The historie of tvvelve Cæsars emperours of Rome:

About This Book

The text has some gaps, often marked [〈◊〉]. You can help.

C. Suetonius Tranquillus wrote his lives of Twelve Roman Emperors some time before his death in 120CE.

This book is an English translation by Philêmon Holland, made in 1606.

The transcription was done in 2005 by the Text Creation Partnership between The University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, MI, USA, and The University of Oxford, in Oxford, Oxon., UK.

They used the Text Encoding Initiative markup language, and typed the document by hand. This does mean there are errors; i [Liam Quin] have corrected some, and have supplied some words or characters marked as missing, by using higher quality page scans than were available to the original team. In addition, i wrote XSLT to convert the TEI XML to HTML.

The XML texts from the Text Creation Partnership have been made available for reuse, including commercially. You can get them from the Oxford Text Archive.

These Web pages are of course also freely available. If you would like a copy of the XSLT used to make the Web edition, contact slave at fromoldbooks dot org via electronic mail. Mention the colour of your socks in the subject line, and Ath. Ox.

I got the images such as the chapterhead decoration from various photographs and scans of the printed book. The page image links are currently to images that might be later photographs of the same copy used by the transcribers, now on, although i used a title page from a bookseller, which added the words by Philêmon Holland which seemed more helpful. This does mean that there were certainly changes during the printing, which was not uncommon, and without certainty of which copy was used for the transcription using the images may cause differences in the transcription, but this seems acceptable, especially as claims to have scanned the same copy.