1. A
short History of the Rise, Progress, and Decay of the
Commonwealth. 2. A Description of the City an Account
of the Religion, Civil Government, and Art of War with
the remarkable Customs and Ceremonies, public and private with Copper Cuts of the principal Buildings, &c.
To which are prefixed, Two Essays, concerning the Roman
Learning, and the Roman Education,
” in 8vo. The dedication is addressed to his royal highness William duke of
Gloucester; and the work must have been written for his
use particularly, if any credit may be given to a report,
then at Oxford, that Mr. Ken net was to be appointed subpreceptor to that darling of the nation. This book being
very well received by the public, he was encouraged to go
on with his design of facilitating the study of classical
learning; and with this view published, in 1697, “The
Lives and Characters of the ancient Grecian Poets,
” in
8vo, which he also dedicated to the duke of Gloucester.
This, however, did not succeed so well as the “Roman
” which is scarcely yet superseded in common
use. The same year he was admitted fellow of his college,
and became a tutor. About this time he entered into
orders; and, some years after, gave proofs of the progress
he had made in the study of divinity. In 1705 he published “An Exposition of the Apostles Creed, according
to bishop Pearson, in a new Method, by way of Paraphrase
and Annotations,
” in 8vo, which was followed by “An
Essay towards a Paraphrase on the Psalms, in Verse; with
a Paraphrase on the third Chapter of the Revelations,