The historie of tvvelve Cæsars emperours of Rome:

Page 87

THE HISTORIE OF Tiberius Nero Cæsar,

vvritten by Caius Suetonius Tranquillus.

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THe Patritian familie Claudia (for, there was likewise1 another Plebeian of that name, neither in power nor dignity inferiour) had the first beginning out of (*) * Or Regil [•…] . Regillum a Towne of the Sabines. From thence they came with a great retinue of vassals to Rome newly founded, there to dwell: induced thereto by the counsell of T. Tatius fellow in government of the kingdome with Romulus; or (which is the more received opinion) through the perswasion of (a) Atta (*) * Or Cla [•…] Claudius, a principall person of that house, about the 6 yeere after the kings were expelled and so, by the Senatours of Rome; raunged they were among the Patritij. Vpon this, soone after, they received by vertue of a graunt from the whole City, for their Clients & vassals, lands to occupy beyond the river Anio: Page 88 and for themselves a (*) * Locum. Some read lucum, not in the strict signification of a sacred Grove, but of a pleasant tuft of trees wherewith monuments were beautified: as you may gather by the Mausoleum of Augustus. place of sepulture under the Capitol: and so forth, in processe of time obtained 28 Consulates, five Dictatures, Censures seaven, Triumphs sixe, and two Ovations. This family being distinguished by sundry fore-names and surnames both, in a generall consent reiected the fore-name of Lucius, after that two of their linage bearing that name were convict, the one of robberie, the other of murder. Among surnames it assumed the addition of (b) Nero, which in the Sabine tongue signifieth Strong or stout.

2 Many of these Claudij, as they deserved many waies passing well of the Common-wealth: so, in as many sorts they faulted and did amisse. But to relate the principall examples onely in both kindes; Appius surnamed (*) * [•…] Blind. A. V. C. 474 490 457 Caecus was hee, who disswaded the entring into league and societie with King Pyrrhus, as preiudiciall unto the State: (a) Claudius Caudex was the first man that passed over the narrow Seas with a fleete, and drave the Carthaginians out of Sicilie: Claudius Nero surprised and defaited Asdrubal comming out of Spaine with a very great and puissant armie before he could ioyne with his brother Annibal. Contrariwise, (*) * Or Appius Claudius. Claudius AppiusA. V. C. 304 Regillanus being (*) * . i. One of the t [•…] n Decemvirs. Decemvir chosen to frame and pen the Romai [•…] e Lawes, went about by violence (for the satisfaction of his fleshly lust) to enthra [•…] l a virgine Free-borne: and thereby gave occasion to the Commons for to fall away and forsake the Nobles a second time. Claudius Drusus having his owne statue erected with a Diademe in a Towne called (b) Forum Appij, attempted with the helpe of his favorites and dependants to hold all [•…] talie in his owne hands. Claudius (*) * . [•…] . The Faire. A. V. C. 505 Pulcher, when as in taking of his, (c) Auspicia before Sicilie, the sacred pullets would not feede, caused them, in contempt of Religion, to be plunged into the Sea, That they might drinke seeing they would not eate: and thereupon strucke a battaile at Sea: In which, beeing vanquished, and commaunded by the Senate to nominate a Dictator, scorning, as it were, aud making but a iest at the publique danger & calamitie of the State, named a (base) Sergeant of his owne called (*) * Or Ilycia. Glycia. There stand likewise upon record, the examples of women, and those as divers and contrary. For, two Claudiae there were of the same house: both shee (*) * Plin: Nat. hifi: lib. 7. cap. 35. that drew forth the ship with the sacred images of the (*) * Cybeie, Idaean mother of the Gods sticking fast and grounded within the (*) * Or Barr: shelves of Tiberis, having before made her praier openly, That as she was a true and pure virgin, so the ship might follow her, and not otherwise. as also another, who after a strange and new manner being (*) * C. F [•…] eius. aA. V. C: 580. For, unto this time that sex had not beene endi [•…] ed and. t [•…] aint of treaso͏̄. See Va [•…] er, Max. lib 8, c [•…] p. 1 [•…] A. V. C. 695 woman, was araigned before the people of high treason, for that when her Coach wherein shee rode could hardly passe forward by reason of a thicke throng and preasse of people, she had openly wished, That her brother Pulcher were alive againe, and might leese a fleete the second time, to the end there might be by that meanesae lesse multitude at Rome. Moreover, very well knowne it is, that all the Claudii, excepting onely that P. Clodius who for expelling Cicero out of Rome, suffred himselfe to be adopted by a * Commoner and one younger (a) also than himselfe, were alwaies Optimates, the onely maintainers or patrons of the dignitie and power of the Patritians: yea, and in opposition of the Commons so violent, stubborne and selfe-willed that not one of them, although he stoode upon his triall for life and death before the people, could Page 89 finde in his hart so much as to change his (e) weede, or to crave any favour at their hands. Nay, some of them there were, who in a brawle and altercation, stuck not to beat the very (f) Tribune of the Commons. Furthermore, a (*) * Claudia. A. V. C. 61 [•…] virgin vestale there was of that name, who when a brother of hers triumphed without a warrant from the people, mounted up with him into the chariot, & accompanied him even into the Capitoll: to this end, that none of the Tribunes might lawfully (*) * Of so reverent regard were these Nunnes, that no magistrate might either attach or crosse them. oppose themselves and forbid the Triumph.

3 From this race and linage Tiberius Cæsar deriveth his Genealogie, and that verily in the whole bloud and of both sides: by his Father, from Tiberius Nero: by his mother from Appius Pulcher, who were both of them the sonnes of Appius Caecus. Incorporate hee was besides into the familie of the Livii, by reason that his Grandfather by the (*) * Or mothers grandfather mater [•…] o are. mothers side was adopted thereinto: Which family (Commoners though they were) flourished notwithstanding and was highly reputed; as being honoured and graced with eight Consulships, two Censureships, and three Triumphs: with a Dictatourship also and Maistership of the Horsemen: renowmed likewise and ennobled for brave and notable men, (a) Salinator especially and the (*) * Or rather Drusus, A. V. C 550 Drusi: As for Salinator, in his Censureship hee noted and taxed all the Tribes everie one and whole bodie of the people, for unconstant levitie, for that having uppon his former consulship condemned him and set a fine uppon his head, yet afterwardes they made him Consula a second time and Censour besides. Drvsvs, upon the killing of one Dravsvs the Generall of his enemies in close combat and single fight, purchased unto himselfe and his posteritie after him that surname. It is reported also that this Drvsvs beeingA. V. C. 471 propretour, recovered and fetched againe out of his province Ga [•…] le, that gold which in times past had beene given unto the Senatours when they besieged the Capitol: & that it was not Camillus (as the voice goeth) that wrested the same perforce out of their hands. His (*) * Or Nephew, abne [•…] os. sonne in the 4. degree of descent, calledA. V. C: 433 for his singular imployment against the Gracchi, Patron of the Senate, left behind him a sonne: whom in the like variance and debate. as he was busie in devising and putting in practise sundrie plots, the adverse faction treacherously slew.

4 But, the Father of this Tiberius Cæsar, being Treasurer unto C. (*) * Dictator. A. V. C. 707 A. V. C. 463 Cæsar, and Admirall of a fleete in the Alexandrine warre performed very good service for the atchieving of victory, whereupon hee was both substituted Pontifex in steed o [•…] Scipio, and also sent with commission to plant Colonies in Gaule, among which were (*) * Or Narbo. A. V C. 710 Narbona and Arelate. Howbeit, after that Cæsar was slaine, when as all men for feare of troubles and uprores decreed a finall abolition (*) * This is that amnestia which Cicero perswaded unto. and oblivion of that fact (and all other quarrels thereupon depending) he proceeded farther and opened, That they should consult about the rewards of such Tyrant-killers. After this, having borne his Pretourship (in theA. V. C. 713 end of which yeere there arose some discord betweene the Triumvirs) hee retaining by him still the (*) * To wit, his sixe lict [•…] rs or vergers with their Knitches of rods & axes sticking therin, Alexand. ab Alexandr [•…] ensignes and ornaments of that office after the time fully expired, and following L. Antonius the Consull and the Triumvirs brother, as farre as to Perusi [•…] , when the rest yeelded themselves, continued alone fast, and stuck to the faction (that siided against Octavius) and first escaped to Preneste, then to Naples: where when hee had proclaimed (but in Page 90 vaine) (*) * Servis ad pile [•…] vocatis: because the cap or bonet was the badge-of freedome. freedome for all bondslaves, hee fled into Sicilie. But taking it to the heart, that hee was not immediatly admitted to the presence of Sextus Pompeius, but debarred the use of his (a) Knitches of rods to bee borne afore him, hee crossed the Seas into Achaia, and went to M. Antonius. With whom, by occasion that shortly after, an attonement and peace was made betweene all parties, hee returned to Rome; and at the request of Augustus, yeelded unto him his owne wife Livia Drusilla, who both at that time was great with child, and also had already before brought him a sonne named Tiberius, in his owne house. Not long after, he departed this life, and left his children surviving him, namely Tiberius Nero and Drusus Nero.

5 Some have thought that this Tiberius (Cæsar) was borne at Fundae, grounding uppon a light coniecture, because his mothers (*) * Or his grandame by the mothers side. Grandame was a Fundane borne; and for that soone after the image (a) of (*) * F [•…] licitatis, or F [•…] cunditatis i. fruitfulnes. Felicitie, by vertue of an Acte of the Senate was there publiquely set up. But, as the most Authors and those of better credite doe write, borne hee was at Rome in the Mount Palatium, the (*) * The sixteenth of November. A. V. C. 712 sixteenth day before the Calendes of December, when M. Aemilius Lepidus was Consull the second time together with Munatius Plancus, even after the warre at Philippi: For so it standes upon record and in the publique Registers. Yet there want not some who write otherwise: partly that he was (*) * Genitum. borne a yeere before in the Consulship of Hirtius and Pansa, and partly the yeere next following, wherein Servilius Isauricus and Antonius were Consuls.

6 His infancie and childhood both were exeeding (*) * Lux [•…] riosam [•…] . growing a pace to maturity. forward (a) and the same full of toilesome travaile and daunger, by occasion that every where, hee accompanied his Parents still, in their flights and escapes. And verily, twice hee had like to have (*) * Or discovered. descried them with his wrawling at Naples, what time as a little before the forcible and suddaine entrie of the enemie, they made shift secretly to get into a ship: namely once, when hee was taken hastily from his Nources breast: and a second time out of his Mothers lap and armes, by those who as the necessity of the time required, did their best to ease the poore women of their burden and loade. Hee was caried away with them likewise through Sicilie and Achaia: yea, and beeing recommended to the Lacedaemonians (who were under the protection of the Claudii their Patrones) for to take the charge of him in publique, as hee departed from thence by night, hee was in daunger of his life by reason of a light flaming fire, which suddainly from all parts arose out of a wood: and compassed all the companie in his traine so; as that some part of Liviaes apparell and the haire of her head was scorched and sienged therewith. The giftes bestowed uppon him in Sicilie by Pompeia the sister of Sextus Pompeius, to wit, a little Cloake with a button or claspe to it: likewise studds and bosses of golde, continue and are yet shewed to bee seene at Baie. After his returne Page 91 into the Cittie of Rome, beeing adopted by M. Gallivs a Senatour in his last will and testament, hee accepted of the inheritance and entred uppon it: but within a while forbare the name, because Gallivs had sided with the adverse faction and taken part against Avgvstvs. Being 9. yeares olde he praised his father deceased openly from the Rostrae. Afterwardes, as hee grewe to be a springall, he accompanied in the Actiacke tryumph the Chariot of Avgvstvs, ryding uppon the steede drawing without the (*) * Or spir [•…] npole. yoke on the left hand, when as Marcellvs the sonne of Octavia rode upon the other on the right hand. Hee was president also at the Actiack Games and plaies yea & the Troian Turnament in the Circean solemnities, where he led the troupe of the bigger boyes.

7 After hee had put on his (*) * at 17, yeeres of age, virile robe, his whole youth and all the time besides of the age next ensuing, even unto the beginning of his Empire, hee passed for the most part in these affaires following. He exhibited one sworde fight performed by fencers to the outrance, in memoriall of his father: likewise another in the honourable remembraunce of his Grandfather Drvsvs: and those at sundrie times and in diverse places: the former in the (*) * Or great market place. Forum, of Rome: the second in the Amphitheatre: having brought againe into the Lists, even those that were freed before time and discharged from that profession: whom hee now hired and bound to fight, with the summe of one hundred thowsand sesterces. Hee did set foorth stage playes also, but whiles himselfe was absent: all with great magnificence, and also at the charges of his (*) * Liria, mother and (*) * Augustus: father in Law. (*) * Whom Tacitus calleth [〈◊〉] after the surname of her father, Agrippina the daughter also of M. Agrippa, and neice to Pomponivs Atticvs a Gentleman of Rome, him I meane, unto whome Cicero wrote his Epistles, hee tooke to wife. And when hee had begotten of her a sonne named Drvsvs, albeit shee fitted him well enough and was besidesA. V. C. 744. with Childe againe, enforced hee was to put her away; and foorthwith to wed Iulia the daughter of Avgvstvs: not without much griefe and heart breake: considering that hee both desired still the companie of Agrippina and also misliked the conditions and demeanour of Iulia, as whom he perceived to have had a minde and fansie unto him whiles shee was the wife of a former husband. Which verily was thought also abroade. But as hee grieved, that after the divorce hee had driven away Agrippina, so when hee chaunced but once (as shee mette him) to see her, hee followed her still with his eyes so bent, so swellinge, (*) * Readie as it were to run out of his head. and staring, that streight order was given, and a watch set, shee should never after come in his way nor within his sight. With Ivlia he lived at the first in great concord and mutuall love: but afterwardes hee began to (*) * Or disagree. estraunge himselfe, and (that which was the more griefe) hee proceeded to part beddes and to lie from her continually, namely, after that the pledge of love, their sonne beegotten beetweene them, was untimely taken away: who beeing borne at Aquileia died a very infant. His owne brother (*) * Who died when he was Consuls A. V. C. 735. Drvsvs hee lost in Germanie, whose bodie he conveyed throughout to Rome going before it all the way on foote.

