, brother of the preceding, was born in 1595, and became professor of Greek in the university
, brother of the preceding, was born in 1595, and became professor of Greek in the university jrf Leyden. It is said that he spoke that language as fluently as his mother-tongue a qualification which procured him, from the states of the Low Countries, the commission to translate into Dutch the confession of the reformed churches, in conjunction with James Revius. He died June 16> 1655. We have of him the Timon of Lucian, with useful annotations; and a good commentary on the Theogony of Hesiod.
, one of the sons of the preceding, was born in 1595, succeeded to his father’s employments, which he
, one of the sons of the
preceding, was born in 1595, succeeded to his father’s
employments, which he held for forty-six years, and died
in 1666, He was accounted one of the ablest lawyers and
law-writers of his time, and may likewise be praised as a
legal antiquary, as he rescued from the archives, where
they were unknown or forgot, many constitutions and decisions of great curiosity and importance. In his latter
days he retired to Leipsic, and devoted his time entirely
to the study of the Bible, which he is said to have read
over fifty-three times, besides making notes as he went
on, and consulting the commentators. The chief of his
published works are, 1. “Practica rerum criminalium,
Detinitiones forenses,
” Comment, ad legern regiam Germanorum,
” Responsa juris Electoralia,
” Definitiones ecclesiastics,
” Decisiones Saxonicae,
Juris Saxonici,
, a German physician, was born in 1595, at Cologne, where his father was a surgeon. His
, a German physician, was
born in 1595, at Cologne, where his father was a surgeon.
His first application to letters was at Bremen; whence he
returned to Cologne, and devoted himself to philosophy,
physic, and chirurgery. He studied four years under
Peter Holtzem, who was the elector’s physician, and professor in this city; and he learned the practical part of
surgery from his father. To perfect himself in these
sciences, he went afterwards into Italy, and made some
stay at Padua; where he greatly benefited himself by attending the lectures of Jerome Fabricius ab Aquapendente,
Adrian Spigelius, and Sanctorins. He was here made
M. D. After having visited the principal towns of Italy,
he returned to his country in 1618, and settled at Bremen;
where he practised physic and surgery with so much success, that the archbishop of this place made him his physician in 1628. He was also made physician of the republic of Bremen. The time of his death is not precisely
known; some say 1640, but the dedication of his last work
is dated Oct. 8, 1652. He published at Bremen, “
Speculum Chirurgorum,
” in 1619, 8vo; reprinted in 1628, 4to;
“Methodus Medendse Paronychia?,
” in Tractatus
de Polypo Narium affectu gravissimo,
” in Gazophylacium Polypusium Fonticulorum & Setonum
” in
, a celebrated French bishop, was born in 1595. He rose to be doctor and professor of the Sorboune,
, a celebrated French bishop, was
born in 1595. He rose to be doctor and professor of the
Sorboune, archdeacon of Dinan, prebendary of Chartres,
syndic of the faculty of divinity at Paris, and, at length,
bishop of Cavaillon in 1656. He travelled into Greece,
Italy, and England. Urban VIII. had so great a value for
him, that he twice nominated him to the bishopric of Toul;
and wishing to create two cardinals, one of which should
be a Frenchman, the other a Spaniard, proposed him, with
father de Lugo, for that dignity; but a strong faction, and
some reasons of state, placed the hat designed for M. Hallier on the head of the commander of Valencey. M. Hallier appeared with great distinction, as proctor, at the
assembly of the French clergy, 1645, in which the rules
concerning the regulars were revived, which he explained
by a learned “Commentary.
” On his second visit to
Kome in Cum occasione
” against them. He died in Defence of a censure of the faculty of theology at
Paris respecting the Bishops of England against the Jesuits;
” “Treatise on the Hierarchy;
” and a “Treatise
on Elections and Ordinations,
, a distinguished surgeon, was born in 1595, at Ulm, and studied medicine at Padua, where he
, a distinguished
surgeon, was born in 1595, at Ulm, and studied medicine
at Padua, where he took his degrees in that faculty in 1621.
On his return to his native city, he practised with great
reputation for twenty years, until being called to Stutgard
to a patient, he was there attacked with a fit of apoplexy,
which terminated his life December 1, 1645. He appears
to have practised surgery extensively, and with great boldness in the operations of bronchotomy, of the trephine, and
forempyema. His principal work is entitled “Armamentarium Chirurgicum, 43 tabulis acre incisis ornatum;
” and
was published after his death, at Ulm, in