Scultetus, John
, a distinguished surgeon, was born in 1595, at Ulm, and studied medicine at Padua, where he took his degrees in that faculty in 1621. On his return to his native city, he practised with great reputation for twenty years, until being called to Stutgard to a patient, he was there attacked with a fit of apoplexy, which terminated his life December 1, 1645. He appears to have practised surgery extensively, and with great boldness in the operations of bronchotomy, of the trephine, and forempyema. His principal work is entitled “Armamentarium Chirurgicum, 43 tabulis acre incisis ornatum;” and was published after his death, at Ulm, in 1653. It subsequently passed through many editions, and was translated into most of the European languages. 2
Eloy —Dict. Hist. de Medicine.