Page 92In his first rudiments and beginnings of civile offices, he pleaded at the8 barre in defence of Archelans; of the Trallians and Thessalians: all of them in sundrie causes whiles Avgvstvs sat in iudgement to heere their tryall: In the behalfe also of the La [•…] dicenes, Thyaterenes and Chians, who had suffered great losse by Earthquake, and humbly sought for reliefe, he intreated the Senate. As for Fannivs Caepio. who together with Varro Mvraena had conspired against Avgvstvs, hee arraigned of high treason before the iudges, and caused him to hee condemned: And amid these affaires, he (*) * Whilest hee was Questour, and but 19 yeares olde. executed a duple charge and function: to witte, the purveyance of Corne and Victualles, whereof there happened to bee scarcitie: and the skouringe or riddance of the worke-house (*) * F [•…] stulorum Such as bride wel and houses of correction: prisons. the Lordes and Maisters whereof were become odious, as if they had caught uppe and held to worke not onely waifaring persons, but those also who for feare of taking a militarie oath and to be enrolled, were driven to shrowd themselues in such corners and starting holes.

His first service in the warres was in the expedition of Cantabria, what9 time hee had the place of a (*) * Colonell of a thousand footmen. A, V, C. 728, Tribune Militarie. Afterwardes, having theA. V: C: 728, conduct of an armie into the East parts, hee restored the kingdome of Armenia unto Tigranes, and from the Tribunall seat did put the Diademe uppon his head. Hee recovered also those militarie ensignes which the Parthians had taken from M. Crassvs. After this hee governed as Regent that part of Gaule beyond the Alpes, called Comata: which was full of troubles, partly by the incursions of barbarous nations, and in parte through the intestine discorde of Princes and Nobles of the Countrie. Then, warred hee uppon the Rhetians and Vindelici, and so forwarde vppon the Pannonians and Germaines (whom hee vanquished all). In the Rhaetian and Vindelicke warres, hee subdued the Nations inhabiting the Alpes: in the Pannonian, he conquered the Breuci and Dalmatians. In the Germaine warre hee brought over into Gaule 40000. that yeelded unto him, and placed them neere unto the Rhene banke, where they had there habitations assigned. For, which Acts, hee entred the Citie of Rome both Ovant (ryding on horsebacke) and also Triumphant mounted uppon a Chariot: being the (*) * Primus, some [•…] ad prius, i. an [•…] rationem, before he had ridden o [〈◊〉] or triumphed: A, V, C, 737, 738, 7 [•…] 2, 747. first (as some thinke) that was honoured with Triumphant ornaments, a newe kinde of honour and never graunted to any man before: To beare Magistracie hee both beganne betimes, and also ranne through them all in manner joynctly without intermission, namely his Quaesture; Praeture and Consulate. After some space betweene hee became Consul a seconde time, yea and also received the Tribunitian Authoritie for fiue yeares together:

In this confluence of so many prosperous successes, in the strength also of10 his yeares and perfect health, hee had a full purpose, sodainely to retire himselfe and remoove out of the way as farre as hee could. Whether it were for the wearinesse hee had of his wife, whome neither hee durst plainelyA V C 748. charge or put awaye, nor was able to endure any longer, or to the ende that by avo [•…] ding contempt (a) incident to daily and continuall residence, hee might maintaine and increase his authoritie by absenting himselfe, if at any time the State stoode in neede of him, it is uncertaine. Page 93 Some are of opinion, that considering Avgvstvs his children were nowe well growne, he of his owne accorde yeelded up unto them the place and possession as it were, of the second (*) * In admin [•…] stra tion of the co͏̄ mon weale: degree, which himselfe had usurped and held a long time; following herein the example of M. Agrippa, who having preferred M. Marceilus, to bee imployed in publike affaires, departed unto Mitylenae; least by his presence he might seeme to (*) * To darken their light hinder them or depraue their proceedings. Which cause even himself, but afterwards, alleadged: Marie, for the present, pretending the satietie that he had of honorable places, and rest from his travailes, he made suite for licence to depart: neither gave he any eare to his owne mother humblie beseeching him to stay; nor to his father in law, who complained also that hee should be forsaken thereby and left desolate in the Senate. Moreover; when they were instant still to holde him backe, hee abstained from all kinde of meate foure dayes together. At length having obtained leave to be gone, he left his wife and sonne behind him at Rome, and forthwith went downe to Ostia: giving not so much as one word againe to any that accompanied him thither, and kissing very few of them at the parting.

As he sayled from Ostia along the coast of Campanie, uppon newes that he11 heard of Avgvstvs weakenesse, he stayed a while and went not forward: but when a rumor began to be spred of him, (as if he lingred there, waiting some opportunitie of greater hopes,) hee made noe more adoe, but even against winde and wether sayled through & passed over to Rhodes: having taken a delight to the pleasant and healthfull situation of that Iland, ever since he arrived there in his returne from Armenia. Contenting himselfe here, with a meane and small habitation, with a ferme house likewise by the Cittie side not much larger nor of greater receite, he purposed to lead a verie civill and private life: walking otherwhile in the (*) * Or publike place of exercises. Gymnase without (*) * He was then Tribune of the Commons and Consul the second time. lictor or other officer, performing acts and duties in maner one for another with the Greekes conversing there. It happened uppon a time, when he disposed of the businesses which hee would dispatch one day, that hee gave it out before hand, He was desirous to visite all the (*) * oegros, some read [•…] gros, as if he minded to walk the field [•…] . sicke in the Cittie. These words of his were mistaken by those next about him. Whereupon; all the lazars and diseased persons were by commaundement brought into a publike porch or gallerie and placed there in order according to the sundrie sorts of their maladies. At which unexpected sight, being much troubled and perplexed, he wist not for a good while what to do? how. beit he went round about from one to another, excusing himselfe for this that was done even to the meanest, poorest and basest of them all This onely thing and nothing else beside was noted, wherein he seemed to exercise the power of his Tribunes authoritie. Being daily and continually conversant about the Schooles and Auditories of professours, by occasion that there arose a great braule among the (*) * [〈◊〉] . Sophisters opposite in arguing cases and declaiming one against other, there chaunced to bee one who perceiving him comming betweene and inclining to favorize one part above the other; rayled bitterly at him. With drawing himselfe therefore by little and little, and re [•…] yring home to his house, he came forth sodainely againe and appeared with his Lictours: where he cited by the voyce of his cryer to appeare judicially before his Tribunall, that foule mouthed rayling fellow, and so commanded him to be had Page 94 away to prison. After this, he had certaine intelligence given him that Ivlia his wife was convict and condemned for her incontinencie and adulteries; also that in his name (by a warrant directed from Avgvstvs) she had a bill of divorse sent unto her. And albeit, he was glad of these tidings, yet he thought it his part, as much as lay in him, by many letters to reconcile the father unto his daughter: yea and how ever she had deserved badly at his hands, yet to suffer her for to have whatsoever he had at any time given unto her in free gift. Now, after he had passed through the time of his Tribunes authoritie, andA. V. C. 752 confessed at last, that by this retyring of his out of the way he sought to avoide nought else but the suspition of Ielousie and emulation with Caivs and Lvcivs: hee made suite, That seeing he was now secured in this behalfe, and they strengthened enough and able with ease to manage and maintaine the second place in government, he might be permitted to returne and see his friendes and acquaintance againe, whose presence he missed and longed after. But hee could not obtaine so much: nay, admonished hee was and warned before hand, to lay a side all regard of his friends and kinsfolke, whom he was so willing to leave and abandon before.

Hee abode therefore still at Rhodes, even against his will: and hardly by the12 meanes and intercession of his owne mother wrought thus much, that for to cover his ignominie and shame, he might be absent under this pretence, as if he were Avgvstvs his Lieutenant. And then verily, lived he not onely private to himselfe, but also exposed to daunger, and in great feare of some hard measure: lying close and hidden in the uplandish and inward parts of the Iland: and avoyding the offices of them that made saile by those coasts, who had frequented him continually: For as much as no man went into any province that way, as Lord Generall or (*) * As Prator, propr [•…] tor, proconsul, &c: Magistrate, but he strucke a side and turned to Rhodes. Besides, other causes there were of greater feare and trouble presented unto him. For when as he crossed the seas to Samos for to visit Caivs, (*) * The sonne of his wife Iulia by Agrippa, his wives sonne, president of the East parts, he perceived him to be more estranged than before time through the slaunders and criminous imputations which M. Lollivs companion and governour to the saide Caivs had put into his head. He was drawen also into suspition by certaine Centvrions, whom his favour had advanced, & who at the day limited in their pasport were returned to the camp, That he had deliuered unto many (*) * Or of his friends. (of them) Mandates of an ambiguous & duple construction, such as might seeme to sound the mindes of everie one and sollicite them to rebellion. Of which suspition being certified by Avgvstvs, hee never rested to call for, and require to have some one of any degree and order what soever, to observe all his deedes and words.

He neglected also his wonted exercises of horse and armour: yea and having13 laid by the (*) * The gowne. habite of his native Countrie, hee betooke himselfe to a cloke and (*) * Pantofles or corke shooes after the greekish fashion. slippers. In such a state & condition as this, continued hee almost two yeeres throughout, more dispised and hatefull everie day then other: insomuch as the Meniansians overthrew his Images and statues and upon a time, at a certaine feast, where familiar friends were met together (by occasion that mention was made of him,) there was one stood up who promised Caivs, That in case he did but command and say the word, he would immediatly sayle to Rhodes and Page 95 fetch unto him the head of that exiled person: For so was hee commonly called. And chiefly upon this which was now no bare feare, but plain perill, enforced he was by most earnest prayers not onely of his owne but also of his mother, to require and seeke for to returne which he obtained at length with the helpe somewhat of good fortune. Avgvstvs had fully set downe with himselfe to resolve upon nothing as touching that point, but with the wil & good liking of his elder (*) * C [•…] s, his nepphew or daugh ters sonne. sonne: now was he, as it happened at that time much offended and displeased with M. Lollivs, but to his (*) * His mothers husband. father in law (Tiberivs) well affected, and easie to be by him intreated. By the permission therefore and good leave of Caivs called home he was; but with this condition. That he should not meddle one Iote in the affaires of State:

Thus in the 8. yeare after his departure, returned he full of great hopes and14 A. V. C. 755. nothing doubtfull of future fortunes, which he had conceived as well by strang sights, as also by predictions and prophesies even from his very birth. For Livia whiles she went with child of him, among many and sundrie experiments which she made, and signes that she observed (and all to know whether shee should bring forth a man child or no?) tooke closely an egge from under an hen that was sitting, and kept it warme sometime in her owne, otherwhiles in her womens hands by turnes one after another, so long, untill there was hatched a cock-chicken with a notable combe upon the head. And when he was but a very babe, Scrieonivs the Astrologer gave out and warranted great matters of him, and namely, That he should one day raigne as Monarch, but yet without the royall (*) * i [•…] The Diaderne. Ensignes. For as yet, ye must wote, the soveraigne power of the Cæsars was unknowne. Also, as he entred into his first expedition, and led an armie into Syria, through Macedonie. it chaunced that the consecrated Altars of the victorious (*) * Vnder Iulics Cæsar or Augustus. Legions in time past at Philippi shone out (*) * Sabitis ignibus or Subductis [•…] gs nibus. 1. When the fire was taken from them sodainely of themselues all on a light fire. And soone after, when in his journey towarde Illyricum he went to the Oracle of Geryon nere unto Padua, and drew forth his lotte, whereby he was advised that for counsell and resolution in such particulars as he required after, he should throw golden (*) * Or Cockals. ta [•…] os. dies (a) into the fountaine Aponus, it fell out so that the dies thus cast by him shewed the (*) * Venus or Cou [•…] , which is the best chance. greatest number: And even at this verie day these dies are seene under the water. Some fewe dayes likewise before he was sent for home, an Aegle, (never seene afore time at Rhodes) perched upon the very top and ridge of his house: and the verie day before he had intelligence given him of his returne, as he was changing his apparell, his shirt was seene on fire. Thrasyllvs (b) also the Astrologer, whom for his great profession of wisedome & cunning he had taken into his house to beare him companie, he made then most triall of; namely, when upon kenning a (*) * which broght the messenger of his returne. ship a farre of, he affirmed. That ioyfull newes was comming, whereas at the verie same instant as they walked togither Tiberivs was fully purposed to have turned him headlong downe into the sea, as being a false prophet, (for that things fell out untowardly and contrarie to his former predictions) & one besides; who chaunced for the most part to bee privie unto him of all his secrets.

