Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 572
John Allen
, Doctor of the Laws of this University was consecrated Archbishop of Dublin in the place of Dr. Hugh Inge deceased, in the year of our Lord 1528. and died on the 25. of July, saith (a)(a) Edm. Camp [•] an in his Hist. of Ireland. printed. 1633. p. 120. one, and another (b)(b) [〈…〉] Hib. p. 119. the 28. 1534 of the same month, in fifteen hundred thirty and four; under which year you may see more of him among the writers. His death which was no more than a down-right murder, is attibuted by some precise writers, as a judgment on him, for his unworthy and base dealing in the dissolution of Daventry Priory in Northamptonshire, being one of those many which were dissolved for the erection of the Cardinals coll. in Oxon. On the 25. of July early in the morning Tho. Fitz-Gerald eldest Son of the Earl of Kildare caused him the said rev. Prelate to be brought before him at Tartaine, being then feeble by a late sickness; who kneeling at his feet in his shirt and mantle, bequeathing his Soul to God, and his body to the Traytors mercy, the wretched young man, Tho. Fitz-Gerald before-mentioned, commanded him there to be brain’d like an Ox. The place where this fact was done, was afterwards hedged in, overgrown, and unfrequented, in detestation of the fact. The people have observed that all the accessaries thereof, being after pardon’d for Rebellion, ended their lives miserably.