15 Being returned to Rome, and having brought his sonne Devsvs solemnly into the (*) * There to co͏̄ mense & shewe the first proofe of pleading at Barre. Forum, he removed immediatly out of Carinae and the house (*) * Which was in the streete Carina. of Pompeivs unto (*) * Or E [•…] quilia an other ste [•…] e in Rome. Esquilia, and the Hort-yards of Maec [•…] Nas: where he gave Page 96 himselfe wholly to quietnesse performing priuate duties onely and not medling at all in publike offices. After that Caius and Lvcivs were dead with in the compasse of (*) * Ofs: yeares rather: by V [•…] leiut and Dio. and as himselfe hath written in Augustus. 3. yeares, he together with their brother M. Agrippa was adopted by Avgvstus, but compelled first himselfe to adopt Germanicvs his brothers sonne. Neither did he ought afterwards as an (*) * On [•…] that was sui iuris. housholder, nor retained one jote of that right which he had forgon by his adoption. For, he gave no donations, he manumised no person: nor yet made benefite of any (*) * Falling unto him by the Testaments of his friende. inheritance or legacies otherwise then in the nature of (*) * A stocke given & granted unto one by him under whose tuition he is, be hee father or maister. A. V. C. 757. Peculium: and so he did put them downe in his booke of receits. But from that time forward was there nothing pretermitted for the augmentation of his state and Maiestie: and much more after that Agrippa once was in disfavour and sent away: wherby the world tooke knowledge for certaine, that the hope of succession rested onely in him.

16 Nowe was the Tribunitian Authoritie conferred a second time uppon him, and that for the terme of 5. yeeres; the honorable charge and commission likewise, for to pacifie the State of Germanie was assigned unto him: and the Parthian Embassadours, after they had declared their message at Rome unto Avgvstvs, were commanded to repaire unto him also (*) * Germanie into his province: But upon the newes that Illyricvm revolted, he remooved from (*) * Out of Germanie. A. V. C. 760. thence to the charge of a new warre, which, being of all foraine warres the most dangerous since those with the Carthaginians, he menaged with the power of 15: Legions, & equal forces of Auxiliaries, for the space of 3. yeares in great extremitie of all things, but especially in exceeding scarcetie of Corne. And notwithstanding that he was oftentimes revoked from this service, yet persisted he unto the end fearing least the enemie so neere a neighbour and so puissant with all, should make head and come upon them, if they first did quit the place and retire. And verily, passing well paied and rewarded was hee for this perseverance of his; as having thereby fully subdued and brought under his subiection all Illirycvm. as farre as reacheth and spreadeth betweene Italie, the kingdome of Noricum, Thracia, and Macedonie: betweene the river Danubius also and the gulfe of the Adriaticke sea.A. V. C. 762.

Which glorious exploit of his was yet more amplified and encreased by the17 opportunitie of an occurrent that fell betweene. For, about the verie same time Qvintilivs Varvs together with 3. Legions was overthrowne and defaited in Germanie: and no man made any doubt, but that the Germaines following the traine of this their victorie, would have ioyned with Pannonia in case Illyricvm had not beene subdued before. For these his noble Acts, a triumph with many great honours was decreed for him: Some also delivered their sentence, that he should be surnamed Pannonicvs; others would have had the addition of Invincible: and some againe of Pivs, in his Style; But as touching any such surname, Avgvstvs interposed his negative voyce, promising and undertaking in his behalfe, that he shold rest contented with (*) * i. Augustus. that, which he was to assume after his death: As for the Triumph, himselfe did put it of unto a further day, by occasion that the whole (*) * Of Rome state, sorrowed for the overthrow and losse above saide of Varvs: Neverthelesse, he entred the City in his rich Praetexta or imbrodred purple Robe, with a chaplet of lawrell upon his head: and so mounted up to the Tribunall erected for him in the (a) Septa, Page 97 whiles the Senate stoode to give attendance: and there, together with Augustus, in the mids betweene the two Consuls hee tooke his place and sate downe. From whence, after he had saluted the people, hee was honourably conducted round about all the Temples.

18 The next yeere following, being returned into Germanie, when hee perceivedA. V. C. 763. that the Varian defeature aforesaid hapned through the rashnesse and negligence of the Generall, he did nothing at all without the opinion of his Counsell of warre. And whereas hee had used also before, to stand upon his owne bothom, and to rest in his selfe-iudgement alone; then, contrary to his manner hee conferred with many as touching the menagement of the warre: yea, and he shewed more care and precisenesse in every point than his wont was afore-time. Being about to passe over the Rhene, all his provision of victuals strictly reduced to a certaine rate and stint, hee would not send over the water before he had considered (standing upon the very banke of the river) the lode of every Waggon, that no cariages might bee (*) * Deponerentur, vel deportar [•…] tur. i. transported and caried over. discharged or unloaden, but such as were by him allowed and thought necessary. When hee was once on the otherside of Rhene this course and order of life he held: Namely to sit uppon a bare banke of turfe, and so to eate his meate: to lie abroad all night, and take his rest oftentimes without tent: to deliver all directions for the day following, as also what suddaine service or businesse was to bee enioyned, by writing; with this caveat and admonition, That whereof any man doubted, hee should repaire unto him at all houres of the night, and seeke for no other expositour but himselfe.

Martiall discipline he required most sharply, bringing againe into ure and19 execution certaine kindes of chastisements and ignominious disgraces which had beene used in auncient times: in so much, as he branded with open shame the Lieutenant of a Legion, for sending a few Souldiours with his owne freedman ouer the other side of the river a hunting. As for battailes, albeit hee did put as little as might be upon the hazard of Fortune and chaunce: yet entred he upon them with much more resolution, so often as whiles hee watched or studied by a candle, the light suddainly fell downe and went out, when nobody forced it: trusting confidently (as hee said) upon this signe, which both hee and all his Auncestors had tried and found to be infallible during all their warlike conducts and regiments. But howsoever hee sped well and had good successe in this Province, he escaped very faire that hee had not beene killed by a certaine (*) * A Rhuteni qu [•…] dam. Rhutene (a), who being among those that were next about his person, and detected by his timorous gesture, was apprehended, and with torture forced to confesse his prepensed designment.

20 Being after two yeeres returned out of Germanie to Rome, hee rode in thatA. V. C. 76 [•…] . triumph which he had differred, accompanied with his Lieutenants, for whom he had obtained (a) triumphall Ornaments. And ere hee turned into the Capitoll hee alighted from his Chariot, and bowed himselfe to the knees of his (*) * August [•…] Cæsar. Father, sitting then before him as President. A Captaine and Commaunder of Pannonia named Baton, hee rewarded first, with exceeding great Presents, and then remooved him to Ravenna, in thankfull requitall Page 98 for suffering him upon a time, when with his Armie hee was enclosed within the streights, to passe forward and escape. After this, hee bestowed upon the people (of Rome) a solemne dinner, where they sate at a thousand tables. and gave besides to them three thousand Sesterces a peece for a Congiarie. Hee dedicated also the temple of Concord: likewise that of Pollux and Castor in his owne name & his brothers, all out of the spoile woone from the enemies.

And not long after, when by vertue of an Act preferred by the Consuls,21 That hee should administer the Provinces iointly with Augustus: and likewise A. V. C. 766. hold the generall review and muster of the people, hee had performed the same and finished it with a solemne purging called Lustrum, hee tooke his iourney into Illyricum. And being incontinently called backe out of the very way, he cameA. V. C. 767. and found Augustus dangerously sicke, how beit yet breathing and alive: with whom he continued in secret talke, one whole day. I wote well, it is commonly received and beleeved, that when Tiberius after private conference was gone forth, these words of Augustus were over heard by the Chamberlaines. Miserum populum Romanum qui sub tam lentis maxillis erit. Ounhappie people of Rome, that shall be under such a slow (a) paire of chawes. Neither am I ignorant of this also, that some have written and reported of Augustus, How openly and in plaine termes without dissimuling, hee disliked his churlish behaviour and harshnesse of manners so much, as divers times being in pleasant discourse and mery talke, he would breake-of when Tiberius came in place: Howbeit, overcome by his wives intreaty and earnest praier he refused not to adopt him; or rather was induced so to doe, upon an ambitious humor and conceite of his owne, that leaving such a successour, himselfe might another day be more missed and wished for againe. Yet cannot I be perswaded otherwise, but to thinke, that Augustus a right circumspect, considerate and prudent Prince did nothing, especially in so weighty a businesse, hand over head and without advise: but having duly weighed the vices and vertues of Tiberius, esteemed his vertues of more worth: and namely seeing that both he sware solemnly in a generall assembly of the people, That hee adopted him for the (b) good of the Common-weale. and also commendeth him in certaine Epistles for a most expert and martiall warriour, yea the onely Defender and Protectour of the people of Rome. Out of which, I have thought good to quote some places heere and there for example. Farewell most sweet Tiberius, and God blesse your conduct and proceeding, warring as you doe for mee and the Muses. Againe, O most pleasant, and (as I desire to bee happy) right valiant man, 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉 or 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉 , i. thy friends. and accomplished Captaine, with all perfections, adiew. Also, Astouching the order and manner of your Sommer-campe, for mine owne part verily, my Tiberius, I am of this minde, That considering so many difficulties and distresses: in regard also of so great sloath and cowardise of Souldiours, no man in the world could performe the service better than you have done. And even they of your traine, who were with you doe all confesse, that this verse may be applied fitly unto you.

(c) “Vnus homo nobis vigilando restituit rem.”

One man alone by watchfull sight

Our tott’ring state hath set upright.

And whether, quoth he, there fall out any occurrent to be considered upon with more care and diligence, or whether I bee displeased and angry at any thing, I have a Page 99 great misse, I assure you, of my Tiberius: and evermore that verse of Homer commeth into my remembrance:


〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉 * I [•…] iad. [•…] .

〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉

Whiles this man beares me company (so well he doth fore-see)

We may ev’n out of flaming fire returne, both I and hee.

When I heare say and read. that you are weakened and growne leane with uncessant and continuall labour, God confound me, if my body doe not quake and tremble. I pray you therefore spare your selfe: least if it come to our eares, that you are sicke, both I and your mother also die for sorrow, and the people of Rome beside, hazard the Empire. It makes no matter, whether Ibe in health or no? (*) * Situ non valebis: or, si tu modo Valeb [•…] . So you cc [•…] tue well. if you be not well; The Geds I beseech, to preserve you for us and vouchsafe your health both now and ever, unlesse they hate the people of Rome to death.

The death of Augustus hee divulged not abroad, before that young Agrippa22 was slaine. This Agrippa was killed by a militarie (*) * Colonel [•…] Tribune, set and appointed to guard him, so soone as hee had read the writ (*) * Or warrant. , whereby hee was commaunded to doe the deede. This writ, whether Augustus left behind him when hee died, thereby to take away all matter that might minister tumult after his death: or whether Livia in the name of Augustus endited it, and that with the privity of Tiberius, or without his knowledge, it resteth doubtfull. Certaine it is, that when the saide Tribune brought him word, that the thing was dispatched which he had commaunded, he made answere, That he gave no such commaundement, and added moreover, That he should answere it before the Senate: Declining no doubt the envie and hard conceit of men for the present: for within a while after he buried the matter in silence.

Having nowe assembled the Senate by vertue and authority (a) of his Tribuneship,23 and begun to make a (*) * Which hee had penned. speech unto them by way of (*) * For the death of Augustus. Consolation: all on a suddaine, as unable to maister his griefe, he fell into a fit of sighing and groaning. Yea he wished, That not onely his voice, but his vitall breath also might faile him. and therewith gave the booke unto his sonne Drusus to read it out. After this, when the last will or testament of Augustus was brought in, and none of the witnesses admitted to come in place, but those onely who were of Senatours degree, the rest standing without the Curia & there acknowledging their hands and seales, hee caused it to be read and pronounced by his freed man. The will began in this manner. For as much as sinister fortune hath bereft me of Caius and Lucius, my sonnes, I will that Tiberius Cæsar be mine heire, in the one moity and a sixth part. By which very beginning, their suspition* That is to say, in 8 parts of twelve, or 2 third parts was augmented who thought thus, that seeing he forbare not after this sort to make his preface, hee ordained Tiberius to be his successour upon necessity, rather than any iudgement and discretion.

Albeit hee made no doubt to enter upon his imperiall government immediatly24 and to menage the same, and that by taking unto him a strong guard of Souldiours about his person, that is to say maine force & the very forme of absolute rule & dominion: yet notwithstanding, he refused it a long time: & putting on a most impudent & shamlesse mind, one while he seemed to rebuke his friends that encouraged him thereto, as those who knew not, what a monstrous and untamed beast an Empire was: and otherwhiles with ambiguous answeres Page 100 and crafty delaies holding the Senate in suspence when they besought him to take it upon him, yea and humbly debased themselves before his knees. in so much as some of them having their patience moved therewith, could endure him no longer: and one among the rest in that tumult cried aloude, Let him either doe it at once, or else give over quite: and another openly to his face upbraided him in these words, Whereas other men be slacke in doing and performing that which they have promised, he was slacke in promising that which hee did and performed. In the end, as if forsooth he had beene compelled, and complaining withall, that there was imposed upon his shoulders a miserable and burdensome servitude, he tooke the Empire upon him: and yet no otherwise, than giving hope, that one day he would resigne it up. His very words are these, Vntill I come unto that time, wherein yee may thinke it meete to give some rest unto mine aged yeeres.

The cause of this holding of & delay that he made, was the feare of imminent25 dangers on every side, in so much as he would often say, Hee held a Woolfe by the eares. For there was one of Agrippaes slaves named Clemens, who had levied & gathered together no small power, for to revenge his Maisters death: and L. Scribonius Libo, a noble man. secretly complotted sedition and rebellion: yea, and a two-fold mutinie of the Souldiours arose, in Illyricum and in Germanie. Both the armies called hard upon him for performance of many matters extraordinarily: but above all, that they might have equall pay with the (a) Pretorian souldiours. And as for the (b) Germanician souldiours, they verily refused him for their Prince and Soveraigne, as not by them ordained: and with all their might and maine urged Girmanicus, who then was their Generall to take upon him the government of the State, albeit he withstood & denied them stoutly, Fearing therefore the issue and danger of this occurrent most of all, he required for himselfe to have that part of the Common-weale in charge, which it should please the Senate to lay upon him: seeing that no man was sufficient to weld the whole, unlesse he had another or many assistants rather ioyned with him. Hee feigned himselfe also to be sickly, to the end that Germanicus might with the better will and more patience abide in expectance either of speedy succession after him, or at least waies of fellowship in the Empire with him. Well, after hee had appeased those mutinies, Clemens likewise by a fraudulent wile he over-raught, and brought to his devotion. As for Libo, because he would not be thought at his entrance newly into the Empire for to proceede rigorously, two yeeres after and not before he charged & reproved him before the Senate, contenting himselfe all that meane space to beware of him onely, and to stand upon his guard. For, as the said Libo was together with him among other Pontifies sacrificing, hee tooke order, that in steed of the (yron) cleaver, there should be closely laid for him a chopping knife of Lead: And when the same Libo requested upon a time to have secret talke and conference with him, he would not graunt it, without his sonne Drusus might be by: and so long as he walked up & downe with Libo, he seemed to leane upon his hand; and so, held it sure enough all the while untill their communication was ended.

26 But being once delivered fro͏̄ this feare he caried himselfe at the beginning very orderly and after a civill sort, yea and somewhat (*) * Paulo min [•…] s qua͏̄ pri [•…] atum egit: or, little better than the port, &c. under the port of a private Page 101 person. Of very many dignities and those right honourable, which by publique decree were presented unto him, he accepted but few, and those of the meanest kind. His birth-day-mind, falling out in the time of the Plebcian (a) games and plaies exhibited in the Cirque, hee hardly would suffer to be celebrated and honoured so much as with the addition extraordinarily of one chariot drawne with two Steedes. Hee forbad expresly, any temples Flamins or Priests to be ordained for him, yea and the erection of Statues and images in his honour, without his leave and permission. the which ranne with this onely clause and condition, That they should not be set up among the images of the Gods, but stand with other ornaments of the house. Hee prohibited also by his negative voice the solemne oath of observing and keeping his Acts inviolably: as also to call the moneth (*) * Or November rather [•…] or in at hee was bo [•…] n, of his own name. September, Tiberius; or (*) * or September of his mothers. October, Livius. The forename also in his stile of (b) Imperator; the surname likewise of Pater Patriae; as also a (c) Civick Coronet at the fore gate or porch of his Palace he refused. Nay, the very name of Augustus, haereditarie though it were, he would not put as an addition to any of his Epistles, but those onely which he sent unto Kings and great Potentates. Neither bare hee more than three Consulships: the first but a few dayes. the second three moneths; the third in his absence no longer than unto the (*) * F [•…] o͏̄ the Calerds or first day or Ianuary to the 15 of May. Ides of May.

Hee derested flattery and obsequious complements so much, as that hee would admit no Senatour to his Licter side either by way of dutiful attendance,27 or otherwise about any businesse whatsoever. When a certaine (*) * One who had beene C [•…] nsuh. Tacitus saith, it was Quintns Haterius. Consulare person was about to make satisfaction unto him, and humbly to entreate and crave pardon by a reverent touching of his knees, he started and fled from him so, as hee fell therewith and (*) * Whereby. the said Q Haterius had like to have bee [•…] e killed by the guard. lay along upon his backe. Yea, and that which more is, if in any talke or continued speech there passed words of him smelling of flatterie, hee would not sticke to interrupt the speaker, to checke him, and presently to alter and correct such termes. One there was who called him Dominus, that is, (*) * Or Lord. S. but hee gave him warning not to name him any more by way of con [•…] mely. Another chaunced to say, His sacred businesses: and a third againe, That he went into the Senate, auctore se. i. by his warrant or aucthoritie. Hee caused them both to change those words, and for auctore to say Suasore, that is, by his advise and counsell: and in steede of Sacred, to put in, Laborious and painfull.

Moreover, against railing taunts, bad reports and rumours, as also slaunderous libels, verses and songs cast out either of himselfe or those about him,28 he stoode so firme and patient, as that ever and anone he would give out, That in a free state, folke ought to have both tongue and thought free. And when upon a time the Senate called earnestly unto him, That such crimes, and the offenders themselves might be brought iudicially into question; Wee have not quoth hee, so much leasure as to entangle our selves in many affaires. If yee open this window once, yee will suffer nothing else to be done: for under pretence heere of yee shall have the quarrels of every man preferred unto (*) * Ad vos. vel [〈◊〉] unto us you. There is besides a passing civill (*) * Such as might beseeme one Citizen to speake of another, and not a Prince of his [〈◊〉] . Apophthegme of his extant which hee uttered in the Senate. If so be quoth he, that hee speake otherwise of mee than well, I will endeavour to give an account of my a [•…] edes and wordes, but in case hee continue so still, I will hate him for it againe.

Page 102And these things were so much the more remarqueable in him, for that in29 speaking to them (*) * [•…] The Senatours. either one by one severally, or to all at once in generall, yea and in reverencing them, himselfe exceeded in a manner the measure of all humanity. When he dissented one day in opinion from Q. Haterius in the Senate: Pardonmee, I beseech you, quoth hee, if I as a Senatour shall speake ought over-frankly against you and then directing his speech unto the whole house. Both nowe, quoth hee, and many times else, my Lords, this hath beene my saying, That a good and gracious Prince, whom yee have invested in so great and so absolute a power, ought to serve the Senate and all the Citizens generally: often times also, yea and for the most part, every of them particularly. Neither repent I that I have so said, for I have ever found you, and doe so still to be my good, my gracious and favourable Lords.

Furthermore, he brought in a certaine shew of the common Libertie, by30 preserving entier for the Senate and Magistrates, both their auncient maiestie and also their authority: neither was there any matter so small or so great, pertaining to publique or private affaires, but proposed it was at the Counselltable before the Senatours: as namely, about Tributes, Customes and Revenewes of the State: of Monopolies: of building and repairing any publique works: of enrolling or discharging Souldiours: of setting downe the number as well of Legions as of auxiliarie forces: Finally, who should have their place of commaund and government continued by a new commission? or take the charge of extraordinary warres? as also what, in what forme they thought it good to write againe, & to answere letters sent by Kings? A certaine Captaine over a (*) * Or wing cornet of horse-men, being accused for an outrage and for robberie, he compelled to make his answere before the (*) * Whereas by course he shold have had his [•…] ali before the Lord Ge neral, or prince himselfe. Senate. Hee never entred the Curia but alone. And being one time brought in sicke within his litter, (a) he caused a [•…] l his traine and company to void.

31 That some Decrees were enacted against his minde and sentence, hee never once complained, nor found himselfe grieved. Notwithstanding hee opined, that Magistrates appointed to any charge, ought not to bee absent; to the end that by their presence they might the better intend their function and calling: yet one Pretour elect, obtained the favour of a free (*) * Liberam lega [•…] nem (a) embassage. Againe, when he advised in the (*) * Or Trebians Otriculunes behalfe a graunt, that they might bestowe the money in paving a cawsie or high-way, which was by legacie given to the building of a new Theater: hee could not prevaile but that the will of the Testator should stand and be fulfilled. When it fortuned upon a time that an Act of the Senate should passe by going to a side, and himselfe went over to the other part where the fewer in number were, there was not one that followed him. Other matters also were handled and debated by the Magistrates and the ordinarie course of lawe, and not otherwise: Vvherein the Consuls. bare so great sway and authority, that certaine Embassadors out of Africk repaired unto them for dispatch, as complaining that they were put-of and delayed by Cæsar unto whom they had beene sent. And no mervaile: For evident it was, that himselfe also would arise up unto the saide Consuls and give them the way.

Hee rebuked Generalls of Armies even such as had beene Consuls for not32 Page 103 writing unto the Senate of their warre exploites: also for consulting with him and asking his advise as touching the graunt of (*) * As collars, Che [•…] es, speares, chaplets &c. militarie giftes, as if it lay not in their owne power to give and dispose all. Hee commended a Pretour for bringing uppe againe the auncient custome, in the entraunce of his gouernment, to make an honourable mention and rehersall of his Anncestours before a frequent assembly of the people. The funerall obsequies of certaine Noble personages, he accompanied with the common multitude to the very (a) fire. The like moderation he shewed in meaner persons and matters both when hee had called foorth unto him the Magistrates of the Rhodians, for delivering unto him publike letters from the State without the due (b) subscription, he gave them not so much as one hard worde but onely commanded them to subscribe and sent them away. Diogenes the professed Grammarian, who was wont to (*) * or reade a lecture. dispute and discourse at Rhodes every (*) * once a weeke or every 7. day Sabbath, had put him backe and would not admit him into his schoole comming of purpose extraordinarily to here him, but by his page posted him of untill the 7. day. Nowe when the same Diogenes stood waiting before his gate at Rome to doe his dutie and to salute him, he quit him no otherwise than thus, namely by warning him to repaire thither againe 7. yeares after: when the presidentes and governours abroad gave him counsell to burden the provinces with heavie tributes and taxes he wrote backe unto them. That it was the part of a good shepheard to sheare his sheepe and not to flay them: 33

By little and little he put himselfe forth and shewed his princely maiesty; how ever for a long time, in some variety, yet for the most part, rather mild and gratious than otherwise, and more inclined to the good of the common wealth: and at the first, thus far forth onely interposed he his absolute power & inhibition, That nothing should be done (*) * Beside the [•…] le of law. vniustly. Therfore he both repealed certaine constitutions of the Senate, & also very often, when the Magistrates were sitting judicially upon the Bench, to decide matters, he would offer himselfe to joyne as it were in counsell and to be assistant with them, or else just over against them in the fore part (of the Tribunall.) And if the rumour went that any defendant were like by favour to escape cleere; all on a sodaine, he would be in place, and either on the (a) ground below, or else from the Tribunall seat of the L. chiefe Iustice, put the other Iudges and Iurie in mind of the lawes, of their conscience and religion, and of the crime whereupon they sat. Also if any thing were amisse and faultie in the publike ordinances and manners of the Cittie, forlet by occasion of idlenesse or taken up through evill custome, he undertooke to reforme the same.

He abridged and restrained the expenses of Stage playes and (*) * Of swordfencers. games exhibited34 unto the people, by cutting short the wages paied to Actours uppon the stage, and reducing the couples of sword fencers to a certaine number. That Corinthian vessels & manufactures grew to an exceeding high rate, & that three barbels were sold for 30000. sesterces, he grievously complained, and gave his opinion, that there should be a gage set, and a mediocritie kept in houshold furniture: as also that the price of victuals in open market should be ordred yeerly at the discretion of the Senate, with a charge given unto the Aediles for to inhibite victualling houses, tavernes, and thus farre foorth, as they should not suffer any pastry-workes (a) to be set out to sale. And to the end, that by his owne example Page 104 also, he might put forward the publike frugalitie, himselfe at his solemne and festivall suppers caused oftentimes to be served vp to the bord, Viands dressed the day before and those halfe eaten alreadie, saying. That the side of a wild Bore had in it all the same that the whole. He forbad expressely by an Edict, the usuall and daily kisses commonly given and taken: likewise the intercourse of new yeares gifts sent to and fro: Namely, that it should not continue after the Calends of Ianuarie. He had wont to bestow for his part a new yeares gift foure fold worth that which he received, and to give the same with his owne hand: but being offended that a whole moneth together hee was in his other affaires troubled with such as had not beene with him, nor felt his liberalitie uppon the verie feast, hee never gave any againe after the saide day.

Wives of leawd and dishonest life, if ther wanted accusers to call them publikely into question, his advise and sentence was, that their next kinsfolke35 should, (*) * According to the maner and custome of their auncestours. more maiorum agree together in common, for to chastice and punish. He dispensed with a gentleman of Rome for his oath (who had sworne before, never to divorce his wife) and gave him leave to put her away being taken in adulterie with her (*) * That married her daughter. sonne in law. Certaine women infamous for whoredome and filthinesse, began to professe before the Aediles bawderie: to the ende, that having by this base trade and occupation lost the right priviledge and dignitie of matrones, they might delude the (*) * Iu [•…] iae &c de Ad [•…] tery͏̄s. lawes (a) and avoide the penalties thereof. Semblably, out of the youth of both (*) * As well Senatours as gentlemen. degrees, the leawdest spendthrifts of all other, because they would not be liable to an Act of the Senate in that behalfe, for performing their parts in acting upon the stage, or their devoir (*) * In swordfight at the sharpe. within the lists, wilfully underwent the ignominious note of (*) * By committing so [•…] e leawd parts infamie. But, as well them, as those light women aforesaid he banished all: that none ever after should by such delusion of the law seeke evasion. He tooke from a (*) * He deprived him from his Senatours place. Senatour his robe, after he knew once, that iust before the Calends of (b) Iulie hee remooved out of his dwelling house into certaine (*) * With cut the Cittie. Hortyardes and gardens, to the end that when the said day was past, he might take his house againe within the Citie at a lower rent. Another he deprived of his Questureship for that having (as it were) by lotterie, chosen and married a wife the one day, he dismissed her on (*) * [•…] . The morrow: his levi ie was notable as well in making choise so slightly as in casting her of so quic [•…] ly, making but a game of mariage another.

36 All foraine ceremonies in Religion. the Aegyptian also and the Iewish rites he prohibited: compelling (*) * Romaine Citizens. those who were given to that Superstition, for to burne all their religious vestiments: the instruments likewise & furniture what soever thereto belonging. The serviceable youth of the Iewes, under colour of a militarie oth he sent into sundrie prouinces which were in a pestilent (a) and unhol-some aire above others: the rest of that Nation or such as were addicted to the like religio͏̄, he banished out of Rome, upon paine of perpetuall bondage if they obeyed not. He expelled also Astrologers. but upon their ernest intreatie and promise to give over the practise of that Art, he permitted them there to remaine.

37 Aspeciall care he had to keepe the peace, and to preserve the state fro͏̄ outrages & robberies, as also from licentious mutinies & seditions. The set guards and garisons of soldiers, hee disposed thicker than the wonted manner was, throughout all Italie. Hee ordained a standing (*) * Neere unto the wals therof as [〈◊〉] writeth Li [•…] . 4. [〈◊〉] . 5. Na [•…] . [〈◊〉] Campe at Rome, wherein Page 105 the Praetorian Cohorts wandering up and downe before that time & dispersed in diverse Innes and [•…] ostelries, might be received. All Insurrections of the people he punished most sharply; hee tooke likewise much paines to prevent such commotions. There happened upon some discord and variance to be a murder co͏̄mitted in the Theatre: But the principal heads of the factio͏̄, as also the actours themselnes for whose sake the quarrel and fray began, he exiled: neither could he ever be brought for any prayer and intreatie of the people to revoke and restore them. When the Commons of Pollentia would not suffer the dead corps of a certaine principall Centurian to be carried with funerall obsequies out of their market place, before they had forcibly extorted out of his heires hands a peece of money to the setting out of a game of Fencers with unrebated swords, he tooke one Cohort from Rome, and another out of K. (*) * A petie king about the Alpes. Cotivs Kingdome, dissimuling the cause of this journey, and sodainely discovering their armes and weapons which they closlely carried, and giving alarum with sound of trumpets, all at once he put them into the Towne with banner displayed at sundrie gates and so cast into perpetuall prison the greater part of the Commons and (*) * Senatours, o [•…] Aldermen. Decurions. The priviledge and custome of Sanctuaries, where ever they were, he abolished. The Cyzicenes who had committed some notorious out-rage & violence vpon Romaine Citizens, he deprived generally of their freedom, which in the warre against Mithridates they had by their good service gotten. The rebellions of enemies he repressed: not undertaking therefore, any expedition afterwards himselfe, but by his lieutenant onely: and not by them verily without lingring delayes, and driven thereto of necessitie. Kings that rebelliously tooke armes, or were suspected to breake out, hee kept downe with threats rather and complaints, than otherwise by force and open hostilitie. Some of them, whome hee had trained out of their owne Realmes unto him with faire words and large promises hee never sent home againe: as by name Maraboduus the Germaine, Thrasypolis a Thracian: and Archelavs the Cappadocian, whose kingdome also he reduced into the forme of a province.

For two yeares together after he came unto the Empire, hee never set foote38 once out of Rome gates. And the time ensuing, hee absented not himselfe in no place unlesse it were in townes neere adioyning, or as farre as Antium when he trauailed farthest: and that was verie seldome and for a few dayes: albeit he promised and pronounced openly oftentimes that hee would visite the provinces also and armies abroade: yea and everie yeare almost hee made preparation for a journey, taking up all the waines and wagons that were to be gotten, and laying provision of Corne and victuals in all the good Burroughes & Colonies by the way, yea and at the last suffered vowes to be made for his going forth and returne home: in so much as commonly by way of a jest and byworde, hee was called (a) Callippid [•…] S, who in a Greeke proverbe is noted to bee alwaies running, and yet never gaineth ground one cubit forward.

But being bereft of both his sonnes, of which (*) * Adopted. Germanicvs died in39 Syria, and (*) * Naturall. A. V. C. 779. Devsvs at Rome, he withdrew himselfe into Campania, as to a retyring place: and all men well neere, were fully perswaded and spake it as constantly, that he would never returne but die soone after. Both which had Page 106 like indeede to have come to passe. For, in truth he never came againe to Rome: and within some few dayes, neere unto Tarracina, in a certaine part of his mannour house (built especially for his owne lodging) and called Spelunca, as hee fat there at supper, a number of huge stones from above chaunced to fall down: whereby many of his guestes at the Table and servitours there waitinge were crushed and squized to death; but hee himselfe beyonde all hope escaped,

Having made his progresse over Campania, when he had dedicated a Capitol at Capua, and the Temple of Avgvstvs at Nola, which hee pretended to40 have beene the motive of his journey, he betooke himselfe to Capreae delighted especially with that Iland because there was but one way of accesse unto it and the same by a small shore and landing place: as being otherwise enclosed round about, partly with craggy rockes & steepe cliffes of an exceeding height; and in part with the deepe sea. But soone after, when the people called him home, and uncessantly besought him to returne, by occasion of an unhappie & heauy accident, wherby at Fi [•…] eny Xx. (*) * Strangers that conflowed thither to see the showes. thousand folke and more, at a solemn fight of sword players perished by fall of an Amphitheater, he passed over into the maine and firme land, permitting all men to come unto him: the rather, for that when he first set forth and went out of Rome, he had given streight commandement by an Edict that no man should trouble him, and all the way voided as many as were comming towards him.

Being retired againe into the said Isle, he cast aside all care verily of Common weale; so farre forth as never after he did so much as repaire and make up41 the broken decuries of horse men: Hee chaunged no militarie Tribunes nor Captaines: no nor any presidents and Governours of Provinces. He held Spaine and Syria both, for certaine yeares, without Consulare Lieutenantes: hee neglected Armenia and suffered it to bee overrunne and possessed by the Parthians: Masia to be wasted and spoyled by the Dakes and Sarmatians, as also Gaule by the Germanes, to the great shame and no lesse daunger of the whole Empire.

To proceede, having now gotten the libertie of this secret place, and being42 as one would say remooved from the eyes of people: at lenght hee poured foorth and shewed at once all those vices which with much a do for a longe time he had cloked and dissimuled. Of which I will particularize and make relation from the very beginning. In the Campe when hee was but a newe and untrained souldier, for his excessiue greedinesse of wine bibbing, hee was for (a) Tiberivs named Biberivs, for Clavdivs, Caldivs. for Nero, Mero: After being Emperour, even at the very time when hee was busie in reforming the publike manners and misdemeanour (of the Cittie) he spent with Pomponivs Flaccvs and L. Piso one whole night and two dayes in (*) * In eating and drinking: gluttonie and drunkennesse, unto the former of these twaine he presently gave the governement of the province Siria: uppon the other hee conferred the Provostship of Rome, professing even in all his letters and writings; That they were most pleasant companions and friends at all assaies. To (*) * Or Sos [•…] ius Gal [•…] s. Sex: Clavdivs a Senex fomicatour and prodigal dingthrift, who had in times past been by Avgvstvs put to ignominie and shame, yea and by himselfe some fewe dayes before rebuked before the Senate, he sent word, that hee would take a supper Page 99 with him: uppon this condition, that he altered nothing, nor left ought out of his ordinarie and customed manner: and namely, that wenches all naked should serue at the Table. He preferred one to be a competitour for the Questorship, who was a most base and obscure person, before others that were right noble gentlemen: onely for carousing and drinking up at a banquet, a whole (b) Amphor of wine when he (*) * Or rendered it unto him. dranke unto him. Vnto As [•…] Llivs Sabinvs he gave 200000. Sesterces for a diologue of his making, in which he brought in a com bate or disputation, betweene the Mushrome, the (c) Ficedula the Oister and the (d) Thrush. To conclude, he instituted a new office, forsooth, (*) * For the devifing of newe pleasures. &c. a voluptatibus, wherein he placed Priscus a gentleman of Rome, and one who had beene Censor.

But during the time of his private abode in Capreae, he devised a roome43 with seates and benches in it, even a place of purpose for his secret wanton lusts. To furnish it there were sought out and gathered from all parts, a number of youngs drabbes and stale Catamites, sorted together. such also as invented monstrous kinds of libidinous filthinesse, whom he termed Spintriae: who being in three rankes or rewes linked together should abuse and pollute one anothers bodie before his face: that by the verie sight of them he might stirre up his owne cold courage and fainting lust. Hee had bed chambers besides, in many places, which he adorned with tables and petie puppets: representing in the one sort, most lascivious pictures, and in the other as wanton shapes and figures. He stored them likewise with the bookes of Elephantis: that none might be to seeke for a patterne of the semblable forme and fashion, in that beastly businesse performed in everie kind. He devised in the woods also and groves here and there, certaine places for lecherie and venereous Acts: wherein he had within caves and holow rockes youthes of both sexes standing at receit readie prostitute, in habit of Paniskes and Nymphes; In so much as now men in open place, abusing the vulgar name of the Iland, termed him usually, (*) * or [〈◊〉] or [〈◊〉] . Caprineus. 44

He incurred yet the infamie of greater and more shamefull filthinesse, such as may not well be named or heard, and much lesse beleeved: to wit, that hee should traine up and teach fine boyes the tenderest and daintiest that might be had (whom he called his little fishes) to converse and play betweene his thighes as he was swimming, and pretily with tongue and teeth seeme to make unto his secret parts, and there to nibble: Whom likewise, as babes of good grouth and strength. howbeit as yet not weaned, he should set unto his privie member as unto the nipple of a breast, to sucke. And verily, both by nature and for his yeares, more prone he was and given to lust in this (*) * [〈◊〉] . kind. Therefore, whereas a certaine painted table of Parrasivs making, (in which Atalanta yeldeth her mouth unto Meleager in that beastlinesse) was given unto him as a legacie: upon condition, that if he were offended with the argument or matter represented therein, he might in lieu thereof receive a millian of Sesterces, hee not onely preferred the saide picture before such a summe of monie, but also dedicated it in his owne bed-chamber. It is reported besides, that being at sacrifice upon a time, he casting a fansie to the beautifull and well favoured face of a youth and servitour as he carried before him the (*) * Or incense pa [•…] . Censer, coulde not containe, but immediatly and before the complements of sacrifice were Page 100 well and fully performed, even there and then, take him a side out of the place and so abuse his bodie: and together with him a brother of his, the minstrel. yea and soone after, for that they twitted and upbraided one another for this abominable act, he brake their legges both.

Moreover, in what sort he was wont to offer abuse unto the very heads of45 women, and those nobly borne and of good reputation, appeared most evidently by the wofull end of one dame named Mallonia. For when shee was by force brought unto his bed, and most resolutely; to die for it, refused to suffer any more, than naturally a woman was to suffer: hee suborned certaine promoters falshly to accuse her: and evermore as she pleaded in her owne defence asked her still, whether shee repented not yet of her Obstinacie? which hee followed so long, untill at length shee left the Court, made hast home to her house, and there ranne her selfe through with a (*) * Or dagger. sword: after shee had openly and aloud reproched the shag haired and rammish old churle with his filthy & beastly mouth. Wherupon in a by-enterlude called, Atellanicum Exodium, this infamous and shamefull Note, received with exceeding great accorde, was rife and currant abroade in everie mans mouth, That the olde bucke-goat was licking the (*) * Or shape, as the kind i [•…] of such beasts to do. nature of the does (or females.)

Being a very niggard of his purse, and one that would part with nothing, he46 never maintained those of his traine in all his journies and expeditions with any wages or set (*) * In monie. salaries, but found their meate and victuals onely: yet must I needes say, that once out of his father in lawes Indulgence and bounty, he bestowed uppon them a peece of liberalitie: when having raunged them according to the worthinesse of everie one into three rankes, he dealt among those of the first 600000. sesterces: of the second 400000: of the third 200000: And the same called he the (*) * Or ranke. companie, not of his friends but (*) * Some reade Graeco [•…] um. i. of Greekes by way of conte͏̄pt Gratoru͏̄. i. of his thankfull favourits.

All the whiles he was Emperour, neither built he any stately workes: (For47 the verie temple of (*) * At Rome. Avgvstvs, and the reedification of Pompeivs Theatre which onely and none else he had undertaken, after so many yeares he left unfinished) nor exhibited so much as one solemne shew unto the people: and at those which were by any other set out, he was very seldome present; and all for feare least some thing should be demanded at his hands: & namely after that he was compelled once to manumise the Comaedian (*) * An Actour in a Comaedie, Actius. Having releeved the want and povertie of some Senatours, because he would not helpe more of them, he denied to succour any other than those, who alledged before the Senate good and just causes of their necessities. By which deede of his; he frighted the most part upon a modestie and bashfulnesse in them: & among the rest, one Ortalvs, the nephew of Q. Hortensivs the professed Oratour, who being of a very meane estate had begotten foure children, by the meanes (*) * He had maried a young wife upon hope of maintenance by vertue of the lawes Papia Po [•…] pas, and Inl [•…] a. and perswasion of Avgvstvs.

48 As touching his publike munificence, he never shewed it but twice: once, when he purposed and published a free lone for 3. yeares of an hundred millians of Sesterces: & againe, when unto certaine Land lords of faire houses and tenements, which situate upon mount Caelius, were consumed with fire, he restored the full price and worth of them. One of these Boones he was forced to grant, by reason that the people in great want of monie called earnestly Page 109 for his helpe: what time as by vertue of an Act of Senate hee had ordained, That Vsurers should lay out two (third) parts of their (*) * Or patrimoni [•…] Stock in lands, tenements and appurtenances immoveable. the Debtours likewise make present payment of two parts of their debts; and yet the thing (*) * That therby their money might come abroad. was not done and dispatched accordingly: The other, for to mitigate the greevousnesse of those (*) * . i. d [•…] bis paid. heavie times. Howbeit this (latest) beneficence of his he so highly prised, that he commaunded the name of Mount Calius to be changed and called Augustus. The Legacies given by Augustus in his last will unto the Souldiours being once (*) * For then it was that Xx thousand were killed at Fideney by the fall of a Theater. published, he never after bestowed any Largesse upon them: saving that among those of the (*) * Publicaia. Praetorium hee dealt one thousand Deniers a peece; in & to the Legions in Syria certaine gifts for that they alone among all their Ensignes in the field honoured no (*) * Or Guard. image at all of Seianus. Moreover, he made very seldome any (*) * As of their Generall discharges of olde Souldiours: as expecting upon age their death, and by death gaping for some gaine and vantage. Neither succored he the very Provinces with his bountiful hand, except it were Asia, by occasion that certaine Cities (*) * With allowance of lands, fees or yearely P [•…] nfions for their service. therein were by earthquake overthrowne.

49 Afterwards, and in processe of time he gave his mind wholly even to rapine and plaine pillage. It is for certaine knowne, That Cn. Lentulus the* In number 1 [•…] Plin. lib. 2, cap. [•…] 4. Euseb: Ch [•…] nic: 13. Augur, a man of exceeding great wealth, for very feare & anguish of mind was by him driven to a loathing and wearinesie of his owne life. and at his death to make no other heire but himselfe: That dame Lepida likewise, a right noble Lady was condemned by him, to gratifie (*) * Her husband Quirinus, one that had beene Consull, but passing (a) rich and (*) * And therfore he hoped to b [•…] his heire: childlesse withall: who having before time put her away beeing his wedded wife, twenty yeeres after called her iudicially into question, and laid to her charge, that long agoe she had bought and provided poison for to take away his life. Besides, as well knowne it is, that certaine Princes and Potentates of Gaule, Spaine, Syria and Greece, forfaited their estates upon so slight a slaunder and impudent imputation, that against some of them nought else was obiected but this, That they had part of their substance and wealth (*) * more than by law they might lying in money: yea and that many Cities and private persons lost their auncient immunities and priviledges, as also their right in mines and mettals, Tolls and customes: and finally that Vonones a King of the Parthians who beeing driven out of his kingdome by his owne subiects, retired himselfe with an huge masse of Treasure into Antiochia, under the protection, as it were, of the people of Rome, was perfidiously stript out of all and killed.

The hatred that hee bare to his kinsfolke and neere Allies, hee bewraied,50 first in his brother Drusus by disclosing a letter of his: wherein hee dealt with him about compelling Augustus to restore the common Libertie: afterwardes, in others also. As for his wife Iulia, so farre was he from shewing any courtesie or kindnesse unto her when she stoode confined (which had beene the least matter of a thousand) that whereas by an Ordinance of her fathers, shee was shut up within one Towne, hee gave straight order that shee should not steppe out of dores, and enioy the Societie of people and worldlie commerce: nay, hee proceeded so farre, as to bereave her of that little stocke and housholde-stuffe which her Father allowed her: yea, and defrauded her of the yeerely Pension and exhibition for her maintenaunce: Page 110 and all, forsooth, under a colour of common right and law; because Augustus in his last will and testament had not expresly provided in this behalfe. Being notable well to endure his mother Livia, as chalenging to her selfe equall part with him in power and authority, hee avoided both to keepe ordinary and daily company, and also to entertaine long speech or secret conference with her; because hee might not be thought ruled and directed by her counsailes; which otherwhiles notwithstanding he was wont both to stand in neede of, and also to use. Semblably, he tooke to the very heart the passing of this Act in the Senate, That in his stile as he had the title, sonne of Augustus, so this addition should runne withall sonne of Livia. And therefore it was, that he would not suffer her to be named (*) * Mother of her Country. Parens Patriae, nor to receive any remarkable honour in open place and by publique decree. Oftentimes also he admonished her to forbeare intermedling in greater affaires, and such as were not meet for women; especially after he perceived once, that when the Temple of Vesta was on fire, she also came thither in person among others, & there encouraged the people and souldiours both, to doe their best and help all what they could, as her manner was to doe in her husbands dayes.

By these degrees he proceeded even to secret rancour & malice against her,51 but chiefly upon this occasion, as men report. She had been very earnest with him many a time to enrole one in the (a) Decuries of the Iudges who was made free Denizen & Citizen of Rome. but he denied flatly to choose and admit the party, unlesse it were upon this onely condition, That she would suffer a clause to be written & annexed to the Instrument (*) * Quorum nomin [•…] , or such like. or Roll, in these words, This graunt was by my mother wrung and wrested from me. Whereat she highly displeased and offended, brought forth out of her Closet & Cabinet certaine old letters of Augustus (written) unto her, as touching his perverse, bitter and intollerable manners; and those she openly read. He againe tooke the matter so greevously, that she had both kept those writings so long by her, and also cast them in his dish so spitefully, that some thinke this was the greatest cause of his departure from the Citie. And verily, for the space of three yeeres compleat, during which time hee was absent and his mother living, hee sawe her but once: and that was no more than one day, and very fewe howers of the same. And afterwards as little minde hee had to be by her lying sicke: and when shee was dead, suffering her corps by staying so long above ground (whiles men hoped still of his comming) to corrupt at length and putrifie: after shee was enterred, he forbad that she should be canonized and registred in the Catalogue of Saints: pretending as if she her selfe had given that order. Her will hee annulled, all her friends and familiars, even those unto whom upon her deathbed she had committed the charge of her Funerals, within a short time he persecuted and plagued, yea and one of them, to wit, a worshipfull Gentleman of Rome, he condemned to the (*) * Or wheele & bucke [•…] Aniliam: S [•…] me read, in Ant [•…] iam, or Anticyra͏̄ [•…] an Iland: or else Lacunam, a dungeon in the common prison. pump.

52 Of his two sonnes, hee loved neither Drusus that was by nature, nor Germanicus by adoption, as a father should doe; as taking offence at the vices of the (*) * Of Drusus. one. For Drusus was of an effeminate minde; given to a loose and idle life. Therefore was not Tiberius so neerely touched and grieved for him beeing dead; but presentlie after his funerall, returned to Page 111 his ordinarie and accustomed businesse prohibiting vacation (*) * [〈◊〉] , as the m [•…] ner was in any mournfull time. of Iustice to continue any longer. Moreover, when the Iliensian Embassadours came somwhat with the latest to comfort him; he, (as if now by this time the memorie of his sorrow had beene cleane worne out,) scoffed at them and made this answere, That hee likewise was sorie in their behalfe for the lesse they had of Hector, so noble and brave a Citizen. As for Germanicus, he depraved and disgraced him so, as that not onely he did extenuate and diminish all his worthy exploits as mere vaine and needlesse, but also blamed his most glorious victories, as daungerous and hurtfull to the Common-wealth. Also, for that without his advise, hee went unto Alexandria, (by occasion of an extreame and suddaine famine) hee complained of him in the Senate: yea, and it is verily beleeved, he was the cause of his death, and used the meanes of Cn. Piso, Lieutenant of Syria; who soone after beeing accused of this crime, would (as some thinke) have uttered abroad those directions and warrants that hee had so to doe: but that Seianus secretly withstood it. For which, Tiberius was oftentimes and in many places much (*) * Ni Seianus secret [•…] obstar [•…] t [•…] or, Nisi easec, eta chstare [•…] t i. but that they were in secret delivered, and therefore could not be proved. blamed, and in the night season commonly called upon with this crie and note, Redde Germanicum. i. Giue us Germanicus againe. The suspition whereof himselfe afterwardes confirmed and made good, by afflicting in cruell manner the wife also and children of the said Germanicus.

53 Furthermore, his daughter (*) * Increpitum: others read inscriptum i. This inscription was in many places set upon his Statues. in law Agrippina, for complaining overboldly of him after the death of her husband, he tooke by the hand, and recited unto her a (a) Greeke verse to this effect, If thou hast not soveraine Rule and Dominion, * Germanicus his adopted sonnes wife, & daugh [•…] e to Agrip [•…] and Iulia. quoth he, Thinkest thou prety daughter that thou art wronged? and so vouchsafed her no speech at all after. Also, because upon a time, when shee durst not at supper tast of those appels which he had reached unto her, he forbare to invite her any more; pretending, that she charged him with the crime of attempting her with poison: when as in deede, it was of purpose plotted & packed aforehand, both that himselfe should by the offring of such fruit tempt her, and she againe beware most present and assured death. At the last, having untruly accused her, as if shee minded to flie one while to the Statue of Augustus, and another while to the Armies, hee confined and sent her away to the Isle Pandataria; and as shee railed at him, hee by the hands of a Centurion with whipping and lashing her over the face strucke out one of her eyes. Againe, when as shee was fully determined to pine herselfe to death: hee caused her mouth perforce to bee opened, and meate to be crammed into her throate: Yea, and after that by continuance in this minde shee consumed quite away and died in the end, hee inveighed against her in most odious and reproachfull termes: having opined first in the Senate, that her birth-day also should bee reckoned among the dismall and unlucky dayes. Furthermore, he expected thankes, as for an high favour done unto her, in that hee strangled her not before with acord, and so flung her to the (*) * Scale. (b) Gemoniae, and in regard of such a singular clemencie as this, hee suffred a Decree to passe, That thankes should bee given unto him, and a Present of Golde consecrated unto Iupiter Capitolinus.

Whereas by Germanicus he had three nephewes, Nero, Drusus &5 [•…] Page 112 Caius; by Drusus one, to wit Tiberius, when he was left destitute and fatherlesse by the death of his children, the two eldest sonnes of Germanicus, namely Nero and Drusus, he recommended to the Ll. of the Senate; and celebrated the day of both their Commencements with giving a (*) * Or Largesse. Congiarie to the people. But no sooner understoode he, that upo͏̄ New-yeeres-day there had beene publique vowes made by the Citie for their life also and preservation, but he gave the Senate to understand, That such honours ought not to be conferred upon any persons, but those that were experienced and farre stept in yeeres, Thereby, having discovered the inward character and canker of his hart, from that day forward hee exposed them to the slaunders and imputations of all men: When also, by sundry subtile devises hee had wrought so, that they might bee both provoked to give railing taunts, and also beeing so provoked come to mischiefe and destruction; he accused them in his letters, heaped most bitterly upon them hainous reproaches, caused them to be iudged enemies to the State, and so hunger-starved them to death; Nero, within the Isle Pontia, and Drusus at the very foote and bottome of Palatium. Men think that Nero was driven to (*) * To famish his owne selfe wilfully. worke his owne death, what time as the (*) * Or executio [•…] er. Hangman, as sent by a warrant from the Senate, presented unto him halters (*) * To strangle him, and drag him to the Scalae Gemoniae. and hookes. As for Drusus, kept he was from all foode and sustenance: in so much as hee gave the attempt to eate the very flockes that stuffed the (*) * Or bed. mattresse whereupon hee lay: And the (*) * Bones and ashes which was done by him of spight. reliques of them both, were so dispersed and scattred abroade, that hardly they could be ever gathered together.

55 Over and above his olde friends and familiars, hee had demaunded twenty out of the number of the best and principall Citizens, as Counsailours and Assistants unto him in publique affaires. Of all these, hee could hardly shewe twaine or three at the most alive: the rest, some for one cause and some for another he brought to confusion and killed. among whom (with the calamity and overthrow of many more) was Aelius Seianus, whom hee had to the highest place of authoritie advaunced, not so much for any good will, as to be his instrument and right hand, by whose ministerie and fraudulent practises he might circumvent the children of Germanicus, and so establishe as heire apparent in succession of the Empire the Nephew he had by Drusus, as his naturall sonne.

No milder was he one iote unto the Greeke Professours and Artists, living56 and conversing daily with him, and in whom hee tooke most contentment. One of them named Zeno, as hee reasoned and discoursed very * exactly of a question he asked, What harsh Dialect (*) * Or curiously. that was, wherein he spake? and when hee answered, It was the Dorick. he confined him for his labour into Cynaria, supposing that he twitted and reproached him for his olde vacation and absence from Rome because the Rhodians spake Dorick. Semblably, whereas his manner was out of his owne daily readings, to propound certaine questions as hee sate at supper: having intelligence, That Seleucus the Grammarian enquired diligently of his Ministers and Servitours, what Authors at any time hee had in hand, and so came prepared to assoile the saide questions, first hee forbad him his house and ordinarie Societie, afterwards hee forced him even to death.

Page 113His cruell, close and unpliable nature was not hidden no not in his verie57 childhood. the which Theodorus Gadaraeus his teacher in Rhetorick, seemed both at first to fore-see most wisely, and also to expresse and resemble as fitly, when by way of chiding and rebuke hee called him ever and anone Pelon Haimati Pephuramenon;. i. (*) * Or mire. clay soaked (*) * Clay so tempered becommeth verie strong, tough and stiffe. in bloud. But the same brake out & appeared somewhat more, when he became Emperour, at the very beginning: what time as yet he lay for to win the love and favour of men, with a pretence of civill moderation A certaine (*) * A scoffing iester. Buffon there was, who as a Funerall passed by, had willed the party whose body was caried forth, to report unto Augustus, That his Legacies were not yet payed and delivered, which hee * E [•…] ato mortu [•…] , or c [•…] are mortu [•…] , i. with a loude voice called upon the dead man, &c. had left for the Commons of Rome. Him, he caused to be haled and brought unto his presence, to receive also the debt which was due: and then commaunded him to be led to execution, and so to relate the truth unto his father (Augustus). Not long after as he threatned to send unto prison one Pompeius a Romaine Knight, for stoutly denying some thing, hee assured him, That of a Pompeius he would make him a Pompeianus, glauncing by this bitter and biting taunt, both at the mans name & also at the old infortunity of (*) * [•…] The Pompe [•…] ani, that took part with Pompeius against Iulius Cæsar that side.

58 About the same time, when the Pretour came to know of him, whether his pleasure was to holde the iudiciall Assizes, as touching the case of (*) * [•…] High treason. Maiestie, or no? he made answere, That the Lawes must have their course and be put in execution: and in very truth he executed them with extreame rigour. There was one who from the Statue of Augustus had taken away the head, for to set the same upon the Statue of another. The matter was debated in the Senate: and because some doubt arose, Who did the deed? inquisition was made by torture. The party delinquent being condemned; this kind of Calumniation by little and little proceeded so farre, that such points as these also were made capitall crimes: Namely, to have beaten a slave, about the (*) * Fled thither for refuge as unto a Sanctuarie, or otherwise how so ever. image of Augustus. Item, if a man had shifted his (a) apparell & put on other clothes (about the said Image). Item to have brought into any privie or brothelhouse (*) * Either of Tiberius or Augustus. Read Seneca de beneficijs lib 3 cap. 26 his image imprinted either in money or ring. Lastly, to have empaired any word or deede of his, in the least credite and reputation that might bee. To conclude, it cost one his life, for suffering in his owne Colonie, honours to be decreed unto him, upon the same day, that they had in times past beene decreed for Augustus.

Many parts besides under the colour of gravity and reformation, but rather59 in deede following the course of his owne nature; hee used to play, so cruelly and with such rigour, that some there were, who in verses both upbraided by way of reproach the calamities present, and also gave warning of the future miseries, in this manner.

Asper & immitis. Breviter vis omnia dicam?

Dispeream, site mater amare potest.

Harsh and unkind, (In briefe wilt thou I should say all?) thou art:

God me confound, if mother thine can love thee in her hart.

Non es eques; quare? non sunt tibi millia centum;

Omnia siqu [•…] ras: et Rhodos exilium est.

No Knight thou art; and why? for hundred thousands none;

(Search all) thou hast in store: & now at Rhodes exil’d do’st wone.

Page 114

Aurea mutasti Saturni saecula, Cæsar;

Incolumi nam te, ferrea semper [•…] runt.

Of Saturne King thou changed hast that age resembling gold,

For while thou, Cæsar, liv’st, the world of yron shall ever hold.

Fastidit vinum quia iam sitit iste cruorem:

Tam bibit hunc avide, quam bibit ante merum.

Wine doth he loath, because that now of bloud he hath a thirst,

He drinketh that as greedily, as wine he did at first.

(a) Aspice falicem sibi non tibi, Romule Sullam;

Et Marium, si vis, aspice; sed reducem,

Nec non Antoni civilia bella moventis:

Nec semel infectas, aspice caede manus.

Et dic, Roma perit. Regnabit sanguine multo,

Ad regnum quisquis venit ab exilio.

See Sulla, happy for himselfe, O Romulus not for thee:

And Marius, in case thou wilt, but new returned, see;

Likewise behold of Antonie those hands in bloud embrew’d

Not once, I meane of Antonie, who civill warres renew’d.

The say, Rome goes to wrack. And he with blud-shed much wil raign

Who to a Kingdomes-state is come, from banishment againe.

Which verses at first, he would have had to be taken and construed as made by them who were impatient of any Lordly rule and absolute dominion at Rome: and as if they had beene framed and devised, not so much with any considerate iudgement, as upon Stomach and Choler. And evermore his saying was, Oderint aum probent i Let them hate me, so long as they suffer my proceedings to passe. But afterwards, even himselfe proved them to be very true and most certaine.

Within few dayes after hee came to Capreae, when a Fisher-man, suddainly60 and unlooked for presented unto him (as hee was in a secret place doing somewhat by himselfe) a (*) * Being [•…] kaly and having a couple of barbe [•…] . Barble of an extraordinary bignesse, he caused his face to be rubbed all over with the same fish: as put in a fright, no doubt, for that from the backe side of that Iland, he had made meanes thorough the rough thickets and by-wayes, to creepe and get unto him where he was. And when the poore fellow amid this punishment seemed to reioyce yet, and said, It was happy that he had not offred unto him a lopstar also (which he had caught) of an huge greatnesse, hee commaunded that his face should be grated and mangled likewise with the said Lopstar. A Souldiour, one of his owne guard, for filching and stealing a Peacock out of an (*) * Or garden. Orchard hee put to death. In a certaine iourney that he made, the Licter wherein he was caried chaunced to be entangled and somewhat stayed with briars and brambles: Whereupon a Centurion of the formost cohorts in the Vaward, that had in charge to try and cleere thee waies, he caused to be laid along upon the ground, and there he all to beat him (*) * With c [•…] dgels: which punishment was c [•…] lled Fustuarium. untill he was well-neere dead.

61 Soone after, hee brake out into all kindes of cruelty; as one who never wanted matter to woorke upon: persecuting the familiar friendes and acquaintance of his owne Mother first, then, of his Nephewes and daughter in lawe, and at the last of Seianus: after whose death hee grewe to Page 115 be most cruell. Whereby especially it appeared, that himselfe was not wont so much to be provoked and set on by Seianvs: as (*) * Qua͏̄ [〈◊〉] quarent [•…] occassones submi [•…] strasse. Seianvs to serve his turne and feede his humour, seeking as he did all occasions: howsoever in a certaine commentarie which he composed summarily and briefely of his owne life he durst write thus much, That he executed Seianvs, because he had found that hee raged furiously against the children of Germanicvs his sonne. Of whom to say a truth, the one himselfe murdred, after he had first suspected Seianvs, and the other, not before he had killed him. To prosecute in particular all his bloudie deedes would require a long time. It shall suffice therefore to reherse in generall the patternes as it were and examples of his crueltie. There passed not a day over his head, no not so much as any festivall and (a) religious holieday, without execution and punishment of folke. Some suffered even uppon Newyeares day. Accused and condemned there were many together, with their children, and very wives. Straight commaundement and warning was giuen, that the nere kinsfolke of such persons as stood condemned to die, should not mourne and lament for them. Especially rewardes were by decree appointed for their accusers; otherwhiles also for bare witnesses. No informer and promoter was discredited, but his presentme͏̄t taken. And everie crime and trespasse went for Capitall, and so was received: were it but the speaking of a few simple words. Objected it was against a Poet, that in a tragaedie hee had reviled and railed uppon (b) (*) * The souerai [•…] Captaine and Generall of the Greekes at Tr [•…] ye. Agamemnon; as also it was laide to an (*) * A. Cre [•…] tius Cordu [•…] read Seneca Consolat [•…] a Mar [•…] um. cap 22 * who s [•…] ew [•…] ulims Caeser and were [•…] ccoumpted Tyrannecton [•…] . Historians charge, for saying, (c) that * Brvtvs and Cassivs, were the last of all the Romains. Presently were the Authors and writers punished, and their writings called in and abolished: notwithstanding certaine yeares before they had beene recited even in the hearing of Avgvstvs, with his good liking and approbation. Some committed to ward, were deprived not onely of their Solace and comfort in studying, but also of the verie use of talking with others. Of such as were cited peremptorily by writ and processe to aunswere at the barre, some gave themselues (mortall) wounds at home in their houses (as sure to be condemned, onely to avoyd torments and ignominy) others in the open face and middest of the Court dranke poyson: and yet were they with their wounds bound up, and whiles they yet panted betweene alive and dead, haled away to prison. There was not one executed but hee was throwne also into the Iemoniae, and drawne with the drag. In one day were there (d) twentie so throwne and drawne: and among them boyes and women. As for young girles and maidens of unripe yeares, because by auncient custome and tradition, unlawfull it was to strangle Virgins. (e) First deflowred they were by the hang-man and afterwards strangled. Were any willing of themselues to die? such were forced violently to live. For he thought simple death so light a punishment, that when he hard, how one of the prisoners, (*) * Or [〈◊〉] Carnvlivs by name, had taken his death voluntarily before, he cryed out in these wordes. Carnvlivs hath escaped my hands. Also in overseeing and perusing the prisoners in Gaole, when one of them besought to have his punishment with speed, he made him this answere: Nay marry, thou art not yet reconciled unto me, that I should shew thee such favour. A certaine (*) * Who had [•…] eere sometime consul, and therefore to be credited. Consular writer hath inserted this in his Annales: That upon a time at a great feast (where himselfe also was present,) Tiberivs being on a sodaine asked, and that openly with a lowd voyce Page 116 by a dwarfe standing at the Table among (*) * I [•…] ter Copre [•…] : other Buffons and Iesters, Wherefore Paconivs being attaint of treason lived so long? For that instant verily chid the partie for his saucie and malapert tongue: but after a few daies wrote vnto the Senate, to take order with all speede for the execution of Paconivs.

He increased and strained still more and more this crueltie, by occasion that62 he was galled and fretted at the newes of his sonne Drvsvs his death: For, having beene of opinion, that he died upon some sickenes & intemperate life, so soone as he understood at length, that he was poysoned & so made away by the villanous practise of his wife (*) * Daughter of Germanicus & Agry [•…] pina, and wife to the said Drusus. Livilla and Seianvs together, he spared not to torment and execute any one whomsoever; so bent and addicted whole daies together to the inquisition and tryall of this onely matter, as that when word came unto him how an host of his an inhabitant of Rhodes (whom by familiar letters he had sent for to Rome) was come, he commanded him out of hand to be put to (*) * among other examinates. corture, as if he had beene some neere freinde present at the foresaid examination: but afterwards, when his errour was discovered, and seeing how he had mistaken, he caused him also to be killed. because he should not divulge and make knowne the (*) * Done vnto him. former injury. The place is yet to bee seene at Capreae of his butcherly cariage: From which he caused condemned persons after long and exquisite torments to be flung headlong before his face into the sea: where were readie to receive them a number of mariners, who with their sprits, poles, and oares should beate and batt their carkasses: to the end that none of them might have any breath or wind remaining in the bo die: He had devised moreover, among other kinds of torment, what time as men by deceitfull meanes had their lode with large drinking of strong wine, sodainely to knit fast and tie their privie members with (Lute) strings, that hee might cause them to swell and be pent in most dolorous paines occasioned at once as well by the streight strings, as the suppression and stoppage of vrine. And had it not beene that both death prevented and (*) * The Astrologer, Thrasyllvs also enforced him of purpose, (as men say) to put of some designes in hope of longer life, he would haue murdred a good many more (as it is fully beleeved) and not spared those verie nephewes of his that remained yet alive; considering he both had Caivs in suspition, and also cast of Tiberivs, as conceived in adulterie. And it soundeth to truth, that he was minded thus to do. For, ever and anon, he called Priamvs happie in that he overlived all his sonnes and daughters.

But, how amid these prankes he lived not onely odious and detested, but exceeding63 timorous also & exposed to the contumelious reproches of the world, there be many evidences to shew. That any soothsayers should be sought unto and consulted with a part without witnesses by, he forbad: As for the Oracles neere adjoyning to the Citie of Rome, he attempted to subvert them all- But being terrified with the maiestie of those (*) * Fortanes or chaunce [•…] answeres which were delivered (*) * In manner of a Lottery. at Praeneste, he gave over: namely, when as he could not finde them, (sealed upp though they were and brought downe to Rome) within the chist until the same was carried backe againe unto the (*) * Of Fortune at Preneste. Temple. And not daring to send away & dismisse from him one (*) * L. Ael [•…] us La [•…] ia and L. Arr [•…] ntius. or two Consulare (*) * Or Pre [•…] ide͏̄ts that had beene Consuls. L L. deputies, after hee had offered provinces unto them, he detained them so long, untill after certaine yeares expired, he ordained others to succeede them: whiles the other remained present Page 117 with him: whereas in the meane time, reserving still the title of the office: he assigned unto them many commissions and matters of charge: and they continually gave order for execution thereof, by the ministerie of their Legates, Liuetenants and Coadjutours.

His (*) * Agrippina, his adopted sonne Ger [•…] icus wife & widow. or Liu [•…] lla before named, wife to Drusut his naturall sonne. daughter in law, and Nephewes, after they were once condemned, he64 never remooved from place to place otherwise than chained and in a close covered licter sowed up fast: setting his soldiers to prohibite all passengers that met with them, and waifaring persons travailing by, once to looke (*) * Because they shold not aske who was within backe thither, or to stay their pace and stand still.

65 When Seianvs went about seditiously to worke alteration in the state: albeit he saw now that both his birth day was publikely solemnized, and also his Images of gold worshipped everie where, he overthrew him (I must needs say) at length: but with much adoo, by craftie sleights and guile, rather than by his princely authoritie and Imperiall power. For first, to the end that he might dismisse the man in shew of honour, he assumed him to be his Colleague in the fifth Consulship, which in his (*) * For he remained still at Capreae. long absence he had taken upon him for that verie purpose. Afterwards when he had deceived him with hope of (*) * To be marched in mariage with on of his neipces. Affinitie and the Tribunes authoritie, he complained of the man (looking for noe such matter) in a shamefull and pitious Oration: beseeching the Ll. of the Senate among other requests. To send on of the Consuls to conduct him an aged and desolate man with some guarde of soldiour: into their sight. And yet neverthelesse, distrusting himselfe and fearing an (*) * Or Epistle rather written unto the Senat. uprore, he had given commandement; that his nephew Drvsvs, whom still he kept in prison at Rome: should be set at libertie (if need did so require,) & ordained generall captaine. Yea & whiles his ships were readie rigged and prepared to what Legions soever he ment for to flie, hee stood looking ever and anon from the highest cliffe that was, toward the markes and signes, which he had appointed (least messengers might stay too long) for to be reared a great way of: thereby to have intelligence, as any occurrent (good or bad) fell out. Nay, when the conspiracie of Seianvs was now suppressed, he was never the more secure and resolute: but for the space of 9. moneths next ensuing he stirred not out of the (*) * Or [•…] erme house, in the Isse Capreae. village called Iovis.

Beside all this, diverse and sundrie reprochfull taunts from all parts netled66 and stung his troubled minde. For there was not a person condemned, that reviled him not in all sorts openly to his face, yea and discharged uppon him opptobrious termes by libels laid for the nonce in the verie (*) * Where the Senatours sat to behold the plaiet. Orchestra, with which contumelies verily, affected he was after a most divers and contrarie manner: so that, one while he desired for verie shame of the world, that all such abuses might be unknowne and concealed: otherwhiles, hee contemned the same, and of his owne accorde broached and divulged them abroade. Furthermore, rated he was & railed at in the letters also of Artabanvs K. of the Parthians, who charged him with parricidies, murders, cowardise and luxurious roiot: who gave him counsell likewise with all speede possible, to satisfie with a voluntarie death the hatred of his Citizens, conceived against him in the highest degree and most iustly. At the last, being even wearie of himselfe in the beginning of such an Epistle as this, hee declared and confessed in manner the verie summe of all his miseries. What shall I write? my Ll. of the Page 118 Senate, or how shall I write? Nay, what is it, at a word, that I shall not write at this time? The Gods and Goddesses all plague and confound me utterly at once, feeling as I do my selfe dayly to perish.

Some thinke, that he foreknew all this by the skill he had of (*) * For he was wooderfully addicted to the study of Astrologie and such curious Arts: future events:67 that he foresaw also long before how great a calamitie and infamie both, would one day betide him: And therfore it was. that he refused most obstinately to take upo͏̄ him the Empire & the name of Pater Patriae, as also stood against the oath, to maintaine his Acts: for feare least within a while after, to his greater disgrace and shame he might be found inferiour, and unworthie of such speciall honours, which verily may be gathered out of the speech hee made as touching both those points, when he saith but thus. That hee would be alwaies like to himselfe, and never chaunge his manners, so long as he continued in his sound wits. Howbeit, for example sake, provided it would be that the Senate binde not themselues to keepe and ratifie the Actions of any one, who by some chaunce might bee altered. And againe, Marie, if at any time, quoth hee, yee shall make doubt of my loyall behaviour and devoted mind unto you (which before it ever happen, I wish my dying day to take me from this minde and opinion of yours, once conceived of me and afterwards chaunged) the bare title of Pater Patriae will adde no honour unto me, but upbraide you either with inconsiderate rashnesse, for imposing that Surname uppon mee, or else with inconstancie, for your contrary iudgements of mee.

Corpulent he was, big set and strong, of stature (a) aboue the ordinarie,68 broad betweene the shoulders and large breasted: in all other parts also of the bodie (from the crowne of his head) to the verie sole of his foote, of equall making and congruent proportion. His left hand was more nimble & stronger than the right: and his ioynts so firme, that with his finger he was able to bore through a greene and sound Apple: with a fillop also to breake the head of a boy, yea of a good stripling and big youth. Of colour and complexion he was cleere and white: wearing the haire of his head longe behind, in so much as it covered his very necke: which was thought in him to be a fashion appropriate to his linage and familie. He had an ingenuous and well favoured* The Clandij. face: wherein notwithstanding appeared many small (b) tumours or risinges. * For such prominent eyes are not commonly quicke of sight. and a paire of verie great gogle eyes in his head, such as (whereat a man would marvaile) could see euen by night and in the darke: but that was onely for a little while and when they opened first after sleepe: for in the ende they waxed dim againe. His (*) * Manner of going. gate was with his (c) necke stiffe and shooting (*) * Or downeward into his bosome: forward: with a countenance bent and composed lightly to severitie: for the most part he was silent: Seldome or never should you have him talke with those next about him: and if hee did, his speech was exceeding slowe, not without a certaine wanton gesticulation and fimbling with his fingers. All which properties being odious and full of arrogancie, Avgvstvs both observed in him, & also went about to excuse & cloke for him before the Senate and people, assuring them, they were the defects and imperfections of nature, and not the vices of the mind. He lived most healthfull. And verily all the time well neere that he was Emperour not once in maner crasie: albeit from that he was thirtie yeares old he (d) governed his helth after his owne order and direction, without any helpe or counsell at all of Physicians.

Page 119As little respect as hee had of the Gods, or had sence of any religion, (as69 one addicted to astrologie and calculation of nativities, yea and fully perswaded, that all things were done and ruled by (*) * The course of the stars. fatall destinie) yet feared he thunder exceedingly: and were the aire or wether any whit troubled, hee ever carried a chaplet or wreath of lawrell (*) * Or upon his head in maner of a Coronet. about his necke: because that kinde of greene (*) * As Plinie reporteth lib, 2. & 15. branch is neuer, as they say blasted with lightning.

The liberall Sciences (*) * as wel grecke as Latine. of both sorts he loved most affectionatly, in the70 latine (*) * Prose. speech he followed Corvinvs Messalla; whom being an aged professour he had observed from his verie youth: but with over much affectation and curiositie he marred all and darkened his stile: so as he was thought to do somewhat better (*) * Of a sodaine. ex tempore, than upon studie and premeditation. He composed also a poem in lyricke (a) verses, the title whereof is, a complaint of (*) * One of August [•…] s sonnes. yet some expound it of In [•…] tus Cæsar Dictator. D. Cæsars death. Hee made likewise Greeke poemes in imitation of Evphorion, Rhianvs and Parthenivs: In which Poets being much delighted, their writings and Images he dedicated in the publike Libraties among the auncient and principall authors. A number therefore of learned men strove a vie to put forth many pamphlets (*) * de hijs. haply of their coing of them, and to present him therewith. But aboue all he studied for the knowledge of (*) * Wherein ma ny tales or fables are inser ted fabulous historie, eve͏̄ unto meere fooleries, & matters ridiculous. For, the verie Gra͏̄marians (which kind of professours as we have said, he affected especially) he would assay and appose commonly with these and such like questions: namely, Who was Hecvbaes mother? What name Achilles had among the (*) * The daughters of King Lycomedes in the Isle Scyros where hee faigned him selfe to bee a maiden. Virgins? What it was that the Mer-maides were wont to sing? The verie first day, (after the death of Avgvstvs) that he entred into the Curia, as if he minded once for all to performe the dutie of pietie and religion: following the example of Minos he sacrificed indeede, as the manner was with Frankin-cense and wine. but without* Audrogeus. a minstrell, as the saide Minos sometime did at the death of his sonne.

In the Greeke tongue, howsoever he otherwise was readie enough and71 spake it with facilitie, yet he used it not every where, but most of all forbare it in the Senate house: in so much verily, as when he came to name (a) Monopolivm, he craved leave before hand. for that he was to use a strang and foraine worde; yea & in a certaine decree of the Senatours, when this word (b) Emblema was red, he gave his opinion, that the saide word should be changed, and insteede of that strang terme some latine vocable sought out: and if such an one could not be found, then to utter and declare the thing, though it were in more words and by circumlocution. A certaine Greeke souldier also, being required for to depose and deliver his testimonie, he forbad to make answere, (c) unlesse it were in Latin.

All the time that he was retired and lived from the Cittie of Rome, twice72 and no more he assaied to returne thither once he came by water embarked in a (*) * With three ranks of oares gallie, as farre as to the hort-yards and gardens adioyning to the (a) Naumachia: but he had set guardes along the banks of Tibre, for to void & put backe such as went forth to meete him. A second time, by the streete or part way Appia, so farre as the (b) 7. miles end from Rome: but when he had onely seene* Ad [〈◊〉] lapidem. the walles a farre of, without approching neerer unto the Citie hee returned. Page 120 For what cause he did so (*) * whe͏̄ he came by the River. at first, it was not certainely knowne: afterwardes, affrighted he was with this prodigious picture and straung sight. Among other delights he tooke great pleasure in a Serpent (c) Dragon, which, whe͏̄ according* when he iour nied by land. to his usuall manner, he would haue fed with his owne hand and found eaten by pismires, he was warned thereupon to beware the violence of a multitude. In his returne therefore speedily into Campania he fell sicke at Astura: but being eased a little of that maladie he went forward as farre as to Circeij: and because he would give no suspicion of sickenesse, he was not onely present himselfe at the games exhibited by the garison souldiers there, but also, when there was a wild bore put foorth into the open shew-place for to be baited, he launced dartes at him from aboue, where he was: And presently therewith, by occasion of a convulsion in his side: and for that hee had taken the cold aire upon an exceeding heat, he fell backe by (d) relapse into a more dangerous disease: How be it, he bare it out a pretie while: notwithstanding that after he was come downe so farre as to Misenum, he pretermitted nothing of his ordinary and daily manner, no not so much as his feasting and other pleasures: partly upon an intemperate humour of his owne, and in part to dissimule and palliate his weakenesse. For, when Charicles his Physician, who by vertue of a pasport was licensed to depart and be absent, went foorth from the table and tooke hold of his hand to kisse it, he supposing that he had felt (*) * Venas, for Arterias by the trope Cat [•…] chre sis, for they one ly beat. his pulse, desired him to stay & sit downe againe, and so drew out the supper longer. Neither, gave he over his usuall custome, but even then standing in the midst of the banquetting roome with a lictor (*) * or upo͏̄ whom he leaned. by him he spake to every one by name (*) * Who waited uppon him. as they tooke their leave.

73 Meane while, when he had reade among the Acts passed in the Senate that certaine prisoners were enlarged and dismissed, but not so much as once heard: concerning whom he had written very briefly and no otherwise than thus, that nominated they were by an appeacher: chafing and frowning hereat, as if he had beene held in contempt, he fully purposed to go againe into (*) * Valer [•…] dicent [•…] s or as they sa luted him, after the Greeke phrase Chairein Kai [•…] prattein. Ga [•…] dere & bene rem gerere: Ho [•…] at. All [•…] aile and faire cheere you. Capreae, as one who lightly would attempt nothing, but where he was sure enough and without all daunger. But being kept backe, as well by tempest as the violence of his disease that grew still uppon him hee died soone after in a (*) * With full intent as it should seeme to bee revenged of the Senate. village bearing the name (*) * Or manner house (a) Luculliana, in the 78. yeare of his age three & twentieth of his Empire, and the (*) * Of Lucu. lus, who either built it, or there dwelt. seventeenth day before the Calends of Aprill: when Cn. Acerronivs Procvlvs and C. Portivs Niger were Consuls. Some thinke that (*) * 16. of march. A V C 790: Caligula, Emperour after him. Caivs had given him a poyson of slow operation: which should by little and little consume him. Others are of opinion, that when hee desired meat in the remission of an ague fit wherein he had swowned ( (*) * Some leave out this clause. and read thus, as he desired meat &c. a pillow was &c. it was denied him) and there with a (*) * Or cushin. pillow throwne uppon his face to smudder him & stop his breath. Some againe, that it was when co͏̄ming soone to himselfe, he called for his Ring which was plucked fro͏̄ his finger whiles he fainted. Seneca writeth that perceiving himselfe drawing on (*) * Intellecta defectione. Some expound this of the slinking away of his familiars and those that were about him, and readie to die, he tooke of his Ring, as if he minded to give it unto some one, and so held it a pretie while. then afterwardes did it uppon his finger againe: and so keeping down and griping close his left (*) * Vpon which he ware the ring. hand, lay still a long time without once stirring: but sodainely calling for his gromes and servitours, when none made aunswere, Page 121 roseup, and not farre from his pallet, his strength failing him, fell downe dead.

Vpon the last Birth-dayes-feast of his that ever he saw, him thought as hee74 lay a sleepe, that Apollo Temenites (an Idol of exceeding bignesse and most artificially wrought) which was newly brought from Saracose to be set up in the librarie of his new temple, assured him, That he could not possibly by him be dedicated. And some few daies before his death, the watch-tower that gave (*) * Vnto Sea m [•…] and passengers by night. light at Capreae by an earthquake fell downe in the night: and at Misenum, the ashes remaining of the embers and coales brought-into heate his refection parlour, being quenched quite and continuing cold a long time, suddainly brake forth into a lightfire, at the shutting in of the evening, and so shone out a great part of the night and gave not over.

The people ioyed so much at his death, that running up and downe at the75 first tidings thereof, some cried out in this note, (Fling) (*) * Tiberium in Tiberim. Into Tiberis with Tiberius. Tiberius into Tiberis. others in their prayers besought the Mother Earth & the infernall Gods To vouchsafe him now dead no place, but among impious wretches: And a sort there were, who threatned his lifelesse carkasse the Drag and the Gemonia. as who, over and above the remembrance of his former cruelty in times past, were provoked to anger with a fresh outrage newly committed. For whereas by an Act of Senate it was provided, That the execution of condemned persons should be put off unto the tenth day after (sentence given), it happened so, that the day on which some of them were to suffer, fell out to be the very same, wherein newes came of Tiberius death. These poore soules, notwithstanding they piteously called for mans help (because in the absence yet of Caius no man was known, who might (in such a case) be repaired unto and spoken with) the Goalers, for that they would do nothing against the Constitution aforesaid strangled them and flung their bodies into the Gemonia. Heereupon, I say, the peoples hatred against him encreased, as if the Tyrants cruelty remained still after his death. His corpes, so soone as it began to bee removed from Misenum, notwithstanding the most part cried with one voice, To carie it rather to (a) Atella, & there to (b) halfe-burne it in the (c) Amphitheatre, yet was brought to Rome by the Soldiours and burnt in a publick funerall fire.

A two-fold (*) * He meaneth I suppose a counterpaire indented. will he made two yeeres before: the one written with his own76 hand: the other by his freed man: but both of them were of the same tenour: & signed he had them with the seales of most base persons. By vertue of which will and testament, he left coheires and equall in portion Caius his nephew by Germanicus, and Tiberius by Drusus. These he substituted & appointed to succeed one another. He gave legacies also to manie more, and among the rest unto the uestall Virgins, and to the Souldiers of all sorts in generall: as also to the commons of Rome by the poll: yea and to the Masters of everie Street by themselues severally.